
When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Radish dumplings

In a special meniscus-shaped iron spoon, first lay a layer of white pulp made of soybeans and rice, and then put on the white pulp to cut and mix the shredded radish (the radish shredded radish will be mixed with various spices in advance to produce the best taste, generally slightly spicy and hemp), and then spread a layer of white pulp on top of the put radish shreds, and then put it into the frying pan and fry it until it is golden brown, and it can be eaten. Because the finished product resembles a large dumpling, it is named radish dumpling. The best texture is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the taste is fresh and smooth.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Small noodles in red oil

Yichang people's early favorite. If Wuhan people like to eat hot dry noodles in the morning, then in Yichang, people will choose red oil noodles in the morning. Red oil noodles were first passed down from Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, because the price is cheap, the amount is affordable, it has become the first choice for Yichang people to eat breakfast, especially in winter, after eating small noodles and then drinking the soup in the bowl, it is very comfortable.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Cold shrimp

Cold shrimp is made of rice pulp, cooked with a colander to leak the white pulp into the cool water and formed, because it looks like a small shrimp, and it is cold, so it is called "cold shrimp" by the Yichang people. Drink cold shrimp should be paired with brown sugar water or white sugar water, brown sugar water should be more orthodox, and white sugar water is a later improved version. The cold shrimp itself has also evolved from a "white version" with only rice to a "yellow version" made of corn and a "black version" made of black rice.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Cold mix knots

The scientific name of jiejie root is called "houttuynia cordata", which was originally put as a traditional Chinese medicine, but under the transformation of Yichang people, it has become an indispensable dish and snack on the table. In most cases, the root is made in cold mix, and can also be eaten as an ingredient with kang potatoes and dried brine tofu. Fresh knot roots are crispy and delicious, with a faint medicinal fragrance, and have the effect of clearing heat, detoxification and anti-inflammatory.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Kang potatoes

There are also Kang potatoes in other places, but yichang's Kang potatoes taste, there is nothing to say. As a traditional snack of the Tujia family, the best Kang potatoes are tender on the outside, that is, the potatoes are very cooked on the outside after the Kang has passed, and the bite is very tender and crispy inside. In Yichang, each Kang potato stall will have pickled radish, peppers, coriander, etc. that can be added at will, and some stalls will also prepare cut knot roots, so that a bowl of Kang potatoes not only has the taste of fried potatoes, but also the aroma and delicious taste of other side dishes.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Kyogo strips

Yichang's fried Beijing fruit strips are relatively large, after the pan will be turned over in fine white sugar, eat in the mouth both fried crisp and tender, but also sweet feeling, the feeling in the mouth will be very wonderful.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

spring roll

Yichang people also call it "Yiling Spring Roll". Generally, the bread in the spring rolls is prepared in advance, sautéed and fried leeks, celery, dried tofu, etc., rarely put peppers, the general taste is relatively light, everyone can eat, everyone loves to eat.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

The oil is crisp

When making oil crisps, the glutinous rice is steamed into sticks, then the sugar and sesame filling are added to make a prism-shaped one, and then it is cooked and can be fished out when it is fried to a golden brown. When the oil is crispy and fried until it is just right, it will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside (much softer than the radish dumplings), and when you bite it down, it is rich in content and feels great.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!

Top cake

The price is cheap, the body is petite and cute, the taste is not particularly sweet, but it is not very light. The tools for making the top cake need to be specially made, the rice flour, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar are placed in a special small wooden cylinder, covered, steamed for about seven or eight minutes the top cake can be baked, the small cylinder is placed on the same special small wooden stick, and the steamed top cake can be bagged.

When you come to Yichang, you must try these special snacks!