
In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

author:Chinese flower newspaper Wang Zhenhai
In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

In September, the temperature has dropped across the country, the sun is warm and the night is cool, and a variety of insect pests have entered the end of the harm stage, and the timely prevention and control management work cannot be ignored.


Apple palm boat moth

The Apple Palm Boat Moth can harm a wide variety of broad-leaved trees. Small larvae cluster the front of the leaves and nibble the leaves into a translucent yarn mesh; the slightly larger larvae can eat the leaves, leaving only the veins and petioles; the older larvae can eat all the leaves. Adult insects are generally seen in June, and larval harm occurs from August to September.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Ploughing the tree tray: Ploughing the tree tray in autumn, so that the pupa is exposed and dies.

2. Artificial capture: early detection and treatment of cluster-infested young larvae.

3. Pharmaceutical and biological control: it can spray biological pesticides such as green worm bacteria and borer bacteria. It is also possible to use Therian Ruiqing of Lainping

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Borer stem worms

This insect mainly harms the branches of camellia flowers. The branches of the victims are initially withered and die over time. Generally, it mainly harms spring shoots in March and April, and mainly endangers summer shoots in August and September. Holes and fecal drains are visible on the damaged branches, and the branches eventually dry out.

1. Cut off and concentrate on burning the branches with borer stems.

2. Adult insects can be booby-trapped with lights.

3. At the peak of adult feathering, it can be sprayed with 20% Leguo emulsion 500 times liquid or 90% dimethopod 1 000 times liquid, and can be controlled by Lane Ping Anrika.

In the larval stage, it can also be sprayed with 90% dimethodium 500 times liquid, and it is recommended to control the Lynping Anruigan.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Leafminer moth

Larvae sneak under the skin of young leaves and new shoots of the plant, moth feeding, the damage begins in May, the insect infestation gradually becomes more serious in June, and the insect infestation is most serious in July to September. Translucent markings appear on the epidermis of the young leaves of victimization, and the epidermis of the new shoots of victims appears white or translucent bubbles. Camellia plants grow poorly and the leaves twist and fall off.

1. It can be used to kill 5000 times liquid, Lynping Anpingtai 2000 ~ 3000 times liquid, continuous spraying 3 times, you can prevent.

2. If there is a nymph infestation of household potted camellias, it can be artificially captured and killed.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled


3 to 4 generations occur in one year, the first generation of larvae first appears in early May, and the peak period of each generation of larval damage is late May, mid-July and late August to early September. Pupae overwinter in the loose soil around the tree, and the larvae and adults encroach on the leaves of the tree, causing the leaves to be missing, and in severe cases, the entire leaves of the tree are almost completely eaten.

1. After leaf fall and before germination, dig pupae in the loose soil under and around the canopy to eliminate the overwintering pupae.

2. Chemical control: in mid-May and late June, focus on the prevention and control of the first and second generation of larvae, and can use 50% borer pine emulsion, 20% anti-sauli emulsion 2000 to 4000 times liquid, 20% anti-sweep emulsion 4000 times liquid, it is recommended to use Lenping Anpingtai 2000 ~ 3000 times liquid, spray prevention and control.

3. Biological control can be controlled by 600 times the bacillus thuringiensis milk.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Orange prickly whitefly

Four generations occur a year, in late May, late July, late August, and from late September to early October, when they overwinter on the back of the leaves with old mature larvae, causing yellowing of the leaves.

1. Remove dead leaves and weeds in winter and eliminate overwintering adults.

2. During the occurrence period, it is controlled with crystal enemy insects, borer pine, aphid zhen and other agents.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled


Thripsuminosa, thrips, it lays eggs on flower buds (buds), with nymphs, adults in the flowers, flowers, flowers to suck sap, so that the flowers are disabled, and even the flowers can not bloom, which is especially common in June to September Jianlan flowering.

When a small amount can be killed by hand or rinsed with soapy water, it can be sprayed with 800 to 1000 times the fruit at a time, or sprayed with Schlein Ping Anrui mite is more effective.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

White Elm Tensha Moth

It occurs in one generation per year, and adult insects emerge from June to July, ambush during the day and active at night. The eggs are mostly laid under the leaves, often more than 100 grains are concentrated in blocks, arranged in a single layer, and hatched after about 2 weeks, and the larvae are mostly clustered on the leaves and fed day and night. From August to September, the damage is the most severe, and when it occurs, all the leaves can be eaten, resulting in two leaf occurrences. In September, the larvae mature into the soil and pupate overwinter.

1. Dig pupae in the soil around the trunk after autumn.

2. Take advantage of the habit of spitting silk when the larvae are frightened, shake the trunk, and hunt the larvae.

3. Spray Schlein Ping AnPingtai for prevention and control.

4. Adult insects have weak rotational rotational light, and can be booby-trapped by light at night.

Celestial cattle

September is another peak of a variety of Tianniu larvae drilling moths, which can be sprayed with Shilyan Ping Anruigan for control!

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Banyan tree ash white silkworm moth

Seven generations occur a year, with the 4th generation of larvae occurring in early august, mid-to-late August, the 5th generation of larvae occurring from late August to early and mid-September, the 6th generation of larvae occurring in late September and early October, and the 7th generation of larvae occurring from early November to mid-December. Generally, the harm is more serious from late September to December. The larvae often encroach inward from the edge of the leaf, causing a lack of moments and even eating the whole leaf. Mature larvae form cocoons on the back of leaves, branches at forks or on cracks in the bark.

1. When small areas occur, eggs or cocoons produced on the back of leaves, branches, and cracks in bark are collected in time and destroyed in a concentrated manner.

2. Larval harm period with permethrin pesticides, or Lane Ping An Lintai for control!

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

At the same time, dried borer pests including mulberry cattle, star cattle, branch cattle and other dry borer moths and termites should also be controlled. Strengthen the control of whiteflies and other whiteflies of greenhouse plants. When the plant is pruned in autumn, some of the diseased insect branches and leaves can be purposefully removed.


Cherry blossom brown spot perforation disease

Cherry blossom brown spot perforation disease is an important disease of cherry blossom leaves, which occurs in cherry blossom planting areas in China. At the beginning of the disease, small needle-like purple-brown spots appear on the front of the leaf, and later expand into round or nearly circular spots with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm, and the brown spots have purple-brown edges, and gray-brown mold spots appear on the later spots. The margin of the spot produces a separation layer, and the diseased spot withers and falls off, forming a perforation. The pathogen overwinters in the branch ulcer and in the diseased bud, and the temperature rises the following year, and the bacteria are spread by wind and rain and insects, invading from the stomatal or skin hole and invading from the stomatal hole. It starts in June and is seriously ill from August to September. Years with heavy wind and rain are seriously ill, and summer drought and weak trees are prone to disease. In addition to harming cherry blossoms, the disease can also harm peach, plum, plum, elm leaf plum and other plants.

Prevention and control measures:

1. Strengthen management measures, increase the application of organic fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and timely prevent drought and water accumulation to enhance tree potential and improve resistance.

2. Collect disease-susceptible branches and leaves in autumn and burn them to reduce the source of infection.

3. Prevention and control methods:

Spray 75% Daisen zinc 500 times liquid or 100 to 200 times liquid of Baume 3 to 5 degree stone sulfur compound before and after leaf spreading (especially for seedlings), and spray prevention and control can be carried out with 20% copper thiamethia 600 to 800 times liquid + Cao Tuo (70% methyl thiomamyl) 600 to 800 times liquid at the peak of the disease. It is recommended to use the Lain Ping'an Royal Bao for prevention and control.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

The disease is caused by fungi. The spots are mostly found on the younger leaves, initially as pale brown rounded stained dots. Later, the spots spread, the color changes from light brown to tan, and sometimes multiple spots form larger patches or spread throughout the leaves, causing a large number of charring and shedding of the leaves. The disease generally begins in May, and the peak of the disease occurs from July to September, and a large number of affected leaves fall off.

1. At the beginning of the disease, 70% methyl tolbuzin 1000 to 1500 times liquid, or 25% sterilized Dan 400 times liquid, spray prevention and control, it is recommended to use Lain Ping'an Yubao for prevention and treatment.

2. In times of drought, leaf spraying can be increased to inhibit the occurrence of diseases.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Large-leaved boxwood blight

Large-leaved boxwood blight pathogens mostly invade from root wounds, but can also directly invade plants. Generally, the onset of the disease begins in mid-May, and the climate is suitable for August and September as the peak period of the disease, and some plants do not exceed one week from illness to death.

1. Strengthen epidemic inspection and strictly prevent diseased plants from entering non-epidemic areas.

2. Strengthen water and fertilizer management, improve plant disease resistance, and keep the cultivation site moist, but not water.

3. When the disease is mild, use The Lain Ping An Yusheng irrigation root, and in severe cases, it can be combined with cool root treatment.

4. Combined with watering, the use of Lane Ping'an Yusheng on the nursery treatment, can effectively prevent heavy stubble.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Bauhinia horn spot disease

It occurs mainly on the leaves, with polygonal spots, yellow-brown to dark reddish-brown, and later black-brown small mold spots. In severe cases, the leaves are covered with disease spots, often connected into pieces, resulting in the leaves to die and fall off. It usually occurs between July and September. Most of them feel sick from the lower leaves, and gradually spread upwards. The plant grows poorly, the disease is severe during the rainy season, and the pathogen overwinters on the diseased leaves and remnants.

1. Remove diseased fallen leaves in autumn, burn them centrally, and reduce the source of infection.

2. At the onset of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 700 to 1000 times liquid, or 70% daisen manganese zinc wettable powder 800 to 1000 times liquid, or 80% daisen zinc 500 times, or Lain Ping'an Yubao 800 ~ 1000 times liquid prevention and control. Spray once in 10 days, and spray 3 to 4 times in a row has a good control effect.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Powdery mildew of the month

The diseased leaves initially appear faded green and yellow spots, and then expand and produce white powder, which are rolled back, wrinkled and thickened; the petioles and young shoots are slightly enlarged and bent backwards after infection; and the flower buds are deformed after infection. In severe cases, the leaves are yellow and the plant is weak. The optimal onset temperature is 17 to 25 °C, and May to June and September to October are the peak periods. It is easy to get sick when there is too much nitrogen fertilizer or too little potassium fertilizer in the soil.

1. Select disease-resistant varieties, apply fertilizer reasonably, avoid nitrogen fertilizer, and moderately prune to keep the plant ventilated and transparent.

2. Spray powder rust Ning, white fungus qing and other agents before and after the onset of the disease. It is recommended to use 4000~6000 times of Ryan Ping'an Rust for prevention and control.

In September, 15 kinds of high-incidence insect pests in gardens were occurred and controlled

Camphor ulcer disease

The disease is a whole-plant infectious disease, the disease mainly occurs on the trunk and main branches, not only harming seedlings, but also harming large trees. Susceptible plants mostly form scattered, nearly circular vesicular ulcer spots at the edge of the skin pores, which are small at the beginning, and then become larger to present a typical blister, the bubble is filled with a light brown liquid, the blisters are broken, the liquid flows out and becomes black brown, and finally the spots dry and shrink and sink, and there is a longitudinal crack in the center. The severely damaged plants have dense spots on the trunk and are contiguous with each other, and the diseased cortex becomes brown and decays, and the plant gradually dies. The disease usually peaks from early April to May and in late September.

Before the onset of the disease, it can be prevented by dry saprosis, and when the disease occurs in early April or early September, it can be applied with the Reinping An Royal Belt to remove or scratch the concurrency, and it can also be prevented by spraying the trunk with this product!

Source: China Flower News

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