
Bi Yanjie: Juancheng Travels No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

Bi Yanjie: Juancheng Travels No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

About author:Bi Yanjie is a teacher at Juancheng No.1 Middle School in Shandong Province. He is the author of three essay collections, "People on the Journey", "I Love My Home", and "Life Trivia", and the chief editor of "Teaching You to Write by Hand", "Reading Training Condensed Edition", "Youth Photos" (1.2.3 volumes) and other works, and participated in the compilation of more than ten books such as "Writing Training Condensed Compilation" and "Writing Guide". More than 300 poems, essays, and novels have been scattered in newspapers and periodicals at all levels across the country, and more than 200 student essays have been published or awarded.

Juancheng Travelogue No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

Text/Bi Yanjie

A few years ago, I read a short story that made me shudder—

Zhuangzi fished in Pushui, and the King of Chu made the two doctors go first, saying, "May you be tired of the territory!" Zhuangzi ignored the pole and said, "I heard that there is a divine turtle in Chu, who has died for three thousand years, and the king is above the temple where the scarf is hidden." This turtle would rather die than be expensive for leaving bones, and would rather be born and drag its tail to paint it?" The second doctor said: "Ning sheng and trailing tail painted." Zhuang Zi said, "Towards the end! I will trail the tail in the paint. ”

Good one "stick to the pole"! In the face of the high invitation of the King of Chu, the hungry Zhuangzi actually refused! In this earthly world where "all the hustle and bustle of the world is fame and fortune", what kind of realm can withstand the temptation of high-ranking officials Androu! I was touched again and again by Zhuangzi's "defiance of the pole"! Later, I heard that the "Diaoyutai" where Zhuangzi fished was in the territory of our county, and there was a Zhuangzi Temple near the Zhuangzi Diaoyutai, and the village where the Zhuangzi Temple was located was named after the "Zhuangzi Temple".

At that time, I was a little excited, thinking: I must go to the memorial when I have the opportunity! But for all these reasons, many years have passed since I waited! Today is the last day of the "May Day" holiday, I drove to Zhuangzimiao Village to visit ZhuangziMiao temple and Zhuangzi Diaoyutai.

Zhuangzi Diaoyutai is one of the top ten famous Diaoyutai in the country and ranks second, second only to the Beijing State Guesthouse Diaoyutai, after experts have repeatedly examined, its site is in Juancheng County Linpu Township Zhuangzimiao Village. "Diaoyutai Rainy" is one of the "Eight Views of ancient juan". During the Ming Dynasty's apocalyptic years, it can be seen that the "Diaoyutai is majestic". After the Cultural Revolution, there is still a square plateau of about four acres. For thousands of years, the Yellow River has flooded many times without completely obliterating it, but in recent years, the artificial diversion of yellow silt irrigation has made it indistinguishable from the surrounding flat land.

The village is named after the temple, and the names of Pushui, Diaoyutai, Qiyuan and other places mentioned in the historical records can be traced around Zhuangzimiao Village. Therefore, Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzimiao Village should be authentic and credible places for Zhuangzi to live. However, after I had seen the "Princes' Association Mengtai", "Chen Wang Reading Platform" and "Shungeng Lishan Ruins" and other monuments in this county, I basically did not have much hope in how many relics I could see when I went to Zhuangzi Temple this time, whether the temple was grand, and whether the architecture was grand. Not only because Zhuangzi was humble and poor compared with Qi Huangong, Chen Wang Cao Zhi, and Shun Wang, but also because he was a representative figure of Taoism, indifferent to fame and fortune and pursuing inner abundance, which was the inner ethics he had always adhered to, but also because he was located in the Yellow Pan Area, the Yellow River had flooded many times, plus the ideology of the locals, zhuangzi who was "not rich in money" at that time, I did not dare to expect that there would be any real relics left in the past two thousand years!

But I still drove there with a pious heart under the guidance of the navigator.

At the front of the Zhuangzi Temple is a small square with basketball hoops on the cement floor, which is actually a place for villagers to play and entertain. There is a square pond in the northwest corner, the cement is repaired, the pool water is dirty; a pavilion, four pillars with cornices are upturned, and an old man sitting at the bottom of the pavilion, wearing a purple cloak, wearing a yellow shirt, gold powder, with a serious expression, holding a long rod in his hand, is focusing on fishing. This is the Zhuangzi Diaoyutai.

Bi Yanjie: Juancheng Travels No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

Further inward, there are a few dilapidated houses, several places of water on the ground, broken bricks, firewood, broken agricultural tools, etc., scattered, all of which add to the inexplicable desolation. At the end of a temple, for three heavy eaves buildings, the gallery pillars are upturned, the glazed tile roof, this is the most magnificent building here, it should be zhuangzi temple. But the door was locked, and I approached and looked in through the crack in the door, and in the middle sat the statue of Zhuangzi, but I did not know whether it was Taoist or official attire (Zhuangzi had been a lacquer garden official), two bookboys in yellow robes on the left and right, and no other statues, which looked empty.

There are three very small temples in front of zhuangzi temple, because there is no sign I don't know who the gods are sacrificed, see one of the surviving couplets has the word "Taishan" on it, I think this small temple may be dedicated to Grandma Taishan, because there are many offerings in our temple here.

There is no courtyard wall, no gate, the temple is short, the statue is single, and the residents are mixed, and the tourists are only me: this is the current situation of the Zhuangzi Temple I see today! Zhuangzi did not seek fame and fortune before his death, and he did not expect that in the ancient retro today, zhuangzi temple is still far more shabby than other temples!

At this time, an old man came and asked if he was the steward here, and I began to talk to him. I asked, "This should not be the original site of Zhuangzi Diaoyutai, right?"

The old man was very honest and said, "No, the original site is in a field in the northwest, the Yellow River has broken its banks many times, and it has long been submerged and gone, and even the river channel is gone." ”

"Why don't you move out the people inside?" Why isn't there even a courtyard wall? I asked one after another.

"Alas, there is no money!" There is no money in the village, the superiors do not give funds, it is the main hall in the back, or we go around begging grandpa and grandma to ask for some money to build it! The previous Zhuangzi Temple was very brilliant - after Tang Xuanzong Li Longji ascended the throne, he named Zhuangzi "Nanhua Zhenren", and Zhuangzi Temple, also known as 'Nanhua Temple', stands majestically; the middle hall is the Sanqing Hall, which enshrines Yuan Shi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun (Taishang Laojun); the former main hall is the three rooms of Taishan Palace, dedicated to Grandma Taishan. The main hall is flanked by east and west galleries, which contain the statues of the Ten Great Lords of Yama and Impermanence. In front of the gate, there was originally a large bell on the east side of the gate, and whenever there was an important matter on the first day, fifteenth or important matter, the Taoists would strike the bell, but the sound could be heard for ten miles, and the heads of the surrounding forty-eight villages would immediately assemble in the temple. Inside the gate, there were originally 28 ancient monuments from the past. But the big bell was pulled away during the 'Great Leap Forward' to refine steel, and the 28 ancient monuments of the past were also swept away in the 'Cultural Revolution'. ”

The old man paused and continued, "In the past, the Zhuangzi Temple was destroyed many times, and it was rebuilt twice in the Ming Dynasty. The reconstructed Zhuangzi Temple covers an area of about 40 acres, with three main halls in the front, middle and rear, and an east-west corridor, commonly known as 'three doors and nine photos'. The back hall is one of the Jade Emperor Pavilion and five rooms of the Zhuangzi Hall. There is a statue of Zhuangzi at the door of the Zhuangzi Hall, and there are book boys on both sides, a fishing basket on their backs, and a fishing rod. Later, due to the breach of the Yellow River, the Zhuangzi Temple was destroyed again, and at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were more than four acres of highland, and then it was silted up to flat land, and only the ruins remained. ”

Bi Yanjie: Juancheng Travels No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

The old man said, took me into a private house next to me, it was still a dangerous house to be precise, the eaves of the north side collapsed, and when you looked up in the house, you could see the white clouds floating in the blue sky! On several cases of brick and cement slabs at the entrance are four statues of the gods, three of whom are dressed in the same costume and the other is an old man. The old man explained, "These three people dressed the same are the Three Qing Officials, and the old man is Taishan Laojun." They do not have a main hall now, and can only be enshrined here temporarily. And gave me a brief account of the origin of the "Three Qings". At this time, I raised another question: "Is the name of Zhuangzimiao Village called Zhuangzimiao Since ancient times, or was it changed later?" Is there a zhuang surname in the village now? ”

The old man said, "Our village has been called Zhuangzi Temple for one or two thousand years, and it was called from the very beginning." There is no Zhuang family in our village, and the descendants of Zhuangzi are in Zhuangzhai Village, Dongming County, 70 miles away. Many historical works clearly record that after Zhuangzi resigned from the Qi Garden official, he lived in seclusion in the north of CaoZhou (present-day Heze), wrote books, gave disciples, and died here, buried here, and his descendants multiplied and lived in this place, slowly forming a natural village, known as Zhuangzhai Village to this day. When the village held an incense ceremony to commemorate Zhuangzi every year from the eighth to the tenth day of the first lunar month, in addition to the four people vying for incense, Zhuangzi's descendants from other places also came to worship their ancestors. However, Zhuangzi's tomb is in Dongming County's vegetable garden, just a few tens of miles away, in 2013, Zhuangzi's tomb was announced by the Shandong Provincial People's Government as the fourth batch of provincial-level cultural relics protection units in Shandong Province. ”

Dongming and our Juancheng counties are adjacent to each other, both of which belong to Heze City. The old man's words at least show that Zhuangzi used to be an official in this area (Lacquer Garden) and lived here for a long time, until he was buried here after his death. In fact, there is another beautiful legend about the origin of Zhuangzi Temple:

In the east 12 of present-day Dongming County, there was Yuzhou Tun, an ancient lacquer garden, where Zhuangzi was an official. There have been fox spirits, and several counties have been unknowingly disappeared. Every night Zhuangzi read a book, there was always a young woman who lit the lamp for him, and after reading each page, the woman helped him turn over a page. When I was about to look closely at the woman, she was gone. Zhuangzi felt very strange, thinking of several county orders disappearing one after another, and even more confused. One day, he took two book boys downstream along the Pushui River, playing fishing while searching for the whereabouts of several missing county orders. When I came to the place of Linpu South 10 miles, I saw that the river was clear and the willows were dripping green, so I caught fish on the south bank of the river. In the meantime, Zhuangzi went to the south of the woods to rest, sitting facing south, and two book children stood on either side. Zhuangzi sat down and could not afford to do so, so he cultivated and became an immortal. Later, the villagers built a temple here, called "Zhuangzi Temple", and the surrounding area of the temple gradually multiplied into a village, named Zhuangzi Temple Village.

I thanked the old man and took a few more pictures to get ready to go back to town. When I came, I went west through Xiaotun Village to enter Zhuangzimiao Village, and when I left, I continued to travel west through Dashizhuang Village to walk "along the Yellow Road". The purpose of my circle is to see the old ruins of Pushui where "Zhuangzi fished in Pushui" and the ruins of "Zhuangzi Diaoyutai". Of course, in addition to the eyes full of wheat fields and vegetables, those old traces have long been submerged in the long river of history. Ming Dynasty poet Li Xianfang (Juancheng Li Jinshitangren) 'Diaoyutai' poem reads:

The lacquer garden is known to the officials early, and the wish of Pu Shang is not broken.

Pu shu Qianqiu is on the shore, and Ting Pu is hanging obliquely.

Turn around and follow the flowing water, and who asks the fishing is.

Leaning alone on the South China Terrace, dapeng flew away.

Pushui is a tributary of Jishui, originating in the southwest of Fengqiu, Henan, and flows from west to east through the southern border of Juancheng. In the fifth year of Qing Xianfeng (1855 AD), the Mouth of the Yellow River broke through in Tongwaxiang, Henan Province, and the Yellow Water flooded the land of Juancheng, and the Pushui River was silted up and annihilated. The Zhuangzi Temple was also destroyed by flooding.

Zhuangzi was one of the founders of the Taoist school, and together with Lao Tzu was known as "Lao Zhuang". Zhuangzi pursued spiritual leisure, and throughout his life he did not admire power and fame and fortune, advocated self-cultivation and quiet inaction; opposed the unjust war of annexation of princes, and sympathized with the people's living hardships. Zhuangzi's philosophy teaches nature and respects objective laws, which has more positive reference significance today.

Halfway through, thinking about the current situation of Zhuangzi Temple, I not only felt emotional, but suddenly remembered a sigh I heard when I met another old man when I went out: A few years ago, two Fujian businessmen came to negotiate the construction of the South China Temple, planning to acquire 70 acres of land and invest hundreds of millions of yuan to restore the historical grandeur of the South China Temple. But when negotiating with the town leader about the right to lease land, the leader asked for 1.5 million acres. In such a remote Yellow River beach area, your 20,000 acres is also a good thing, and tourism, accommodation, and goods can drive the surrounding economy! People see that we are too insincere and there is no need to continue negotiations. So the Fujian merchants left, the Zhuangzi Temple continued to be desolate, and the people felt very sorry!

I know that the Zhuangzi Temple will be rebuilt, but not necessarily now, I hope that the Zhuangzi Temple will return to glory, but I hope that Zhuangzi's noble spirit of "not admiring power, indifferent to fame and fortune, and Taoist nature" can remain in the world forever!

(Note: Some of the historical materials and the words of the elders in this article draw on the network data, and are hereby thanked for the infringement and deletion)

Bi Yanjie: Juancheng Travels No. 9: Zhuangzi Diaoyutai and Zhuangzi Temple

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