
The Xi'an woman claimed to have been seduced, had forced a few hundred yuan to shut up, and the officials involved were demoted after the Discipline Inspection Commission intervened in the investigation

author:Xiaoxiang News
The Xi'an woman claimed to have been seduced, had forced a few hundred yuan to shut up, and the officials involved were demoted after the Discipline Inspection Commission intervened in the investigation

On January 25, Xie Nan (pseudonym) told Xiaoxiang Morning Post that zhang Mounong, an official of the people's congress of Xi'an's Enyi District, who she reported had been dealt with, and that the message conveyed by the Discipline Inspection Commission was to be demoted and placed on party probation.

The reporter contacted the Enyi District Discipline Inspection Commission, and the other party said that the case was investigated and conveyed by the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, and the specific information was not known.

Half a year ago, she published a real-name whistleblower letter with the content of "Zhang Mounong in Enyi District seduced and raped a migrant girl."

In the letter, Xie Nan reflected that his first assault occurred in the winter of 2007. After the incident, Zhang Mounong also forcibly stuffed a few hundred yuan into her pocket, made her close her mouth tightly, and repeatedly threatened" That "my circle is large, and disobedience will not let go of your whole family." ”

As for why you didn't call the police at that time, I only said it now? Xie Nan explained in an interview with Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter, "He said he would not let my whole family go, and I was afraid that he would run to my house to take revenge, and I did not dare." ”

According to a notice of non-filing by the Yanta Branch of the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau, on November 18, 2019, Xie Nan had called the police that he had been raped, but after review, the Yanta Branch believed that the evidence was insufficient and decided not to file the case.

The reporter contacted the whistleblower Zhang Mounong several times, as well as relevant people, but has not received results. However, Zhang Mounong said in an interview with the media, "After the police investigation, this matter is completely defamatory." ”

The Xi'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has released information through official channels saying that the Xi'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has paid attention to the public opinion and has intervened in the investigation and verification in a timely manner.

The Xi'an woman claimed to have been seduced, had forced a few hundred yuan to shut up, and the officials involved were demoted after the Discipline Inspection Commission intervened in the investigation

Zhang Mou nongqi people. Photo/Courtesy of respondents

Dialogue with the parties

[1] As a fellow countryman, it is almost

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Where are you from?

Xie Nan: A native of Hù yì District, 1985. Today, both parents have passed away and are not yet married. I was not highly educated, and after graduating from junior high school, I went to a computer training school.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: How did you know Zhang Mounong?

Xie Nan: At that time, someone else introduced me to a guest house in Xi'an City as a foreman, and Zhang Mounong often came here to register and open a house. He knew me as a fellow huxian and asked me for a mobile phone number, which I gave out of job duties. When I checked in the room, I looked at his ID card and found that he was almost 50 years old, about the same age as my father. I later found that Zhang Mounong often brought other women to open a house, so I did not have a good impression of him because a colleague told me this.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: After that?

Xie Nan: He repeatedly called and harassed me, asked me how old I was, said he liked me, let me be good with him, and he would not treat me badly. If he didn't get along with him, he told his fellow villagers in the same hu county (in 2017, the county was set up as Enyi District, under the jurisdiction of Xi'an City) and said that he would not let me do anything in the guest house, just a word. Once, when I was not on my morning shift, he asked a colleague about me and asked me to send me souvenirs. Later, my colleague said, whoever is looking for you again, I will ignore it.

[2] Disobey and do not let go of the whole family

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: How did things happen?

Xie Nan: At the end of November 2007, at 6 p.m., he registered at the front desk, stayed in the room on the 11th floor, and after checking in, he called the front desk and said let me go to his room. My colleague called me and I said I didn't have to deal with it, and then he called me again, and he said he had just finished calling the fellow and said he was in the room on the 11th floor, and asked me to go up and have something to say.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Didn't feel wrong?

Xie Nan: I was afraid of being expelled, so I went. At the same time, because he forcibly sent specialties to me several times in front of his colleagues, which caused colleagues to talk about it and affected my work, I wanted to go and tell him not to do this again. After going to his room, I asked him what he was looking for me for. He said that he was in a study class here, and when he was tired of studying, he wanted to talk to me and show me his books.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: What did you talk about?

Xie Nan: I said that your sending things on the phone has seriously affected my work. He said it was a big deal not to do it here, and he introduced me to work. What do I say? Then he started hugging me. I said what are you doing, and he dragged me to lock the door. I struggled and he pushed me hard onto the bed and pressed me down.

In this case he forcibly raped me. After that, he threatened me not to talk nonsense, not to tell others about today's events, not to tell my family, he has a big circle, disobedience will not let my whole family go, and forcibly stuffed me with a few hundred dollars in my pocket to make me close my mouth. I was so scared that I didn't sleep all night.

[3] Assigned to work at a new unit

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Why didn't you call the police at that time?

Xie Nan: Because I was so scared. My mom died in 2006, and there was only dad and younger brother left in the house. He said he wouldn't spare my whole family, and I was afraid he would run to my house to get revenge, so I didn't dare. He has been threatening me with the same reason and has had relationships with me many times. Every time I say that he has a big circle and will not let go of my family. I was afraid and timid.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: What about later?

Xie Nan: I studied computers and can type. Zhang Mounong used his energy to let his teacher arrange for me to go to work in a unit, and I had to go if I didn't go. Otherwise, it is "I have a big circle and will not let go of your whole family", he has said these words too many times.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: How do you escape?

Xie Nan: I resigned in July 2008. After I quit my job, I worked odd jobs in print shops, factory lines, and restaurants.

[4] The report is blocked: there is something to discuss

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: When did you start reporting?

Xie Nan: On August 7, 2018, I went to the Enyi District Government with the reporting materials, and Zhang Mounong found a black volkswagen surnamed Xie, intercepted me at the government, and asked me to get in the car to talk. He took me to the county town of Renmin Road for dinner, and when he swam the lake after the meal, he said: "For so many years, between men and women, Teacher Zhang is old, there are things to discuss, there are difficulties to mention, need money to give you money, need work to give you work, don't report, report that you can't live a peaceful life." "He encapsulated the money for me with a letter, which I didn't ask for.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: How do you cope?

Xie Nan: On October 10 of the same year, I took the materials to the Government of Enyi District to find Zhang Mounong, and the surname Xie pulled me away at the door, saying that I did not see the coffin and did not shed tears. Then with Zhang Mounong, the three of us had a meal. I asked about Zhang Mounong sleeping with me that year, and he said that he did not exist.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Does it really not exist?

Xie Nan: I said that the person who was 24 years older than me touched his conscience, and he said that I framed him, and I was ready to hit him with a cup. The surname Xie hugged me, and he ran. He later called me to block me. Three days later, the surname Xie asked me to interview, took me to the exhibition, and again advised me not to report it.

[5] Don't want money, ask him to apologize

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Does your family support your report?

Xie Nan: My father died in 2012, and it has been more than a decade now. Oh, I can't swallow this breath and want to expose this matter. I also have no way, Zhang Mou Nong ruined my youth, if it were not for him, I would not have lived as I am now, and acquaintances around me also talked about me.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Do you have a job now?

Xie Nan: Earlier, I told my brother that he said I wanted to do whatever I wanted. I told them all to leave it alone, I'll do it myself. Now I'm not in good health, and I haven't gone to work since I started reporting it.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post: Are you worried?

Xie Nan: If it's a big deal, he'll sue me. For more than a decade, I was held and blocked every day. I don't want a penny from him, but he's responsible for his actions, apologizes to me, and pays the legal price so that I can live a peaceful life.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Xiao Jie Geng Zhifang intern Tian Simin

If there is any breaking news, please contact Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter WeChat: gwlxy01

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