
Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

author:It was a sports meeting

October 31, CBA regular season: Shanghai men's basketball team defeated Beijing Shougang 105-86, winning three consecutive wins.

This game, because of Fan Ziming's two fouls, seemed a bit hot.

In fact, from the beginning of the game, the Shanghai men's basketball team has mastered the initiative of the game, and with 5 minutes left in the last quarter, the Shanghai men's basketball team has led the Shougang men's basketball team by 24 points.

Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

Fan Ziming committed two fouls and was expelled by the referee!

This season, Fan Ziming's average of one foul per game made Wang Xiaohui the "New Soul Core of Shougang".

Due to the excellent performance of the "big three" of the Shanghai men's basketball team, Franklin, Wang Zhelin and Guo Haowen, the game lost the suspense of the game early, so that Fan Ziming's mentality was unbalanced, deliberately knocked down Franklin, and was blown by the referee!

Really, since joining Shougang, Fan Ziming is no longer Fan Ziming. Fan Ziming broke up with his girlfriend Huang Yihui, which also proved Fan Ziming's change!

In one game, Fan Ziming was expelled from the court after eating two fouls in a row, which is an important sign of Fan Ziming's imbalance of mentality; and this season, he has averaged one foul per game, and he is also the first person in the CBA league.

Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded
Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

After the game, through social media, Shougang guanwei blamed the loss on the frequent game time and the players did not get information!

For Fan Ziming's violation of the body, Shougang Guanwei did not mention a word, but only said: Shougang walked forward with its head held high, did not doubt or evade or be discouraged.

Beijing Shougang said: In the face of a tough battle only 36 hours from the end of the previous game, Beijing Shougang chose to fight to the end: in the second quarter, Liu Xiaoyu scored three consecutive three-pointers against the Shanghai team, and he scored 17 points in the whole game, including 5 of 7 three-pointers! Although in the end Beijing Shougang 86-105 was inferior to the opponent. When difficulties strike, move forward with your head held high, do not doubt or escape, do not get discouraged, and fight the next battle head-on!

Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded
Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body.

Through social media, Fan Ziming said: In his heart, he really didn't want to be expelled and couldn't play the game. The game process has been telling yourself to control! control! Recontroll! Nor is it intended to be violated... I still have to learn more rules, I hope this is my first and last time.

As veteran fans, we really did not expect that after Fan Ziming was expelled, the first thing that came to mind was to learn the rules, rather than apologize like Franklin!

Imagine that last season, when Franklin played in the Shanxi men's basketball team, he was reimbursed for the season because of the foul of Shougang's "soul core" Wang Xiaohui!

This season, Shougang played against the Shanghai men's basketball team, Shougang player Fan Ziming once again adopted foul tactics against Franklin, is this accidental?

Many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves, and people are watching the heavens, and do it and cherish it!

Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

For the social media messages released by Fan Ziming, Beijing Shougang Basketball Club replied: From where to fall, where to get up, fight again!

Zhai Xiaochuan said: You have been great! We believe in you! Along the way, you've made a lot of progress! We are your strong back.

As fans, whether it is Shougang Club or Zhai Xiaochuan, the first thing they think of is encouragement!

What is encouraged? What is a foul?

There are also Shougang fans who actually think that Franklin pushed Fan Ziming first! The fan said: Today's penalty is really unreasonable, the first offender was Franklin's first push of Xiao Fan, why did not judge the other party to violate the body? The second one, also thought to be a general foul, hey... Xiao Fan, practice well, do yourself well, and continue to cheer.

Succeeding Wang Xiaohui? Fan Ziming deliberately knocked down Franklin and was blown out of the body, and Shougang Zhai Xiaochuan responded

In fact, the reason why the "post-Marbury era" Shougang crown is difficult to find is not that there is not enough investment, but that the club and players blindly protect their shortcomings, lack of self-reflection, and do not look at the problem realistically.

Some fans said: I found that when we play strong teams, we always win hard, lose painfully, today's defense is not good, the desire to win is not as good as the opponent, summarize it well! In addition, it is recommended that the club appeal and revoke Fan Ziming's second foul!

And fans said: Come on! This ball lost is not unexpected, not to mention the opposite Shanghai such an expensive lineup, we also stole a game from them, very good, anyway, the regular season can not be touched, such as foreign aid and injured people are all in place, look forward to!

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