
Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

author:Mona's history

Hong Kong film superstar Mui Yanfang has been hated by her son-preference mother since childhood, and after Mei Yanfang became famous, her mother constantly squeezed Mui Yanfang, constantly kidnapped Mei Yanfang with affection, and even after Mei Yanfang's death, in order to "consume" Mei Yanfang, she even sold her personal clothes before her death.

Coincidentally, in fact, not only Mei Yanfang, but also Zhang Shaohan's break with her parents has also caused great controversy on the Internet. In addition to Mei Yanfang and Zhang Shaohan, Hollywood actress Francis has also encountered such a thing, and even more incredible is that her mother, whose interest-seeking mother sent her to a madhouse in order to suppress her, and even removed her frontal lobe.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Francis was born in 1913 in an ordinary family in Seattle, BUT her birth did not bring any new changes to the family, neither the alcoholic father nor the selfish mother changed because of her birth.

Francis had no sense of presence at home, and her parents never paid attention to her. As she grew older, the difference between Francis and the people around her slowly became prominent, and she seemed to be an angel created by God's own hands, graceful and clever.

Many people sighed for her, believing that her fate should not be to stay in the backcountry in shabby clothes, but to wear gorgeous dresses in luxurious palaces and be a pampered princess.

In addition to her sweet looks, Francis also has a super talent in art, but unfortunately, as a member of the family that is not paid attention to, her father is alcoholic, her mother is selfish, in such a family environment, her artistic talent is not valued at all, if there is no external factor to intervene, perhaps her talent can only be drowned in mortal dust.

However, when Francis was in high school, this external factor emerged, and she successfully won a contest with an article "God Is Dead" in a writing contest held at the school, winning a hundred dollars in prize money, which was the first time Francis's talent was shown. However, it is precisely because of this article that Francis is completely famous.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Christianity has a huge influence in the West, and at some peaks, the pope even influenced the canonization of a head of state, although the strength of religion has not been greatly reduced, but it is still not to be underestimated. And Francis's "God Is Dead" has made countless Christians who believe in God feel angry, and they rebuke and even insult Frances, angrily denouncing people like her for going to hell to atone for their sins.

The opposition of the Christians made the matter more and more noisy, and some politicians with ulterior motives also began to make statements and attack each other, and Francis was also under great pressure from public opinion.

But for Francis's mother, it made her very happy, because every day countless media people would stand in front of their homes and want to interview Frances. Once this happens, she will always put on beautiful makeup, promote free speech in front of the media, and respond instead of her daughter. She was enthusiastically agitated, as if people were talking about not Francis but her.

After graduating from Francis High School, she enrolled at the University of Washington to study journalism. But her mother refused to support her in her schooling, hoping that she would work as soon as possible and earn money for the family. So Frances, who was obsessed with studying, had to find her own way to solve the problem of tuition fees, and she began to work part-time, working in various jobs to earn tuition, including running dragon sets in some theaters.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

It was also the work of this dragon running set that made Francis begin to contact the stage and have a certain performance foundation. In her sophomore year, she participated in the school's drama performance, and the performance effect was even better than that of her classmates.

Because of this performance, she won the praise of the media who came to watch the performance. Seeing that her daughter was so talented in acting and sought after by the media, Francis's mother once again began to squeeze her, forcing her to star in many plays.

In 1935, in her final year towards graduation, Francis again showed her talent for writing, winning the first prize in a writing competition, which was to travel to the Soviet Union.

For Frances's mother, once her daughter went to the Soviet Union, she was undoubtedly out of her control, but despite Frances's mother's opposition, Frances chose to go alone to the strange Soviet Union despite her mother's obstruction.

For the first time in 19 years, Francis was freed from her mother's control, and for Francis, the feeling of freedom was indescribable. After coming to the Soviet Union, Francis entered the Moscow Art Theater to study, and Francis's artistic talent was beyond doubt, and it took her less than half a year to obtain a bachelor's degree in drama.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

In the United States, her mother has begun to consider how to "sell" her daughter for a good price. When Francis returned home in 1935, she did not expect that as soon as she returned home, her mother gave her a "gift", and it was this gift that Frances began her painful life.

The gift from the mother was a Paramount contract. As a well-known studio in the United States, countless people are proud to have entered it, and Francis is also very excited about Paramount's invitation, so she chose to sign this contract.

What Francis did not expect, however, was that the contract was actually an exploitation contract, and she demanded that within seven years of signing the contract, Francis would unconditionally obey the company's arrangements or pay high liquidated damages. Her mother, on the other hand, turned into her agent, and all her earnings were controlled by her mother.

Arranged by the company, Francis began making his first film. Francis's talent for acting is unquestionable, she quickly became popular with her first film, and for Francis's popularity, the happiest is undoubtedly her mother, because it means that she can squeeze Francis better.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Later, after Francis became popular, he began to tour the country. In order to prevent her from getting out of control, her mother followed her step by step and did not let her out of her sight.

Francis's popularity represents a greater benefit for the company. With the existence of the Overlord contract, Paramount began to squeeze Francis like crazy, so that she began to take over various films and dramas, and the script was good or bad.

Paramount and Francis's mother were in agreement, both squeezing Francis mercilessly. In this way, Francis became the company, and the tool of money in the hands of his mother.

Even in order to earn more profits, the company forced Francis to wear seductive clothes to the event to attract people's attention, and even for the sake of hype, the company forced her to fake marriage with another male actor despite Francis's resistance. As for the oppression of Francis, her mother did not care or even helped to abuse her.

The company's oppression with her mother made Francis's inner resistance grow, and she repeatedly clashed with the producers during filming. However, under the pressure of the contract and his mother, Francis had no choice but to endure in silence.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Under the hype of the company, Francis became more and more famous. However, despite her growing fame and achievements, none of this changed Frances' situation, and what awaited her was greater oppression and exploitation. In order to make more profits for Francis, Paramount not only let her shoot her own films, but also rented her to other companies at a high price for filming.

However, all this money went to the company and Frances's mother, who as a worker received nothing.

In 1937, the comedy writer Odez paid Paramount a high lease fee to "rent" Francis, and Odez's application was quickly approved by Paramount, and Francis became the heroine of Odez's play, and Francis was also strongly sought after by people for this play, which became one of Francis's most popular works.

After filming, Odez began to pursue Francis furiously. Under the crazy pursuit of Odez, Francis was also moved, and after the two were together, their feelings developed rapidly, even to the point of talking about marriage.

However, Francis could not have imagined that just a month before the two planned to get married, he actually ushered in a betrayal, Odez married another richer actress, and Frances's love affair ended hastily.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

It was precisely because of this betrayal that Francis suffered a great blow, and she began to use wine to dispel her sorrows, because of the bitterness of her mood, Francis became more and more resistant to her work. In order to suppress Francis and make her concentrate on her work, Paramount found an excuse to deduct her $1500 fine.

For Frances, all her possessions were in the hands of her mother, and the $1,500 fine was a big deal for her. After paying the fine, her life fell into embarrassment.

Because of the continuous exploitation and oppression, Francis's mood is getting worse and worse, and her mood is becoming more and more unstable. In 1942, Francis was detained by police for 180 days for driving without a license and was fined $500. However, what is surprising is that this well-known movie star can't even come up with $500. Francis was under pressure from public opinion over the incident.

So the company contacted her and asked her to go to Mexico to shoot a movie, waiting for the domestic public opinion to fade, so Francis got on a plane to Mexico. However, after coming to Mexico, Francis found himself being tricked by the company because there was no such thing as a movie to shoot.

When she returned to the United States, she found that her house and all her property had been confiscated by her mother, and the purpose of doing so was to completely control her through the economy.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Penniless, Francis could only succumb to her mother, and under her mother's arrangement, in addition to daily shooting, she could only stay in the hotel and rely on the meager living expenses given by her mother to survive. This control made Francis's mood more and more depressed, and she became more and more irritable, even fighting with people in bars.

Once, the Los Angeles police broke into Francis's home, and Francis, who was taking a bath and naked, was taken to the police station, and Francis's mother, after receiving the news, was indifferent and even unwilling to pay for Francis's defense lawyer, so Francis was sentenced to six months in prison.

Fortunately, with the help of Francis's brother-in-law, she escaped jail time. However, her mother, in order to better control her, sent her to an insane asylum in order to make Francis submit.

Francis's mother then paid a bribe to the hospital, thereby convicting Francis of mental illness and sending her to a nursing home. After three months of recuperation, Francis was diagnosed with recovery and returned home. However, after returning home, Francis finds that the home is more frightening than the mental hospital, so she constantly tries to escape.

Her mother filed a complaint in court, claiming that Francis had beaten her, and that Francis had subsequently been taken to hospital for incarceration treatment. For Francis, this is where his nightmare begins.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

Here she not only has to undergo horrific voltage therapy, she also has to be closely monitored, and even the bath is watched, and the person who watches her only costs $20. Here, Francis became a slave to doctors and caregivers, with no human rights to speak of.

Francis then painfully describes what happened to him. None of this, however, brought Francis to her knees, and her resistance grew more and more intense, and she kept claiming that she was not mentally ill. Francis's resistance made her mother extremely angry, and eventually the hospital decided to remove Francis's frontal lobe.

The prefrontal lobe controls many of the functions of the person, as well as a part of the personality, after being removed, compared with normal people, both will breathe normally, and the person who has been removed will become no different from the walking dead. After performing a prefrontal lobectomy, Francis finally became quiet.

In 1953, the court declared that Francis's mother's right to care for Francis was closed, and Francis finally broke away from his mother's control and had freedom.

Hollywood's worst actress, Frances, her mother's money-making tool, was twice sent to an insane asylum

She chose to leave the sad place of Los Angeles and return to Seattle. Here she found a simple job, and then she starred in some film and television dramas under her own name. For Francis, the absence of a company and the oppression and exploitation of her mother made her feel extra happy.

She then became a host, but was forced to leave her job because of her ex-husband's lawsuit. She then went to Purdue University to study painting and poetry.

For Francis, the first half of her life was painful. But neither the oppression from the company, the exploitation of her mother, nor the imprisonment of a mental hospital defeated her. She persevered and re-embraced her new life.

Unfortunately, Francis did not have much happiness, and she died of cancer a few years later.

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