
In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

author:Nangong Qin

Born in 1913 in an ordinary family in Seattle, USA, Francis, as she grew older, found that the girl always seemed to be out of place with the people around her, she was clever and clever, and her appearance was sweet, like a gift from God to the world.

Yet her father was an alcoholic and her mother was selfish, and in such an environment, Francis's talent seemed destined to be buried in mortal dust.

Francis was a man of great artistic talent, and in the "Art Writing Award" held by the school in high school, Francis published an article called "God Is Dead" and won a prize of one hundred dollars.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

However, as soon as the article was published, it caused an uproar, and countless Christians angrily rebuked Francis, saying that she should "go to hell to atone for her sins." The matter became more and more noisy, and politicians used it to make a fuss and use it to attack each other.

Francis was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, but her mother was very happy, because every day the reporters and media surrounded the house, so the mother always dressed up and advocated "freedom of speech" in front of the camera, as if it was not her daughter who was famous, but herself.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

After graduating from high school, Francis enrolled in the University of Washington, where he majored in journalism. Since her mother refused to pay her tuition fees during college, she worked in various jobs to pay for them, including running dragon sets in the theater.

Unexpectedly, during this period, Francis showed outstanding acting talent.

So during her sophomore year, Francis participated in the university of Washington drama department performance, even better than a ticket of professional classmates from the class, and then won the praise of the local media.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

Frances's mother once again seized the opportunity to force her to star in many plays.

In 1935, in his final year at university, Francis once again won the first prize for the local left-wing newspaper Voice of Action for writing, and this prize was a trip to the Soviet Union.

Despite her mother's strong opposition, Francis chose to accept that the young girl had gone to that strange country alone, the first time in 19 years that Frances had shed her mother's palm and the only time in her life.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > .【Mother's Gift: Seven Years in Captivity】</h1>

During his time in the Soviet Union, Francis joined the Moscow Art Theater and earned a bachelor's degree in drama within a year.

But on the other hand, when Francis returned home in 1935, on her 22nd birthday, her mother gave her a life-changing "gift": a seven-year high-priced contract with Paramount.

Paramount is a well-known American studio, and Francis is a rookie actor from a class, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with this contract.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

However, during this time, Francis was required to obey their orders completely and face high damages in case of default, in addition to which her mother also transformed into her exclusive agent, whether it was bonuses or remuneration, all in her hands.

This is how Francis began his acting career.

Francis was gifted with cinema, and when Francis's first film was released, it was only a few months after Frances became a hit.

Francis became popular, and the happiest was her mother, who refused to leave during Francis' national tour.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

Seeing this, Paramount Studio Director Adolf Zucker urgently called Frances' mother to tell her: "Since she is a rising star, she has to start acting like a star." ”

During this time, in order to try to extract value from Francis, Paramount immediately filled her schedule, and even let her take over various bad dramas to make a lot of money.

At the end of filming, Paramount relied on the intimidation of the contract to force Francis to wear low-cut clothes to various events, and in order to hype, he forced her to fake marriage with another actor, Lev Eriksen.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

This also provoked Frances to rebel, and she repeatedly clashed with the producers during filming, but under the threat of the contract and the persecution of her mother, she finally had to endure in silence.

With a large number of exposures, Francis's fame also grew, and she became the most famous movie star in the United States at that time, and some people even compared her to a new generation of Greta Garbo. However, these achievements did not improve her situation, and what awaited her would be even crazier oppression.

In order to maximize its interests, Paramount actively "rented" franchis to other shooting companies at a high price in addition to letting Francis shoot his own films.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

In 1937, the comedy writer Clifford. Odez applied to Paramount to invite Francis to participate in the production of a play.

The application was quickly approved, and within three months Francis temporarily became an actor under Oddez.

In November of that year, the filming ended successfully, and the play attracted a strong pursuit. Thanks to Francis's unparalleled talent, the play also became the hottest work of Odez's life.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

However, after everything was over, Odez still did not "let go" of Francis's intentions, but launched a strong pursuit of him, and finally won Frances's heart, and the two even reached the point of talking about marriage.

But what Frances could not have imagined was that just a month before the two married, her lover Odez secretly married another richer actress, and in this way, the relationship ended hastily.

As a result of the blow, Francis became addicted to alcoholism and developed a strong resistance to filming, and in order to suppress Francis, Paramount also fined her $1500 for "unprofessionalism", which made Francis's life once embarrassing.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > .[ Resistance: From Actress to Lunatic].</h1>

One by one, Francis was very disgusted, and her temper and mental state became more and more unstable.

On October 19, 1942, Francis was stopped by the police while driving a car, and Because he could not show his driver's license, Francis was detained by the police.

She was then fined $500 and sentenced to 180 days of probation. What is surprising is that this famous actress could not get this fine.

Suddenly, Francis fell into the center of public opinion and was ridiculed and ridiculed from all walks of life. At this time, Paramount contacted her and sent her to Mexico to make a movie, saying that she should avoid the limelight of public opinion first.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

But when Francis rushed overseas alone, he found that the so-called shooting site was just an empty studio, no staff, no director, not even a script, and Francis was tricked!

When she returned to California, her house had been sold and all the property had been cleaned up.

It turned out that the producers, in order to completely control her from the economy, united with her mother and brother-in-law and confiscated all her property while she was away.

Penniless, Francis had to return to her mother's "arms" again, after which she was imprisoned in the Knickerbork Hotel in Hollywood, relying on her mother to give her meager living expenses after filming.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

The experience made Francis more mentally unstable, and she went crazy and broke down several times during her work, and even got into fights in bars on Hollywood's Sunset Boulevard.

On January 14, 1934, because of Francis's "bad deeds", los Angeles police broke into her room and arrested her. Frances, naked, was taken to the police headquarters.

Frances's mother, furious at the news, refused to fund Hers' defense, and in court Francis did not even have a defense lawyer and was sentenced to 6 months in prison.

Fortunately, Francis's brother-in-law was a deputy sheriff in Los Angeles, and through his efforts, Francis escaped from prison, and then, in order to maintain her control over Frances, her mother chose to send her daughter to an insane asylum.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

On January 20 of that year, by paying bribes to the hospital, Francis was diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis and transferred to a Kimball sanatorium.

Frances, with little knowledge of her physical condition, could only cooperate numbly and helplessly, writing in her biography many years later:

"I stood in the hospital with 15 to 20 girls like me for a variety of reasons. We received injections, either spa baths, or electric shock treatments.

This should be to de-escalate tensions and keep us silent, as it is. I don't blame the hospital at all – I think they did their best to take care of their patients, but I really don't think it helped me much. ”

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

Three months later, Francis was declared "completely healed" and returned home, yet for her, her own home was clearly a more terrifying presence than a mental hospital. Soon after her release, she made several attempts to escape from her home.

Less than a month later, her mother angrily went to court and Francis beat her up.

By this time the court had long been instructed by the capitalists to forcibly return Francis to the lunatic asylum.

What Francis didn't expect was that his real nightmare had only just begun. According to the court ruling, Francis will be assigned to Western State Hospital.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

In Francis's autobiography, Will There Really Be a Morning? Describes this horrific experience of imprisonment.

Here, not only does she have to undergo "voltage therapy", she is beaten with tranquilizers every day, she wears handcuffs when she sleeps, and even has a special person to take a shower. In addition to this, endure cruel abuse.

Here, Francis became a sex slave to doctors and caregivers, who even forced Francis to eat his own feces.

Francis described it as "unbearable horror": "I was raped by repairmen, bitten by rats, poisoned by contaminated food. I was tied to a cushioned cell, tied in a restraint suit, and half-drowned in an ice bath. ”

However, even so, the stubborn Francis still refused to give in, from beginning to end she insisted that she had no mental illness, Francis's stubbornness made her mother very angry, and finally let the hospital give her a "prefrontal lobotomy", and Francis finally quieted down.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" ></h1>

In June 1953, Frances was finally freed after the court's decision to grant Frances's mother the right of maintenance.

After that, Francis dragged his scaly body out of Los Angeles and went to Seattle alone.

Here, she found herself a part-time job at a laundromat and then at the local Olympic Hotel, where everything seemed to be back to normal.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

However, for her acting career, Francis is obviously not willing to give up this way, she personally, in her spare time, in the name of work, participated in several TV series and a movie, no team, no agent, and even no special makeup artist, but this is the happiest working moment in Francis's life.

It has to be said that Francis's talent is unique, and after just a few works were issued, she immediately attracted attention again. NBC gave her a chance to host a TV show of her own.

In this show, Francis did not have the decadence of the past, she showed an amiable host image, and in that year, she won the Best Female Host of the Year award.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

However, before Francis could enjoy life, the job was forced to end.

In April of that year, Francis was indicted by her ex-husband, causing another scandal. Seeing this, the broadcaster also immediately announced the permanent dismissal of Francis.

Ironically, however, these events attracted a lot of attention as the media reported on the media, and Tickets for Francis's show of the day were sold out in a very short time.

The broadcaster had no choice but to plead with Francis to continue hosting for a day, and although Francis was reluctant to return to the stage again, she was encouraged by her friends and finally decided to end her acting career on stage this time.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

"I still can't forget the scene when Francis was last seen in public, it was in Francis. In the last episode of "Farmer's Gift", Francis changed her usual liveliness and cheerfulness, people saw her bow her head, her eyes were slightly red, and for five minutes, Francis did not say a word, and hundreds of spectators on the scene were also silent...

Finally, the applause suddenly rang out, and people saluted her with the warmest applause, thanking her for her despair, her struggle, her resistance, for the indomitable soul that once existed. ”

—Los Angeles Weekly

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

In Francis's autobiography, he recounts the experience of the show: "When I stood on the stage again, it was a long pause in silence, followed by the loudest applause of my entire career.

People swept the scandal under the carpet with applause. It was my best and final performance. I knew I didn't need to perform on stage anymore and I was satisfied and rewarded. ”

Frances's acting career finally came to an end, after which she moved to Purdue University, where she spent most of her life painting and poetry, during which time Frances was also completely free from alcoholism.

In 1970, actress Francis died of illness in the hospital, was removed from the frontal lobe by her mother, and was also sent to an insane asylum [Mother's Gift: Seven Years of Imprisonment] [Resistance: From Actress to Madman] [Epilogue: Regaining Freedom]

Heaven didn't give her much time, though, and just a few years later, one spring in 1970, Francis was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.

She died in indianapolis community hospital on August 1 of that year, and the once delicate flower eventually withered.

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