
Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

author:Global GoldenEye

According to msnews news network reported on January 21, Philip Benwell, president of the Australian Monarchy League, pointed out that after more than 50 years of serving as prince of Wales, his ruling style is on par with that of Queen I. Prince Charles was born on November 14, 1948, and became Crown Prince in 1958, more than 60 years now.

Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

Benwell explained to the media that Prince Charles has made it clear that he is not currently as a mother as queen, but when he becomes king, he will also accept some kind of restriction. "King Charles or King George had earlier expressed the hope that the day of succession would come and that they would rule in a very different way than the current Queen of England." Prince Charles was crowned Prince of Wales 50 years ago. According to the tradition of the honorific title of the British royal monarch, Charles may be called Charles III after succeeding to the British crown, but the previous Charles I was brutally executed, and Charles II was unfortunately exiled, which is somewhat undesirable. Of course, this also includes the title of George VII, which has been personally denied by Prince Charles, in honor of his maternal grandfather George VI.

Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

Over the past few decades, he has been able to talk about his biggest concerns, such as climate change and plastic pollution. Prince Charles, in his private capacity, wrote to ministers in seven government departments in his mid-2000s discussing topics of deep concern to him, such as cultural issues, agricultural issues and illegal fishing, and was once accused of political interference.

Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

But critics of the monarchy and the Prince of Wales are strongly opinionated, seeing his actions as a worrying move he will make as head of state of the future 16 countries. This may be the first signs of the new ruling style of the future British monarch. Prince Charles's mother, Queen Elizabeth II, remained neutral during her reign of nearly seven decades, self-obscuring her views and feelings about most topics.

Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

However, the Prince of Wales has made it clear that on the year of his 70th birthday, he will not continue to be heir to the throne "in exactly the same way". Of course, the year has passed.

Prince Charles's style of rule is already on the horizon, and if he succeeds to the throne, he will be distinguished from the queen

In a BBC documentary celebrating Prince Charles' 70th birthday, Prince Charles, who was interviewed, said: "You know, I'm trying to make sure that everything I do is non-partisan political activity and I think it's crucial to remember that a sovereign state has only one supreme representative, not two. As prince or crown prince of Wales, he must behave differently from the British monarch. ”

This article is the subject of: Ginger Emperor Penguin. EDIT: A pumpkin with warm water

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