
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature

author:Confucius Old Books Network

Author | Ohai Mingyue

Source | Confucius old book network dynamics

Idle to read to cool off. On the mountain vagina, the scenery of beans is infinite. Tao Yuanming "planted beans south of the mountain", Xin abandoned the disease "big son hoe bean Xidong", the second fold of the Yuan Dynasty's anonymous "Ten Kinds of Jin": "Turn day into night, sprinkle beans into soldiers, swing swords into rivers, and call the wind and rain." "-Beans have such magical powers!"

Lu Xun's works are like a turquoise bean field. "Blessings" has Ah Mao peeling beans, "Social Drama" has boiled Luohan beans, "Kong Yiji" has eating fennel beans, and "On the Restaurant" has "a pound of Shao wine." -Dish? Ten oil tofu, more hot sauce! "- Or the taste of beans.

Thoreau's Walden, chapter 7 is titled "Bean Fields": "I fell in love with my rows of beans, though they had exceeded my needs a lot. They made me fall in love with my land, so I gained strength, like Antey. "From the beans to the land, and from the land to get strength.

In Wang Zengqi's novel "Xue Da Niang", there are several sentences: "One side of the vegetable garden is planted with a leek, a ridge of onions and several wide lentils." Leeks and shallots are eaten at home, and lentils are grown for fun. The purple lentil flowers are bunched and stringy, which is very beautiful. Growing vegetables gave the dragon a kind of happiness. "- Look how beautiful this bean blossom is!

In front of me, these words, like a round bean in a drip, rolled in the clean pages of the book and flew straight into my arms. And the beans in life are also like Chinese characters, recording the history of human life. It can even be said that the bean is the mother of mankind, the mother of literature. If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature.

Because of the high popularity of beans, there is a yew tree, which borrows the name of red beans: "Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches are sent in the spring." "People also love the name Bean. There is a British actor Rowan Atkinson, whose real name is rarely known, but he plays Mr. Bean, who is almost a household name. As for naming the children Beanie, our small city alone is estimated to be able to form a regiment.

Beans are a general term, there are many kinds, but it is difficult to find a standard for classification. If you divide by color, there are soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans; in terms of shape, there are knife beans, lentils, but peas, kidney beans, rice cowpeas, four seasons beans and so on how to classify it. The world of pulses is actually big, and we don't fully understand it.

Beans can be eaten directly, and can also be like Sun Wukong Seventy-Two Changes. It can be ground into soy milk, tofu, and pressed into dried tofu, vegetarian chicken, and a thousand skins. Tofu milk is also good. Can sprout bean sprouts, fried oil, soybean oil is the top of the oil. In life, who can get away from the beans? In the temple, there are no seats for beans and soy products.

Beans also have a story. As mentioned earlier in the novel "Xue Da Niang", the protagonist is Xue Da Niang, the mother of Da Long. Great dragon species, she sells. She liked Lü San, the new manager of the Preservation Hall, "loved to listen to him, loved to talk to him, smiled when she saw him, and did not hide her love for Mr. Lü", and then simply took him into her bedroom. I felt like that gorgeous lentil flower, stretching out, her enthusiasm and cheerfulness like a casserole fried beans, bouncing and jumping, unrestrained.

In my garden, there are many varieties of beans, and when I eat them, I am old, and I have to find a way to store them. Cowpeas, for example, are straight, thin, grow extremely fast, like noodles, and are two or three feet long. Tired of sautéing cowpeas, the jar of pickled cowpeas was filled, and a few handfuls of tender cowpeas were boiled in boiling water and dried cowpeas were dried. Helplessly, it rains every day, and there are many moldy spots. The cowpeas that cannot be eaten, simply leave them on the vines, elder, and harvest the seeds.

I stumbled upon the movie Jack and the Beanstalk. Old Jack exchanged a cow for five peas from an old man. At night, these five peas were sprinkled in the ground, and they immediately grew into bean sprouts and grew all the way to the heavens. Old Jack climbed onto the bean sprouts and discovered another world. So I planted peas too, and I wanted to climb along the edge of the bean seedlings.

However, every time you pick beans, the most thought is still two sentences in the "I Ching": "There is heaven and earth and then there are all things, and there are all things and then there are men and women." "There are beans in all things, so I am always grateful.

If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature
If there were no beans, there would be no life, much less literature