
Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

author:Leaf kitchen

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, get together with relatives and friends, wrap rice dumplings together, chat about homely things, and enjoy a good time beautifully. Today Ye Zi shares five rice dumpling methods for grounding, as well as a variety of wrapping methods.

1. Purple potato egg yolk dumplings

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap


Round glutinous rice 1000 g

A packet of salted egg yolks

Purple potato 300 g

Dates 100 g

Raisins 50 g

【Preparation steps】

1. Prepare raw materials. Purple potatoes are steamed and crushed into purees in advance, and glutinous rice is soaked for about 5 hours in advance.

2: Wrap the salted egg yolk with purple potato puree.

3: Put the rice dumpling leaves into the pot and cook for a while.

4, the two ends of the rice dumpling leaves with scissors cut off, when wrapping the narrower rice dumpling leaves need to be wrapped together, the rice dumpling leaves from one end of the leaf tip into a funnel shape, loaded with a part of the glutinous rice, add an appropriate amount of dates and raisins, put in the purple potato salted egg yolk balls, and then load the glutinous rice, dates, raisins.

5: Fill and press tightly, and then wrap the rice dumpling leaves from one end to fully envelop a corner.

6, the other corner is also wrapped, the remaining zongzi leaf length along the two corners winding, fully wrapped, forming a triangle.

7, wrapped in thread; put into a pressure cooker, the water is not over the rice dumplings, cook for about an hour, after the water boils, change to medium-low heat to cook. It can also be boiled in an electric pressure cooker, or in an ordinary pot, and it is recommended to cook for about two hours if it is cooked in an ordinary pot.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap


First, the purchased salted egg yolk is best sprayed with a little white wine on the surface, and then baked in the oven and then used to sterilize and remove the fishy taste.

Second, purple potato puree is steamed purple potato in advance into the mud, if too dry, you can add a little warm boiled water to adjust into a dry and wet suitable mud, adding purple potato puree can synthesize the salty salt of the salty egg yolk, in addition, because the rice dumplings are made of glutinous rice, glutinous rice is a food that rises blood sugar relatively quickly, adding purple potato puree rich in dietary fiber can delay the rise in blood sugar after meals, but also increase more nutrition, so that it is much healthier to eat than a single glutinous rice dumpling.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

2. Cranberry crystal dumplings

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Cranberries have beauty antioxidant effect Oh, this beautiful rice dumpling will be more beautiful when eaten by people, roar...

Sago 500 g

Cranberries 50 g

Red yeast rice a little

A little matcha powder

1. Prepare the ingredients.

2, add an appropriate amount of water to the sago, do not add too much, a little over it, about half an hour, let it absorb the water.

3, divided into three parts, part of the primary color, part of the matcha powder, part of the red yeast rice, made of three colors. (After making it, I found that the matcha powder is not beautiful, and it is recommended that you can dispense with this color)

4: Put the rice dumpling leaves in a pot and cook for later.

5, the two ends of the rice dumpling leaf with scissors cut off, when wrapping the narrow rice dumpling leaves need two pieces together, the tip of the rice dumpling leaf is rolled into a funnel shape, into part of the sago, add an appropriate amount of cranberries.

6: Add another color of sago according to your preference, mix it with cranberries, fill it up, and press it slightly.

7: Wrap one corner first, and then wrap the rice dumpling leaves along the winding and tighten the other corner.

8: Wrap tightly around the thread and cook in a pressure cooker for about 40 minutes.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

First, the taste of sago crystal dumplings is relatively light, if you like sweeter flavors, you can sift a little powdered sugar when eating, or sprinkle some sugar osmanthus flowers or honey;

Second, the dumplings are mainly cooked to make skilled, a corner must be pinched tightly after wrapping, and then the rice dumpling leaves are wrapped along the other corners, the rice dumpling leaves are generally relatively long, along the winding, generally can be wrapped in two layers on a corner, it is easy to wrap strong.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

3. Red bean jujube dumplings

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

raw materials:

【Ingredients】: 500 grams of glutinous rice

【Ingredients】: 50 grams of red beans, a suitable amount of dates, a suitable amount of raisins, an appropriate amount of rice dumpling leaves

Preparation steps:

1. Soak glutinous rice for about 5 hours;

2, red beans soaked overnight;

3, put the rice dumpling leaves into a pot of boiling water and cook, use scissors to cut off the two ends, fold to make a funnel shape;

4, put in the appropriate amount of glutinous rice and beans, and then add two small dates and four raisins;

5. Add the appropriate amount of glutinous rice and red beans;

6, wrapped well, with wire tight;

7: Put into a pressure cooker, the water is not over the rice dumplings, cook for about an hour

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Finished product drawing

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

4. Shiitake mushroom fresh meat dumplings

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Family members do not like fat, so my meat dumplings do not use pork belly, although the pork belly is loved, but the saturated fat is indeed very high, so my family does not eat much, this time the meat dumplings use plum blossom meat, in order to be more nutritious, added shiitake mushrooms in it, simply adjusted the seasoning, after doing a good job, daughter and husband are quite fond of eating.

Glutinous rice 500 g

Plum blossom meat 200 g

10 dried shiitake mushrooms

Raw soy sauce to taste

Oyster sauce to taste

1: Prepare the ingredients, soak the glutinous rice for about 5 hours, and soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance.

2: Cut the plum blossom meat into slices, cut the mushrooms into thin slices, both together, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and oyster sauce, mix well; add the soaked glutinous rice, mix well.

3, the rice dumpling leaves are boiled in advance; the two ends of the rice dumpling leaves are cut off with scissors; as shown in the figure, fold one side. This time I share the wrapping method of rectangular rice dumplings.

4. Fold it over as shown in the figure.

5, subscribed ingredients.

6. The sides overlap each other and press tightly.

7. Fold the top over and press tightly with your hand.

8: Wrap it in thread; put it in a pressure cooker, the water is not over the rice dumplings, and cook for about an hour.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap


Soy sauce and oyster sauce are salty, so there is no salt, the amount of soy sauce and oyster sauce is determined according to the amount of ingredients, so that it is salty and suitable.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Five, eight treasures health dumplings

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

The starch in glutinous rice is mainly amylopectin, which is characterized by the fact that after decomposition, part of the amylopectin is particularly fast, while the other part is not easy to digest, and the part that is digested quickly is easy to cause blood sugar to rise rapidly, while the other part that is not easy to digest is easy to lead to accumulation of food, so glutinous rice must not eat a lot, especially the elderly.

When eating glutinous rice, try to eat with other kinds of ingredients, it will reduce the speed of blood sugar rise, today's recommended zongzi is a variety of grains with a variety of health dumplings, plus oats, quinoa, black rice, green millet, flaxseed, these are very helpful for the health of the elderly, of course, coarse grains are not more the better, the elderly friends every day in about 50-80 grams on the line.

Glutinous rice 200 g

Black rice 25 g

Oats 25 g

Quinoa 25 g

Millet 25 g

Peanuts 25 g

Flaxseed 25 g

Dates to taste

Raisins to taste

2. Wash all the ingredients in advance, and then soak them in water for about 5 hours.

3: Boil the rice dumplings.

4: Cut off the two ends of the rice dumpling leaves, and then use two pieces of packets to overlap a small part as shown in the picture. This time I share the wrapping method of pillow dumplings.

5. Fold in half, then fold a small part from the left to the front.

6: Fill in the prepared rice dumpling ingredients.

7: Two rice dumpling leaves are folded together, wrapped around and squeezed tightly by hand.

8: Then fold the top and pinch it tightly, wrap it with thread; the water is not over the rice dumplings, and cook in a pressure cooker for about an hour.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Finished product drawing.

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

If the above package method is still not too clear, Ye Zi also found some pictures from the Internet for reference. (The following pictures come from the Internet)

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

First, the triangle dumpling method:

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Second, the four-corner rice dumpling method:

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Third, pillow dumpling method:

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Fourth, the tower-type rice dumpling wrapping method

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

Fifth, the horn dumpling method:

Five kinds of rice dumplings, five kinds of wrapping methods, The Dragon Boat Festival, how to eat how you want to eat, how to wrap how to wrap

For more cuisine, please pay attention to my public account "Leaf's Little Chef", the leaves are waiting for you there, if you have any questions, you can leave a message in the background, I will answer them one by one.

YeZi's little chef, senior health manager, senior nutrition lecturer, first-level nutritionist, and guests of many TV stations share the grounded nutrition and delicious dishes every day.