
T1 defeated DK to stop the Final Four! Lose in these places?

author:Lemon sugar has five thousand generations
T1 defeated DK to stop the Final Four! Lose in these places?

It's a pity! Immortal fights, wonderful, but also regrets!

T1 always lost 2:3 to DK! Remembering the pre-match, Faker's bold words: World Championship is my biggest goal, I will give everything I can! Eventually, it will be reduced to ashes! What is even more uncomfortable is Brother Li, at this age, now close to the championship, and finally lost! That sadness may be bone-chilling!

However, I really don't understand that T1 lost! The last game, the big advantage of the three-way early stage, just the little Lü Bu on the road played cool, sent! Lead to the reversal of the entire war situation! Why choose to go back? Even if you choose to go back, why advantage the road, put the line in vain! Not only liberate bombers to eat tower soldiers, add a blood tower! And directly send 1,000 yuan for free to make the ghost emperor instantly invincible!

T1 defeated DK to stop the Final Four! Lose in these places?

What kind of decision is this?

I really don't understand: what does it mean to let go of a blood tower on the next road? The whole situation is pressed to fight from this moment on! The whole rhythm is completely out of tune. The two teams met together, and it was indeed a battle of strength in which the members of the two sides concentrated their high schools. In the first four innings, the two sides played very well! Fight each other' methods, wonderful and inseparable. Little Lü Bu is crazy, and the embers are haunted. There is also ShowMaker's undead super god Demon Ji is even staged a gorgeous chapter.

After the game, Brother Li also took responsibility for this failure. He said: For the loss of this game, he felt that it was caused by the decline in his personal concentration in the later stages, and the performance of his teammates was very good.

Brother Li's voice is actually a responsibility. After all, as the eldest brother in the team, he can come forward to minimize the doubts and dissatisfaction of the outside world. This is also a helpless voice. After all, after the end of this season, how long Brother Li can continue to play, I really dare not say. One is age. The second is physical strength. The third is the gap with young players. Will become an obstacle on the road to Li Ge's pursuit of the championship in the near future!

T1 defeated DK to stop the Final Four! Lose in these places?

Where exactly does T1 lose?

First, experience. T1 has four rookies! After all, these four contestants still lack competition experience! In the high-intensity first four rounds, the newcomer is still DK. It's like a tug-of-war. The stalemate is in the final stage of stillness, depending on who can stabilize. Obviously, the T1 did not stabilize. On the order Canna became a burden. Jace and Kennan enjoyed the team's help but did not play any effect, and his presence even affected the viewing of the BO5. Guan Zeyuan said bluntly after the game: "This is not the case when Canna played HLE! "Without Canna Kenan's adventurous advance, T1 would not have been wiped out again to reach the final four.

T1 defeated DK to stop the Final Four! Lose in these places?

Second, the skills are not as good as people. For example, Faker has been targeted by DK in the next two rounds, and although Faker has stabilized, it has not escaped the impact of being targeted, but has only maintained and is deadlocked. Failed to save the game that had collapsed with his teammates and eventually lost. The single Showmaker in DK is different. One person played the multiplayer effect, completely suppressing Faker. In the face of strength, everything is a floating cloud.

3. bp. The fifth innings started with BP and was targeted. DK knows you have to take the time, directly take a poke lineup, basically no solution! Faker's last pair of pairs is an extraordinary play. But this lineup did not control the coordination, he could not support, up and down the road is already his best hero, the result is not grasped.

DK is also one step away from the S11 World Championship. The other team's EDG and GEN are not as strong as DK! DK can actually prepare for the championship celebration in advance.