
The Battle of Mengzhuang Village in Northern Ningjin is recorded at the beginning of "Plain Fire"

author:Ningjin Continental Ze Culture
The Battle of Mengzhuang Village in Northern Ningjin is recorded at the beginning of "Plain Fire"

Xu Guangyao wrote the novel "Plain Fire". The opening paragraph says that in May 1942, the Japanese Kou carried out a large-scale sweep of the anti-Japanese base area in Central Hebei, and under the leadership of Captain Qian Wanli and The First Squadron Commander Zhou Tiehan, the Ningjin County Brigade went through the breakthrough of Meng gezhuang, the bloody battle of Liuzi, and the escape from the enemy cavalry in the cemetery, overcoming many difficulties, leading the soldiers to rush out of the enemy's encirclement, move to safety, and continue to wage unremitting struggle with the enemy in pieces. The Menggezhuang in the novel is the North Mengzhuang Village in Ningjin County.

The Battle of Mengzhuang Village in Northern Ningjin is recorded at the beginning of "Plain Fire"

August 2013 "North Mengzhuang Village Chronicle" about the Battle of North Mengzhuang

The Japanese imperialist war of aggression against China has brought deep disasters to the people of the whole country, and our village has not been spared; in 1937, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month of the lunar calendar, the iron hooves of the devils also stepped into our village, burning and looting everything, and our village was also thrown into the torrent of the eight-year-long War of Resistance like the whole country, and young people with lofty ideals joined the army to resist the war. There is a book called "Plain Fire" that reflects the experience of the anti-Japanese brigade in Ningjin County. It is the military account of Xu Guangyao, the commissioner of the Anti-Japanese Brigade in Ningjin County. The first battle in the opening chapter of the book was fought in the North Wangjia Compound on the East Street Road of my village, when the Ningjin Anti-Japanese Brigade encountered the Japanese army, the battle was very fierce, the command team leader who participated in the battle was called Zhou Tiehan (pseudonym, real name unknown), there was the reconnaissance squad leader Zhang Zhenhua (known as Luo Guozi, a villager from Baizhikou), there was a scout Liu Zhensheng (known as the Big Bazi, Xin Zhuang people), there was a detachment leader Liu Songyan (a northern Mengzhuang person), there was a grain officer Geng Zhizhong (a northern Mengzhuang person), and there was a scout Qi Zhimin (a northern Mengzhuang person, Later, on the night of October 30, 1944, he was wounded and crippled during the siege of the Tangqiu stronghold). In this battle, the warrior Hu Shuji was wounded, and dozens of other fighters participated in this battle. It was the spring of 1943, the weather was still very cold, when it was from the street of our village to the northwest corner of the village to the big temple in the northwest corner of the village and then to the big kiln field in the northwest circle of the village, and the officers and men of the county brigade pursued all the way to the Japanese puppet army turtle and shrunk to the East Caogu Gun Tower. One of my warriors was wounded, which is described in detail in the book "Plains of Fire".

The Battle of Mengzhuang Village in Northern Ningjin is recorded at the beginning of "Plain Fire"

The Battle of Northern Mengzhuang is recorded at the beginning of "Plains Fire"

In May 1942, the anti-Japanese base area in Central Hebei was turned upside down one by one.

Okamura Ningz got on a plane and commanded 50,000 ghost soldiers in the sky to carry out a big "sweep", a brutal battle, and there was a red fire everywhere. The Japanese devil's car rolled the golden wheat on the ground, the cavalry surrounded the village, the village burned, and the roaring flames rolled black smoke into the sky. Armed with bayonets, the infantry chased after them everywhere and chased the anti-Japanese masses from the East Village to the West Village, and from the West Village to the East Village. Everywhere there were gunshots of "rattling and grunting", women crying and screaming everywhere, how many heroes fell in a pool of blood, how many soldiers were sacrificed under gunshots, how many local workers, thrown into the river, jumped into the well, guns were shot out, the last one left broke their heads, how many young adults and village cadres were wrapped up and left, sent to the coal kiln, carried out of the customs, and transported to the three islands of Japan!

The Eighth Route Army, led by the Communist Party, some broke through, some scattered, and some fought until one person and one shot were martyred for the country. The rest are plainclothes guerrillas, which seem to be of little use.

There are also a few shameless guys, afraid of dead ghosts, who have bent their knees to the enemy. There are also a few people with weak wills and political instability who have fled, fled to the cities, and fled home.

Although the dead bodies of the devils were lying everywhere, and their blood did not shed less at all, they still shouted "victory" and shouted that "the eight roads have been completely eliminated.".

Jizhong - the exemplary anti-Japanese base area has deteriorated, and its vitality has been greatly damaged. Tens of millions of car roads are connected, tens of millions of miles of blockade ditches have been dug, and the guard towers are like green shoots unearthed after the rain, and within a few days they have drilled into the sky and become forests! Devils and "imperial associations" run everywhere, throwing blows everywhere, killing a few knives if they love to kill, and shooting a few shots if they love to fight. The anti-Japanese regime is gone, the Eighth Route Army in military uniforms is gone, the Women's Salvation Association, the Youth Resistance First, which one dares to mention it? All the villages set up "maintenance committees" and "hooked" the enemy. Look, the eyes are full of enemy forces, the day is full of plaster flags, and the night is full of watchtower lights. A few guys ran to the street and blew the wind with their waists crossed: "What kind of climate does the Eighth Route Army toad rat want to be?!" The common people shrugged their heads, two large knots locked on their eyebrows, the thirty-year-old man grew a beard, and the girl who cut her hair had braids. The incense in the Bodhisattva Temple burned all day long, and the fortune teller's business suddenly became prosperous. An era seems to have gone backwards by twenty years in a matter of days.

What kind of wind blew the world into this way?

However, the Communist Party cannot be killed. As long as there is a Mars, it will eventually burn a fire.


In July, the Japanese devils shifted the focus of the "sweep" to the south of cangshi road. Shen County, Shulu, Ningjin, Jin County... Strongholds of all sizes were full of devils, and the base areas of the sixth division were surrounded by iron barrels.

On a cloudy morning, the Ningjin County Brigade fell into the enemy's encirclement. The enemy was spotted outside the garrison of Menggezhuang, and the sound of gunfire first rang out from the east, and then bullets flew over the north and south; To the west, in the distance, you can see a shadow of a person coming towards him with the sound of gunfire. The situation is clear: resist the fight, it will be destroyed, there is no other way to go but to break through.

Zhou Tiehan, the commander of the first squadron, accepted the order of the captain: Take advantage of the fact that the enemy's encirclement circle has not yet been tightened, and resolutely rush out! Zhou Tiehan was a sturdy young man of twenty-five years old, born with a round waist and a red square face, although not too tall, it felt very burly when he gave people a look. He unbolted the box gun, pressed a bullet, pulled the nose of the machine with his thumb, and slammed it at the warriors standing along the wall, Assai said in a voice tapping on the steel plate; "Comrades! Whether there are bones or not, whether it is a hero or not, it depends on this day! It's a shame, it's an honor, and it's this time! There's a kind of walk with me!" Ding Huzi, who was half-cut like a black tower, stepped forward: "Captain Zhou, I am in the head!" He was a member of the Communist Party and had always been "addicted to war." Zhou Tiehan pointed his gun to the northwest; "Okay, let's go!-- follow the second row!"

A wind sounded, and the team entered the west ditch of the village like an arrow. Behind the first squadron was the brigade headquarters, and the second squadron was the cover, with a total of one hundred and thirty-four personnel. However, apart from the sound of "flickering" and the sound of gunshots that were still far away, there was no sound to be heard. Zhou Tiehan, who has experienced dozens of battles, as soon as he heard this voice, he felt that today's struggle was either your death or my life, and it was impossible to steal a loophole and play a trick to drill out.

The situation over the past few days has been too tense, too urgent. Ning Jincheng did not count the previous increase, only yesterday morning, Zhao County drove twenty-eight cars, none of which were not ghost soldiers. The number of devils in Yakou Village also increased to six or seven hundred. In Shulu and Jinxian prefectures, the situation was even more serious, with five or six new strongholds installed a day, and brigades of cars and cavalry coming and going very frequently. Zhou Tiehan felt that a fierce battle would one day come to his head. Now, depending on the immediate situation, this day has arrived.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhou Tiehan's heart did not panic at this moment, and things forced him to make a cruel heart, he thought: At this time, if you are afraid of death, you will die, put your head aside to fight, and join everyone's strength! The more tenacious and courageous you are, the less dangerous you are! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the front and back of the team twice: the second class was at the front, Ding Huzi was leading the Czech style with a big nose, and the back was closely followed one by one, most of them were veteran soldiers of about two years old, all of whom were alive and well after many battles. Behind the first three shifts and the second row, there are also strong and majestic heads, full of energy, although the situation is urgent, but it is impossible to see through a hairstreet. When Zhou Tiehan saw this, his confidence was stronger and his spirit was higher. There is such a group of soldiers made of steel, nearly half of the Communists, what can not be broken, what is terrible.

The captain's plan was to get rid of the enemy in the rear, both to the east and the north and south, and to quietly insert themselves into the northwest along the way, trying to get out of the enemy's gap before the enemy in the west had even discovered our troops. However, first, there were too many enemies, and second, there were fifty meters of ditches that had not been completely dug, and the enemy in the west saw people flying away on this section of the road, and immediately scattered like fans, and the left side of the ditch had been preemptively intercepting the ditch, trying to block the way head-on.