
Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

author:Hai'an Tong Town

#Haian Headlines ##南通头条 #

I used to wander the wide, clean streets

I also wandered around the crowded platforms

I used to gaze at the foot marks and moss on Cobblestone Street

I also wandered in the drizzle of the River

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

I clearly feel you

Such as breathing air is everywhere

And it seems that it is impossible to grasp you

Colorless and tasteless cannot describe your presence

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

I searched for it in five thousand years of history

From a dynasty to an era

I follow the history of the flowers

You blossom everywhere

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Crabapple pale dew as frost

Reed flowers bloom on the shore of the green pier

Ancestors dressed in animal skins raised stone axes

The years have condensed into the shape of a pottery axe with a handle

Some went into museums for people to see

Some are copied and hung in the "Haian Iron Army"

The wall of the temporary shed

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

The pottery spinning wheel rotates with the water's edge windmill

Clever hands weave linen garments

Multicolored splash ink pattern of rivers and seas

Today, it is a beautiful tie-dye of the colorful countryside

The roots of the cocoon silk are woven into time by the golden shuttle silver shuttle

Woven into the streets of Hai'an

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

The cooking smoke of the country huts is always connected to the sunset

The night meal flowers bloomed The frogs of the seedling field barked

Tables and stools are placed on the dirt field in front of the door to eat and cool off

The fragrance of the flowers was faint but there was a strong bondage

Wanderers who go out are often led home by it to see

The trumpet of the River is long and slow

The old time precipitated into nostalgia and turned soft

The kite even flies high and farther

I can't always fly my mother's call at dusk

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Haruka is not snow for dark incense to come

A clump of plums in the corner of the eastern suburbs of the cultural society opened up to the wind

I took off my long shirt and changed my school uniform

Out of the cobblestone street, groups of masters go out into the world

The Xinhua Dictionary is arranged according to the water veins of the Tongyang River

The private Purple Stone Middle School has now changed its provincial Haizhong door number

Old Man Zishi sat smiling and instructing his descendants

Ah, the plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Looking at it from a distance, it must be standing tall

Our Magnolia of Hai'an

The trunk is tall and the flowers are huge

Spotlessly white and heart-pounding

Under the tall tree stood tall figures

Fan Zhong drowned under a tree and thought about encircling the sea

Wen Tianxiang looked north under the tree and sighed

Chen Yi and the old man of Zishi had a long conversation under the tree

In the midst of the anti-Japanese flames, an indomitable Hai'an stood up

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Hai'an people love the moon flowers

Because she has a name called Yue Yue Hong

The spring breeze that blossoms in front of the "Yingxi First Party Branch"

Flowers bloom in the small courtyard of the "First Suffragette Of Central Jiangsu"

When "Hua Zhi" was founded, she bloomed a bush

She was stained red with blood during the "Joint Resistance" battle

"Seven battles and seven victories in the Soviet Union" She witnessed the rain of bullets and bullets

She is red in line with the battle flag of the "Red Flag Militia Regiment"

She was pinned to the sideburns of the "Million Male Teachers Crossing the River" boat lady

She is decorated in the oil painting "A Million Roosters Descending jiangnan"

On the day of the withdrawal of the county and the establishment of the city, she laughed happily with the people

Civilized cities across the country you can see a touch of volunteer red everywhere

She often turned into a red scarf with a hundred mouths

And often warm the happy dreams of left-behind children

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Flowers bloom all the way through every era

Things are people, you are not the spirit does not change

There's always something special about the city

The people here are elegant and heroic

Quiet as a great river, moving like the surging sea

Humble and introverted, but always standing in the front row in every era

Why does this city always have different feelings

Why talking about your past always inspires the future

Today we are calm and full of expectations

Today we want to hear from you

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms
Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

About author:Liu Wanchun, Executive Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Hai'an Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Cyberspace Administration of the Hai'an Municipal Party Committee. The national grassroots theoretical preaching advanced individuals, grew up in Hai'an, deeply loved this land, and created more than 50 poems on the theme of Hai'an in his spare time. "We Hai'an has grown taller", "Singing the Tongyang River", "Strolling through the Fangong Causeway" and so on are widely recited.

Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms
Home in Hai'an 丨 all the way blossoms

Source, posted by Hyan