
The line girl kimono appeared in the camera, the princess cut hairstyle unexpectedly attracted attention, and KS Xiaoxue called out so beautiful

author:The messenger of the game
{"info":{"title":{"content":"火线妹和服出镜,公主切发型意外吸睛,KS小雪吖直呼好漂亮","en":"The line girl kimono appeared in the camera, the princess cut hairstyle unexpectedly attracted attention, and KS Xiaoxue called out so beautiful"},"description":{"content":"想必大家应该都了解过“火线妹”这一位ks游戏直播平台的娱乐主播,很多人对于火线妹的认知都是她的猫耳耳机,以及标志性的双马...","en":"Presumably, everyone should have known the entertainment anchor of the KS game live broadcasting platform \"Firewire Sister\", and many people's cognition of Firewire Sister is her cat ear headphones, as well as the iconic double horse..."}},"items":[]}

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