
Song Tao, director of the Central International Liaison Department, had a video call with Lesotho Democratic Congress Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mohotu

author:The Paper

Website of the Central Liaison Department

On October 26, Song Tao, director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, held a video call with Lesotho Democratic Congress Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mohotu.

Song Tao, director of the Central International Liaison Department, had a video call with Lesotho Democratic Congress Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mohotu

Song Tao said that in recent years, under the joint concern and personal promotion of President Xi Jinping and the top leaders of Lesotho, China-Lebanon relations have reached the best level in history. After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the two countries have joined hands to fight the epidemic, and political mutual trust and people-to-people friendship have been deepening. The Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the relationship with the Democratic Congress of Lai, and is committed to fully implementing the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two sides through inter-party channels, strengthening strategic communication and the exchange of governance experience, promoting cooperation between the two sides in agriculture, infrastructure, energy, climate change and other fields, implementing the foreign aid measures announced by President Xi Jinping, and promoting the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to achieve new results. China is willing to strengthen communication on international issues with the Lebanese side and safeguard world peace and development and international fairness and justice.

Song Tao focused on the experience of the CPC's achievements in the past century and the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Work Conference of the Central People's Congress. Song Tao said that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has adhered to the people-centered development thinking, led China to solve the problem of absolute poverty in a historic way, built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, continuously developed people's democracy in the whole process, and realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation into an irreversible historical process. At the same time, the Communist Party of China is committed to contributing to the cause of human progress, and General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative at the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, calling for a more equal and balanced global development partnership, which provides an important impetus for developing countries to overcome the impact of the epidemic and accelerate economic recovery and development.

Song Tao, director of the Central International Liaison Department, had a video call with Lesotho Democratic Congress Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mohotu

Mohotu spoke highly of the cpc's leadership of the Chinese people to successfully open up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieve great development achievements, and highly agreed with the concept of people's democracy in the whole process put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Lesotho regards China as an important strategic partner, appreciates China's consistent adherence to the principle of equality of all countries, large and small, and thanks China for its valuable support for Lai's development and fight against the epidemic. The Lebanese side firmly pursues the one-China policy and will continue to firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests. The Democratic Congress Hopes to take the opportunity of formally establishing relations with the Communist Party of China to strengthen inter-party exchanges and deepen pragmatic cooperation. It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen communication on international affairs and jointly safeguard the interests of developing countries.

Song Tao, director of the Central International Liaison Department, had a video call with Lesotho Democratic Congress Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mohotu

Li Mingxiang, assistant director of the CPC Central International Liaison Department, and Lei Kezhong, Chinese Ambassador to Lesotho, attended the video call.

Editor-in-Charge: Jiang Chenrui

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