
Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

author:Universal Symphony
Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

Leonardo DiCaprio, known as the "little plum", has always been known for liking to date young women, which is not, according to the British "Sun" reported on May 31, the famous car column "Top Gear" host Jeremy Clarkson recently compared the little plum to a ram in the ewe herd, saying that he likes to pursue younger women.

Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

Jeremy, who made insulting remarks in 2012, recently began to promote his Amazon Prime documentary series "Clarkson's Farm", which tells the story of his struggle to become a farmer in 2019 and will be broadcast on June 11 this year. Because the show invited Little Plum and the famous British star Wayne Rooney, Jeremy specifically commented on these two stars with rich love lives.

Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

However, Jeremy, known for his "big mouth", did not leave any "mouth" when talking about little plums and Rooney, he directly compared little plums and Rooney to two rams, and named two rams that mated with his 75 female sheep after Wayne Rooney and Leonardo DiCaprio. Jeremy, 61, jokes that Wayne likes to "pursue older women" while Leonardo "chases younger women."

Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

The reason why Jeremy said this about Little Plum and Rooney, in addition to knowing their love life very well, is also related to the mating problem of the ewes on his farm. Jeremy has 75 ewes on the Cotswold farm, and in order to mate these ewes, he specially put two rams that had not mated before into the group.

Little plums are likened to rams in a flock and like to chase young women

By observing how the ewes were attracted to the two rams, Jeremy found that the preferences of the older ewe and the younger ewe were different, and felt that Jeremy thought of the little plum and Rooney, so he named the ram favored by the older ewe "Wayne Rooney" and named the ram favored by the younger ewe "Leonardo DiCaprio".

Little Plum, 46, and Rooney, 45, of course know that Jeremy is joking, but they may also have to lament that Jeremy's metaphor is very apt.

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