
Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

author:Chinese folk songs

Recently, the popular power music singer-songwriter Hailai Amu was invited to accept an exclusive interview with the "Global Chinese Radio Song Chart" program, together with the host Jack Tang, to tell his legendary music life and reveal the secret of the birth of the "Traffic Golden Song". Amu's guest "Global Chinese Radio Song Ranking" program has now covered more than 140 radio stations in the country, the radio stations in provincial capital cities account for more than 15%, and the rest are mostly planned cities, prefecture-level city radio stations, etc. Hailai Amu's classic songs, while frequently appearing on national radio programs, have become the golden songs promoted by DJs in the national program of "Global Chinese Radio Song Rankings".

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

In the course of the interview, Hailai Amu said that for the Yi people, music is originally a part of their lives, accompanied by their sunrise and sunset. In his second year of junior high school, Herai Amu got his first guitar from a distant cousin and learned four chords with him, thus entering the creative world that fascinated him. His parents are traditional people, and they have always hoped that Amu can succeed in his studies, find a decent job, get married and have children, and live a plain and happy life in the eyes of most people. Playing music, in their minds, is not a proper thing to do.

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

Since learning those four chords, Hai lai Amu has become more and more certain of his musical talent, he has loved to sing since he was a child, from the four chords he learned, he can change many possibilities, and thus began to grope for creation. On the other side of life, he completely lost interest in his studies and decided to drop out. He told his father that he would definitely succeed on the road of music in the future. Feeling that he was delusional, my father smashed his guitar against the wall in a fit of rage, and in this way, forcefully declared his opposition to his pursuit of music.

In desperation, Amu had to follow his father to drive a big truck to make a living. A few years later, one day, he had an accident on the way to delivery, the truck flipped from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, he repeatedly confirmed whether he was still alive, and when he was lucky to survive, he clearly realized: "This is not my favorite job, I almost lost my life for this matter", after that day, he left home for Chengdu, wanting to pursue his musical dreams. But the reality is not as easy as he thinks, and he has spent a wandering time in Chengdu, and he is taken home by his father without any money. Or continue the days when he drove the delivery.

Before Amu got married, as if it were a ritual for a man to start a family, his father gave him his car. But Amu secretly decided in his heart that he was going to sell the car. In order to have a singing stage in his hometown, he decided to open a music bar. Coincidentally, the buyer found the door on the day of his wedding. Then, he sold the car, and the relationship between father and son fell to a freezing point. Amu thus began another tragic and happy life in the business field.

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

The story still did not go as expected, his business changed from a bar to a Yi restaurant to a supper stall, and finally he could not continue, and in the process of tossing, he lost a daughter who was less than three months old. The double whammy of losing a loved one and failing to do business fell on Amu, who was in his early twenties at the time, and his life sank to the bottom.

Life is sometimes like this, God seems to try everything to force you to the end of the road, in fact, want to give you a huge surprise. One night, because he missed his daughter, Amu wrote the song "Agogi Song", which he later released in Chengdu. One day, a friend called him and said that he was always brushing his song on TikTok, and he repeatedly confirmed that he was on fire?

Then he was contacted by a copyright company. Because of this "Agogi Song", he got his first pot of gold in music, like a gift from his daughter, which ended his long and tortuous hard days from junior high school. He signed a contract with the current music company at that time, and he sent the first money he got after signing the contract to his father's account, on the one hand, the safety of funds, on the other hand, in order to open his father's heart knot, in this way to tell his father, he finally did it. On that day, he set up two tables of banquets in his hometown and paid off all the foreign debts he owed. Since then, he has officially begun his career as a musician.

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

After the bumpy story, it is the beginning of happiness. Hai Lai Amu said that he trusted his instincts, and his success rate in judging whether a song could fire was about 70%. Although when he said this, he thought that his feelings were very accurate. But in reality this intuition should come from some kind of experience and the motivation behind writing a song.

There is a lyric in the new song "Smoke and Rain in the World" "The beloved person does not have to shed tears, the happy person he will not sleep late" This is a song she wrote for his wife, inspired by a small quarrel between the two. Saying it is an argument sounds more like a sweet everyday life between husband and wife. One night, Amu called his wife and said, "I work so hard outside, how can you ignore me", and the wife replied: "I want to take care of the children, even if I have time to take care of two", which made the delicate Amu suddenly feel aggrieved, so he wrote this song. Amu's wife, the bassist of the band when he used to sing in the bar, the two of them went through the wind and rain together, in fact, they are very affectionate. Men express this little vulnerability and grievance in their hearts to the people they love most, and write them in songs. Such stories sound ordinary, but the motivations feel sweet.

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

Since becoming a singer, Hailai Amu has always been eager for the stage, and doing concerts is his dream. In May, Hailai Amu "MuMing came to the national tour" Luoyang concert ended successfully. Next, he will go to more than ten provinces and cities in Guangdong, such as Heyuan, Henan, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Nanning, and Anhui. As the first Yi singer to tour the country, the opening of the concert made Hailai Amu very proud and stressed. As a result, he pushed off a lot of commercial performances and concentrated on the preparation of concerts. He also revealed that in the future, if he decides not to sing anymore, he will send an album for himself, without considering the resonance of others and the response of the market, simply recording an album and listening to himself.

In Hailai Amu's body, you can feel the innocence and simplicity, his success may have elements of luck, but more determined by personality, intuition, willfulness, obsession, these seemingly irrational words, in his story are the key words of success. Bless Hailai Amu can always follow his dream and be the happiest person with music!

Hailai Amu was invited to be interviewed by the global Chinese radio song chart to tell about the life of music

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