
Darkest hour! Fuel depletion in Lebanon led to a nationwide power outage


Due to insufficient fuel supply, two of the largest power stations in lebanon have ceased to operate. The closure of these two power stations has a direct impact on the stability of Lebanon's national power grid. On October 9, local time, there was a power outage throughout Lebanon.

Previously, the Lebanese National Electricity Company could only provide electricity for three to four hours a day. The rest of the time, people who can pay for the generator can use their own generators, but the procurement of fuel is also quite difficult. In July, in Lebanon's capital, Beirut, people waiting to refuel lined up for miles.

The local government said the national grid would resume normal operation within a few days. At present, the Lebanese military has urgently provided 6,000 liters of fuel to two power stations to fill the power generation gap, but it can only maintain the power supply for three days.

Since 2019, Lebanon has been mired in a serious economic crisis, with its currency depreciating by more than 90%. About three quarters of Lebanon's population has been impoverished over the past year. At the same time, the lack of foreign exchange exacerbates the local energy shortage.

Darkest hour! Fuel depletion in Lebanon led to a nationwide power outage. Click on the video to see for yourself!

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