
All red chan, the king is not glorious

All red chan, the king is not glorious

Opinions are like the tide flowing against the tide, only the voice of the heart is endless


Recently, I saw a news that The Tokyo Olympic diving champion Quan Hongchan won the "Guangdong Experimental Middle School Honorary Student" admission certificate, and she can go to class at any time. Guangdong Experimental Middle School is a key school, a place that many people dream of, Quan Hong Chan can get the opportunity to learn here, I think, this is the best reward for Quan Hong Chan.

After she became popular, all kinds of flowers and applause came to her, with various honors and awards, but the most fundamental thing is to plan her life in the long run, she is only 14 years old now, young, and indeed should take advantage of her youth to learn more cultural knowledge and make up for the cultural lessons.

For people engaged in sports, sports is a high intensity, challenge, age-limited career, when you reach a certain age, all aspects of the body function, there is no way to achieve the best state, there will be younger athletes to challenge you, replace you. Therefore, the athlete's career has a certain number of years, and when the age is reached, he has to retire. This is also a law of nature. New people catch up with the old, and one generation is better than one generation.

All red chan, the king is not glorious

Athletes like Quan Hongchan, who have won the world's highest honors, naturally attract attention from all sides. But there are also some athletes, who may not have won awards in their entire sports careers, and even some substitute athletes, who have always been substitutes, have not even had the opportunity to play.

Therefore, as an athlete, in addition to sports training, when you are still young, you should learn more cultural knowledge. Quan Hongchan's father has a clear understanding of this, and he also expressed the same view in the media, believing that Quan Hongchan will make up for the culture class next.

Previously, there were some cases of retired athletes living in embarrassment. I think that a large part of it is because I did not get a good cultural class, which led to the lack of skills suitable for society after retiring from the military, and I did not know what profession to pursue, resulting in being marginalized by society. For example, the news that the weightlifting champion Zou Chunlan was forced to become a bather because of his life was a sensation that year.

All red chan, the king is not glorious

In the past, there was a theory in society that sports students did not need to have too good cultural achievements, but only needed to practice sports well. In fact, there are many professional athletes around the world who have quite high academic qualifications, jeremy Lin's cultural achievements are among the best in the world at Harvard University; Chiellini, Gerrard and other world-class stars have master's degrees or above.

The vice president of Wuhan University once said: "Physical education and art are two levels of education, and physical exercise and absorbing book knowledge are not incompatible. In contrast, having a healthy body allows for more efficient learning. ”

Quan Hongchan is young, and his talent and understanding are good to be able to achieve such results. Focusing on reading books must not be too bad. As athletes, they have a very strong fighting spirit, have endurance, do not accept defeat, do not give up. These qualities are used in reading, and they will definitely achieve excellent results. For example, Deng Yaping, the champion of table tennis, studied for a doctorate with amazing perseverance, and later held a relevant position in the society, blooming her personal brilliance.

Learning is a time period, when you are a teenager, the intellectual development is the most vigorous, the easiest to learn things, and, at this time, because you have not yet entered the society, there is no other interference, you can concentrate on learning, as long as you concentrate on consistency, you can achieve the effect of doing more with less. If you are a little older, more than 20 years old, have more complex thinking, and have more contact with society, there will be no pure learning environment and atmosphere. To achieve equal learning results, more effort is required. Therefore, read early.

Quan Hongchan became famous at a young age, and she was also very lucky, she also had a very wise and sober parent, who did not consume her daughter's honor and hoped to make up for the cultural class as soon as possible. Don't be in a hurry, the cultural achievements are made up, which will be of greater help to the Games, and then we can continue to challenge the peak. Her life can also have more excitement.


All red chan, the king is not glorious
All red chan, the king is not glorious
All red chan, the king is not glorious

■ Editing and typography | Esther, the first place in eating and drinking

■ The picture | from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact the background.

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