
Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

author:Chase County Garden Elementary School

  From April 9 to 10, 2021, 18 Chinese teachers from Datong County Garden Primary School Education Group went to Xiaoquan Primary School in Chengdong District, Xining City to participate in the classroom teaching observation activity of famous primary school Chinese teachers nationwide with the theme of "Refining Language Elements and Promoting Learning Change".

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide
Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  In this teaching observation activity, the famous teachers' scientific, ingenious and creative teaching design, simple, pragmatic and efficient teaching activities, profound teaching literacy, etc., made all the teachers present enjoy it and benefit a lot.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  The whole event venue was full, and everyone was looking forward to, listening, thinking, and silently sucking the classroom nectar of famous teachers across the country, moisturizing their own educational feelings.

Read and write features

  The lesson of "Luhua Shoes" taught by Mr. Li Zuwen, a famous special teacher in China and the chief teacher of the Language of Yuanling Primary School in Futian District, Shenzhen, has no fancy design and no gorgeous structure, and he has analyzed the core and value of normal language with his own solid basic skills of language literacy.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  After the class, Mr. Li gave a lecture - "New Ideas for Lesson Preparation in the Environment of Unified Textbooks". He used "Reed Shoes" and "In Berlin", where he had taught, as examples, expounded his ideas, and proposed three considerations for lesson preparation: 1. What is the original attribute of the article? 2. Where are the language points that students have difficulty mastering? 3. Is our design appropriate for students' learning?

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

Special topics in ancient poetry

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  Mr. Lin Zhifang, Ph.D. in Chinese Language Courses and Teaching Theory, brought us the example of the ancient poetry teaching "Bu Operator • Bao Haoran's Zhejiang East", and Mr. Lin's soft and pleasant voice, classical rhyme, and poetic narration gave every teacher and student present a spiritual influence.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  Teacher Lin's profound literary attainments, soft words blurted out, and the poetry-like language that flowed casually infected every teacher who listened to the lecture.

Garden, listening and reading topics

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

Mr. Li Zhuping, senior teacher of Beijing Experimental Primary School, showed us two observation lessons of "Language Garden" in the fourth grade and "Story Listening and Reading" in the fifth grade. Teacher Li's classroom is full of language flavor, in addition to the charm of this language flavor, Teacher Li's personal charm is like a trickle, moisturizing every child, whether it is Teacher Li's evaluation, or the enlightenment of students' thinking, just like the wind and rain, let people be so comfortable, like a spring breeze, let us experience a different kind of power: education, originally is a gentle infiltration!

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  "The main purpose of language classes is to cultivate students' language ability, not to impart language knowledge", and "reading" is an important language ability, which is the lifeblood of language learning.

Read the feature

  Teacher Liu Lian: A rookie in the shenzhen teaching circle, the first prize winner of the Shenzhen Language Teacher Skills Competition. She has always integrated the teaching concept of "abandoning the glitz and mannerisms of language and pursuing the real classroom of language" into her daily classroom teaching. Teacher Liu is beautiful and elegant, just like the "moon goddess".

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  At 8:30 a.m. on the 10th, the children slowly walked into the "Traces of the Moon" by contemporary Chinese writer Jia Pingwa with Teacher Liu Lian, and together they "looked for the traces of the moon", "traces of the moon", "traces of the moon", "traces of the moon", and finally realized that "the traces of the moon are the traces of the heart", as long as they are willing, the moon is everywhere.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

Famous class topics

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  Without talking about "Dream of the Red Chamber", it is useless to read all the poetry books. Professor Wang Songzhou, a famous special teacher in China, brought the classical masterpiece "Spring Fun of the Red Chamber" to the teachers. "Poetic Language" is Mr. Wang's unique teaching style, and his classrooms are full of poetry. In the teaching of "Spring Fun in the Red Chamber", Teacher Wang used his wise teaching methods to lead everyone to the passage of time and space. The teachers and children present unconsciously followed Teacher Wang into the mansion, hurting Dai Yu and sighing for Bao Yu. The students not only understood that "for their daughter to establish a biography, sighing that they have no chance of knowing themselves", but even under the guidance of Teacher Wang, they entered Daiyu's heart one by one and wrote down daiyu's heart that made all teachers clap their hands.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  Teacher Wang Songzhou is a person who comes out of the poetic realm, he has the elegance and calmness of the poet, which makes people involuntarily want to get closer, but he is real, so that everyone feels that he is so real. Listening to his lessons, the souls of the teachers were baptized and their minds were sublimated.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide
Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  After the class, Professor Wang also gave a lecture on "The Red Chamber" is not just "Spring Fun"". Speaking of the design idea of this class, Professor Wang summed it up in eight words - based on the purpose of the lesson, beyond the purpose of the lesson. Based on the unit writing intention of the textbook, Professor Wang completed the unit training points in one lesson, and then seized the only opportunity for the fragment of "Dream of the Red Chamber" to appear in the compulsory education textbook to guide the students to initially understand that Cao Xueqin's writing intention is to "establish a biography for her daughter", and the whole teaching process is natural, without any sense of far-fetched attachment.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  After an hour and a half of observation class and forty minutes of lecture, the teachers and children did not feel tired at all. This is the charm of Teacher Wang, the poetic beauty, the beauty is tireless, the beauty is intoxicating!

Special topics in literacy

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  The two observation classes of "The Beginning of Man" and the second grade "Language Garden Eight • Literacy Gas Station" taught by Zhang Linhua, a national famous teacher and a rookie in the language teaching arena in Zhejiang Province, pointed out the direction for literacy teaching. Teacher Zhang traces back to the roots of the evolution of each Chinese character, creates the original "five-sentence teaching method", reads abstract Chinese characters into a long and beautiful story, converts flat characters into beautiful pictures, and awakens students' interest in learning Chinese characters.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  Flowers blossom and fall, clouds rolling clouds, more years and several degrees of spring and autumn, twilight looking back, wonderful moments in the depths of memory...

Listen to the lessons

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  The teacher is carefully taking notes throughout the lecture, carefully recording the highlights in the classroom and the places worth learning and improving.

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide
Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

The short learning and observation activities ended in one surprise and pursuit after another, leaving behind the feelings of language teaching and the pursuit of elegant teaching skills. I believe that teachers can carry the style of famous teachers, take the essence of all families, constantly improve themselves, constantly surpass themselves, and add the brightest color to the teaching flower of Garden Education Group!

Appreciation of Famous Teachers Classroom • Helping the Road to Growth - Classroom Teaching Observation Activity for Famous Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools nationwide

  There is a kind of faith, from the heart, choose once, stick to a lifetime, there is a kind of strength, from love, choose once, struggle for a lifetime!