
The Yulin Shenmu Municipal Public Security Bureau collected evidence materials for Li Jie's suspected illegal absorption of public deposits

author:Shaanxi Police

In the case of Li Jie suspected of illegally absorbing deposits from the public, which is being investigated by the Shenmu Municipal Public Security Bureau, the criminal suspect Li Jie illegally absorbed public deposits from unspecified persons in Shenmu City in violation of national laws and regulations between 2008 and 2012. In order to thoroughly investigate the criminal facts of this case, accurately verify the accounts, comprehensively collect evidence, accelerate the progress of case handling, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of fundraising participants, the public is hereby publicly soliciting evidentiary materials for this case.

1. All fund-raising participants in the process of Li Jie's illegal absorption of public deposits within the jurisdiction of our city, those who fail to declare within 30 days from the date of this notice shall bear the consequences and hope to inform each other.

II. Public security organs will keep secrets strictly confidential, protect the rights of fundraising participants and witnesses in accordance with law, pursue legal responsibility for those who shield, protect, or condone violations of the law, and severely punish those who threaten or retaliate against fundraising participants and witnesses in accordance with law. #榆林头条 #

Attached: Basic information of the criminal suspect

The Yulin Shenmu Municipal Public Security Bureau collected evidence materials for Li Jie's suspected illegal absorption of public deposits

Criminal suspect Li Jie, male, Han ethnicity, born on July 10, 1970, resident ID number: 152728197007104875, household registration address: No. 651, Second Residents Committee, Ulanmulun Town, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Notice is hereby given

Case-handling unit: Shenmu City Public Security Bureau Economic Crime Investigation Brigade

Unit address: No. 1 Fuyang Road, Shenmu City

Contact: 0912-8399348

Officer Liang 19991060325

Officer Zhang 13892230643

Shenmu Municipal Public Security Bureau

October 29, 2021

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