
In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

author:Hawkeye Shikong

One day in 1985, the Dark Pavilion Temple, located near the border of Yongtai County, welcomed an extraordinary guest. The visitor is old but his spirit is very good, and the row of awards on his chest shows that he was a cadre at or above the battalion level during the Red Army period, and he also commanded combat troops at or above the brigade level in the subsequent War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and the general star on his shoulder was even more shining.

The visitor was General Zhong Guochu, who had come to look for someone this time, only to see that after he had waited for a long time, the old monk in the temple greeted him, and the old general trembled and shook the old monk's hand, excitedly calling him the old chief. It turned out that this old monk was Yang Daoming, the former chairman of the Soviet government of Fujian Province, and also an old superior of Zhong Guochu, who lived in seclusion in this temple after the failure of the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

Zhong Guochu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > wise and courageous soldier</h1>

1. Rejuvenate the country and have heroes

Zhong Guochu and Yang Daoming are both from Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, and the age difference between the two is only two years, and their feelings have always been very good. When the two were born, it was the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, but unfortunately this revolution did not save thousands of people from the water and fire, and after Yuan Shikai stole the fruits of the victory of the revolution, the whole country fell into a situation of warlord chaos.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

Yang Daoming

In 1921, a groundbreaking event occurred in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, when more than a dozen talented progressives, with the help of the Comintern, founded the Communist Party of China. Since then, all over the country, communists can be seen throwing their heads and spilling their blood for the future of the motherland. They also cooperated with the Kuomintang and contributed to the victory of the Northern Expedition.

Unfortunately, the situation changed suddenly, and the Kuomintang had to withdraw to the enemy's weakly defended rural areas and continue to struggle for the revolutionary cause for the sake of its own selfish interests. The countryside in Jiangxi and other places was the cradle of the Red regime, and after the Communists arrived here, they immediately responded to the needs of the masses and carried out a series of land reforms.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

The Red Army distributed all the excess land of the landlords to the poor peasants, who, when they had land, had hope for life and were full of gratitude to the Communist Party. In addition, the excellent style of the Red Army shocked everyone, they had never seen such a hard and simple unit, and many peasants had the idea of joining the Red Army, and Zhong Guochu and Yang Daoming were no exception.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" >2, both joined the party</h1>

The Analects have clouds: A scholar cannot fail to carry out his duties. They first joined the Communist Youth League, where they profoundly realized that the Communist Forces were the ones who were dedicated to the people. The two originally had the ideal of rejuvenating the country and an army, and after meeting so many like-minded comrades, they decisively joined the Red Army and became a glorious Communist Party member by virtue of their excellent performance.

Yang Daoming and Zhong Guochu were childhood best friends, and because they had the same ideals, they worked together and established deep revolutionary feelings. In 1933, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized a million troops to invade our base areas, but the "Left" dogmatism in the Party dominated the mainstream, resulting in the dilemma of the Fifth Anti-"Encirclement and Suppression" Campaign.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

At the time of employing people in the party, The down-to-earth and capable Yang Daoming was appointed chairman of the Soviet Government of Fujian Province, and Zhong Guochu was also appointed as the political commissar of the Eighteenth Regiment of the Fujian Military Region. The two worked together to fight the enemy with their generals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > desperate to enter Buddhism</h1>

1. Arduous evacuation

The Central Red Army has been building in the base areas for many years, has a good understanding of the local terrain, and has a broad mass base, so if it can adhere to guerrilla tactics, self-preservation will not be a problem. However, at that time, it was Wang Ming and others in the party who had the final say, and regardless of the actual situation, they had to engage in a frontal confrontation with the Kuomintang army, and in 1934, the Red Army was defeated in a bitter battle and was forced to transfer.

After Yang Daoming received the instructions from his superiors, he immediately arranged for the transfer of personnel. At that time, the strong enemy was surrounded, and when transferring, it was also necessary to take into account the personnel of the provincial organs and the wounded of the military region, and when the situation was critical, he proposed to first move to the mountains and then throw away the enemy army in a guerrilla manner, a decision that was completely consistent with Chairman Mao's idea and supported by Zhong Guochu and others.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

However, it was not thought that Song Qingquan, commander of the military region, still adhered to the "Left" line, disobeyed the command of the provincial party committee, and resolutely confronted the enemy head-on. The battle was extremely fierce, even if the Red Army soldiers fought bloodily, they could not resist the enemy with a large number of people, Zhong Guochu was seriously wounded in a battle, and immediately returned to the team after simple treatment.

In the summer of 1935, Song Qingquan, who was bent on going his own way, was under siege with only a few hundred warriors left, and when he saw that the momentum was not right, he secretly contacted the enemy and plotted to defect. When Yang Daoming learned of this, he angrily rebuked his behavior and led the soldiers who did not want to surrender to the enemy to break through, but the enemy was outnumbered, and only Yang Daoming and a very few others successfully broke through.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

After Yang Daoming broke through, he lost contact with his comrades, and only one provincial party cadre, Huang Jiafa, was left around. While avoiding the pursuit, the two tried to contact the organization, but the enemy blockade was too tight, and it was difficult to find the whereabouts of the organization, so the two came to Fujian in the middle of the journey.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" >2, enter the monastery as a monk</h1>

Yang Daoming's Jiangxi accent made him easily exposed in the local area, and the traitors knew what he looked like, and it was dangerous to wander outside. In desperation, he became a monk at the local Dark Pavilion Temple.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

Zhong Guochu family

After becoming a monk, he still had his heart tied to the party and the people, and when he heard about the victory of the Long March, his hanging heart finally let go. But the party's foothold was in Yan'an, thousands of miles away from Fujian, and even if he did not want to, he could only stay in the temple.

The Dharma is profound and can purify the soul the most, and during the days of asceticism in the temple, Yang Daoming's heart gradually calmed down, and he felt that he had quite a wise root, so he lived a peaceful life of eating and fasting and praying to the Buddha. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were still many enemy special activities in the territory, and Yang Daoming's origin was unknown, so people suspected that he was an enemy personnel.

In 1985, Major General Zhong Guochu searched for a senior monk and called him the old chief after meeting him. Wise and courageous soldiers 2, both joined the party and entered the Buddhist gate without a way 2, and entered the monastery as a monk

In order to identify himself, he wrote to his hometown and asked someone to prove his origins. At this time, people knew that the original chairman of the Fujian Provincial Government was still alive and came to visit and invited him back to the county to preside over the work, but at this time, Yang Daoming had long been dusty and devoted himself to the Buddha, and the matter was over.

In 1985, Zhong Guochu, then a high-ranking official, heard the news of his old superiors and rushed to visit him. It turned out that he also successfully broke through that year, and returned to the organization, and then participated in many important wars. It's just a pity that Yang Zhong and yang Zhong were separated in the past, and when they met again, they were all white-haired old people, their hands were tightly clasped, and the revolutionary friendship was in the unspoken.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > summary</h1>

Yang Daoming and Zhong Guochu are fellow villagers, and both of them have thousands of displaced people in their hearts and join the Communist Party with lofty ideals. In the process of evacuation, the two were betrayed, lost contact with each other after the breakthrough, and for decades, their deep feelings remained unchanged, and Zhong Guochu, who was already a general, was the old chief of the two.

This article is original by Hawkeye Shikong, follow me and take you to learn more.

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