
Like Li Ran, he is too good

author:Sukawa lnn

After reading "So Many Years" in August Chang'an in one go, no way, the unknown story and plot are always very attractive. I really like Li Ran, and I like Lin Yang as much.

I felt sorry for his efforts and waiting. That's right, ten years later he and Chen Jianxia were reunited, what if not? How many decades of life can a teenager wait? Of course, I don't like Chen Jianxia so much, I feel that she and Chu Tiankuo are the same person, and the most loved is always myself. Li Ran can go to Nanjing for you, why don't you tell him that you are going to Singapore, is it afraid of delaying your future? Li Ran will be sincere, enthusiastic, gentle... They were all given to Chen Jianxia, it was Li Ran who made this small town girl with inferiority and awkwardness slowly come to life, why, why chen Jianxia could not stay for Li Ran.

✨ Li Ran ✨✨, I don't want to call him "Burning Dog", he is Li Ran, the unique Li Ran. I don't know who can play this red-haired, brash and infinitely gentle teenager in the future.

Although he didn't like Chen Jianxia, he also envied her. We were all the first Chen Jianxia, but we didn't meet Li Ran. #八月长安 #

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