
Nanniwan Spirit 丨Lao Cymbal Head Planing Out "Good Jiangnan"

author:China Jilin Net

"Spiritual Flame Forever Upward" series of online reviews no. 30:

"The fragrance of the flowers in the flower basket, listen to me singing, came to Nanniwan, a good place in Nanniwan..." Sang "Nanniwan" for more than half a century, so that the name of this place on the Loess Plateau resounded throughout the north and south of the river, and also let people always remember the spirit of Nanniwan.

In 1941, the 359th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army marched into Nanniwan to carry out military reclamation of Tuntian. The warriors built grass huts, dug caves, made their own hoes and shovels, and opened up the land day and night, and in just 3 years, they turned the "mud bay" with wild grass and swamps into a "good Jiangnan in northern Shaanxi" full of crops and cattle and sheep everywhere. In the Nanniwan Large-scale Production Exhibition Hall, a set of figures recorded the agricultural production miracle created by the 359th Brigade that year: in 1941, Nanniwan was planted on 11,200 mu, and the vegetables were completely self-sufficient; By the end of 1944, the planting area reached 260,000 mu, producing 37,000 stones of grain, and realizing "cultivating two more than one" or even "cultivating one more than one".

A boss head is not only the land and grain, but more importantly, the high morale that has been beaten through thousands of hardships and hardships, the revolutionary pride of self-reliance and hard struggle, and the true nature of a public servant who is dedicated to serving the people and does not seek returns. The spirit of Nanniwan forged in the years of beacon fire profoundly interprets the powerful spiritual strength of the Communist Party of China and the military and people under its leadership to rise up in difficulties and develop in hardship.

Today's Nanniwan is not only full of green mountains and rivers, good fields, but also full of flowers and trees. The enthusiasm of self-reliance and hard struggle has taken root here, and the "good Jiangnan of northern Shaanxi" has entered the fast lane of development. "Fathers open up the wilderness, the younger generations plant trees, 'Nanniwan' is becoming greener and more beautiful", as netizens said, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of Nanniwan, with diligent hands and unremitting struggle, to create a happier and better life. (Text: Dong Lu Poster Design: Wang Ye)

Nanniwan Spirit 丨Lao Cymbal Head Planing Out "Good Jiangnan"

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