
Recently, there have been many occurrences of gill disease in fish this season, and the following is a detailed explanation of the causes and countermeasures of gill disease

author:Hometown cloud 1208
Recently, there have been many occurrences of gill disease in fish this season, and the following is a detailed explanation of the causes and countermeasures of gill disease

Recently, many customers have been plagued by gill disease in this season The following are some symptoms and treatment methods of various types of gill disease for the reference of the majority of fishermen Everyone has a better solution can leave a message Everyone look for ways to let the fish grow healthily

There are three main causes of gill rot in fish:

First, bacteria - fish pest mucoccus causes bacterial gill rot;

The second is gill mold disease caused by fungi - gill mold;

The third is a variety of gill diseases caused by parasites, including various gill diseases caused by protozoa, myxosporidium, ringworms and Chinese fleas.

Gill disease symptoms:

1. Bacterial gill rot caused by fish infestation mucoccus, gill silk rot, severe gill cartilage exposed, and often with sludge, the inner surface of the gill cover is congested, and the central epidermis is often corroded into a round and transparent hole, commonly known as "open skylight".

2. Gill mold disease caused by fungi, the gills of the diseased fish are pale, and sometimes there is a bit of congestion or bleeding. The disease often causes fish to die violently, and microscopic examination reveals gill hyphae.

3. Gill disease caused by parasites:

(1) The large number of protozoa breeds and harasses, so that the gills of the fish produce a large amount of mucus, which seriously affects the breathing of the fish, so the floating head is longer, the body color is black when it is serious, swimming alone in isolation, floating on the water.

(2) Gill disease caused by myxosporidium generally has many white dot-like or lumpy cysts in the epidermal tissue of the gills, which are easily seen by the naked eye.

(3) The gill disease caused by ringworms is significantly puffy, the gill lid is slightly opened, the mucus increases, the gills are dark gray, and the microscopic examination can see the peristalsis of the long worm.

(4) Gill disease caused by Chinese fleas, the end of the gill filament is swollen and white, parasitic many insect bodies, and hung with maggot-like insect bodies, so it is called "gill maggot disease".

drug therapy:

1. Prevention and treatment of bacterial and fungal gill disease:

(1) Chlorine-rich or dibromohydantoin 0.3ppm whole tank sprinkled, severe cases used again every other day. (2) At the same time, it is mixed and fed for 3-6 days with fish funing, allicin and fish hemotage according to the proportion of 0.2%.

2. Prevention and control of gill rot caused by parasites:

(1) Sprinkle with potent insecticide or fungal killer, the concentration of which is 0.01-0.02ppm.

(2) Take the fishing insect g internally and feed it twice. 200 grams of medicine per 100 catties of feed. (3) Use compound to increase the efficiency of the enemy insects by 150 grams per acre.

Parasitic gill rot disease

(1) Ringworm parasitism

Pathogen: Ringworm, the insect body is flattened, the front of the head has four black eye spots, arranged in a square shape. At the right water temperature, reproduction is rapid.

Symptoms: After the fish is parasitized by a large number of ringworms, the gills are obviously puffy, the gill lid is open, the gills lose blood, they are sluggish, they stop eating in severe cases, and eventually they die of suffocation due to respiratory obstruction, and the mortality rate is high.

Prevention and control: 0.1-0.2 grams of crystal enemy insects are dissolved in 10 kg of water, soaked in diseased fish for 5--10 minutes, or 0.1 grams of crystal enemy insects are diluted and sprinkled in the aquarium with 100 kg of dissolved water, and the medication is used twice a week to achieve better results.

(2) Wheelworm parasitism

Pathogen: wheel worm, the side of the insect body resembles a round butterfly, the side of the body side is the mouth, and there is a ribbon structure next to it, called the mouth belt. There is a row of cilia on each side of the mouthband, and the insect body moves in a wheel-like rotation.

Symptoms: Diseased fish parasitized by wheelworms, blood loss from the gill filaments between the gill cap edges and gill seams, local ulceration in severe cases, grayish yellow, so that the gills are exposed, the fish body has difficulty breathing, stop feeding, and eventually suffocate to death. In summer and autumn, when the water temperature is suitable, gill rot disease parasitized by wheelworms is easy to spread and spread.

Prevention and control: 0.2 grams of copper sulfate and 0.1 grams of ferrous sulfate are dissolved in 10 kilograms of water, soaked in diseased fish for 5--10 minutes, and can be cured after multiple medications.

(3) Gill fluke parasitism: shortness of breath, large open gill lids, swelling and albinism of gills, dislike to swim, and sometimes have the infectious power of completely destroying the tank fish. The use of formalin solvent, long-term or short-term medicinal bath, because the adult insects are easy to extinguish, but the insect eggs are difficult to kill, will be hatched after three days, can maintain the water in the water, methyl blue potion active ingredients for 3-5 days, kill the larvae.

Bacterial gill rot disease

(1) Mucoccal gills

Pathogen: mucoccus, slender body, blunt and rounded at both ends, easy to bend, no flagella, often as a gliding movement or flutter.

Symptoms: The gills of the sick fish fester and are attached to more white mucus, in severe cases, the skin of the gill cap is hyperemic, the gill filament is corroded into small holes, the cartilage is exposed, the breathing is difficult, and the mortality rate is very high. Myxococci usually grow vigorously in water with a water temperature of 18--25 degrees and PH6.5--7.5 and spread rapidly.

Control method: optional 1-2 grams of furazolidone, dissolved in 10 kg of water, soaked in diseased fish for 15-20 minutes. It is also possible to use high-concentration salt water and soak the diseased fish for 15-20 minutes. 11.5% concentration of chloramidine 0.05 g and 0.2 g of furacillin can also be selected, mixed into 10 kg of water, and the effect of multiple medications is very good.

(2) Water moldy gills

Pathogen: Water mold.

Symptoms: Serious blood loss of gill filaments in diseased fish, whitish gill filaments, and flocculent hyphae adhesion in severe cases, with extremely high mortality.

Prevention and control methods:

A. Optional 50 g of salt, 50 g of baking soda, mix in 10 kg of water, soak the sick fish for 15-20 minutes. You can also choose 0.7 g malachite green, put it in 100 g of water, soak the sick fish for 15-30 minutes.

b. Dissolve 11.5% concentration of chloramidine in 10 kg of water 0.02 g, soak the diseased fish for 15-20 minutes, and use the drug several times to achieve results.

c. Mix with 0.1 ppm concentration of mercury nitrate and 1 ppm concentration of furacillin powder, and soak the diseased fish for 5--10 minutes.

d. Put 2--3 tablets of dysentery or oxytetracycline in an aquarium with a dissolved water volume of 100 kg, and soak the fish body for a longer time.

e. Deep immersion with a low concentration of potassium permanganate or spilled in the aquarium also has a certain effect.

Myxosporidium gills

Pathogen: Myxosporidium.

Symptoms: Gill filament will appear many visible gray-white dots or sacs, from small to large to destroy the gills of fish, when the sacs once ruptured, countless sporangia into the feeding water, re-invade the gills of healthy fish, gill filament blood loss leads to a large number of deaths, myxosporids caused by rotten gills is relatively rare.

Prevention and control method: select the sap soaked in the bark of the three-year-old maple poplar tree, absorb the appropriate amount, put it into 10 kg of water, soak the sick fish for 5-10 minutes, and the prescription can be seen multiple times. You can also choose 150 grams of ammonia water, put into 10 kg of water, soak the sick fish for 5-10 minutes, and the prescription can be seen multiple times.

Water mold disease

The disease introduced by water mold infection is called water mold disease, also known as skin mold disease, which can harm freshwater fish from eggs to adults, and is a secondary fish disease, which is endemic in all countries in the world.

[Pathogen] There are more than 10 kinds of water mold found on the surface and eggs of freshwater fish, the most common of which belongs to the two genera of water mold and cotton mold. Hyphae are tubular polykaryotic bodies without transverse septum.

One end is attached to the damage point of the fish body like a root, and the branches are numerous and slender, which can penetrate deep into the damaged and necrotic skin and muscles, called the internal hyphae, the hyphae are thicker, less branched, and can be up to 3 cm long, forming a gray-white cotton floc that can be seen with the naked eye.

[Situation] Water mold is widely present in freshwater waters, the temperature adaptation range is very wide, 5-30 ° C can grow and reproduce, but different species are slightly different, such as water mold, cotton mold genus reproductive temperature of 13-18 ° C.

It is prevalent in all fish farming areas in the country, there is no selectivity for fish species, all injured can be infected, and water mold multiplies particularly quickly on the corpse, so water mold is saprophytic and secondary to fish.

Some people think that this may be due to the fact that living cells can secrete an anti-mildew substance. Spore germination and penetration into the egg shell, suspended in the egg stromal or intervening space, can sometimes be seen on live fish eggs to grow and branch out lateral branches.

However, if the embryo develops normally, the internal hyphae suspended in the egg stromal generally stop developing and do not grow external hyphae; when the embryo dies, the inner hyphae rapidly extend into the dead embryo and multiply, and the outer hyphae also grow out.

[Symptoms] In the early stage of the disease, the naked eye can not see what is abnormal about the diseased fish, when the naked eye can see, the hyphae not only invade the wound of the fish body, but also have grown outward mycelium, like gray-white cotton hair, so it is commonly known as "raw? quot; or white sickness.

Because mold can secrete a large number of protein decomposition enzymes to break down the tissue of the fish, the fish body is stimulated to secrete a large amount of mucus, the sick fish began to be anxious, rubbing with other solids, and then the fish body was overburdened, swimming slowly, and finally thin and dead.

In the process of hatching fish eggs, this disease also often occurs, the internal hyphae invade the egg membrane, and a large number of external hyphae are clustered in the egg membrane, so it is called "oval disease". Parasitic fish eggs, the inner and outer hyphae are radial, so it is also called "sun seed".

[Diagnosis] Observe with the naked eye, make a preliminary diagnosis according to the symptoms, and if necessary, use microscopy to confirm the diagnosis. If the species is to be identified, culture must be carried out. [Treatment] There is currently no ideal treatment.

Early treatment of the disease can be referred to the following methods

1. External medicine Optionally choose one of the following 

(1) Sprinkle salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) throughout the pool to make the pool water 400 ppm concentration. 

(2) Sprinkle methylene blue throughout the whole tank to make the pool water into a concentration of 2-3 ppm, and pour it again every 2 days.

(3) Sprinkle the whole pond with peacock green to make the pool water 0.15-0.2ppm concentration, and pour it again every 2 days. Note that after the white eel is ill, it cannot be used this method and should be treated with methyl blue. 

(4) In the early stage of the disease, the water temperature is raised to about 25-26 ° C, and most of them can heal by themselves.

2. At the same time, take antibacterial drugs (such as sulfonyls, furans, antibiotics, etc.) to prevent and control bacterial infections, and the effect is better.


1. Prevention of water mold disease in fish body 

(1) Remove excess silt from the bottom of the pool and disinfect with 200ppm quicklime, or 20ppm bleaching powder. 

(2) Strengthen feeding management, improve the resistance of fish bodies, and try to avoid injuries to fish bodies. 

(3) After the parent fish is injured in artificial breeding, 1% peacock green ointment or sulfonyl ointment, 1% peacock green aqueous solution, 1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution, iodine wine, etc. can be applied to the injured area, and pay attention to the head of the fish body should be slightly higher than the tail when applying; in severe cases, streptomycin sulfate can be injected in the abdominal cavity or intramuscularly, with 50,000-100,000 units per kilogram of fish.

2. Prevention of fish egg water mold (1) Strengthen broodstock breeding, improve the fertilization rate of fish eggs, and choose sunny weather for breeding. 

(2) After the nest is washed, it is boiled and disinfected (a fish nest made of palm skin), or disinfected with peacock green, bleach powder, salt and other drugs (fish nest made of willow silver whiskers, polygrass, goldfish algae, etc.). 

(3) The spawning pond and hatching utensils are cleaned and disinfected with bleaching powder, peacock green, salt and other drugs.

(4) The use of water incubating can reduce the occurrence of water mold. If you pour a light green peacock green aqueous solution every 4 hours, the effect is better. 

(5) The eggs attached to the nest should not be too much, so as not to suffocate and die due to insufficient oxygen, and after infection with water mold, endanger the nearby healthy fish eggs. 

(6) When a certain amount of fish eggs are attached to the nest, it should be taken out in time, placed in a 7ppm peacock green aqueous solution Chinese medicine bath for 10-15 minutes, once a day, 2 times in a row, and then sprinkle the peacock green aqueous solution on the water surface near the hatchery every morning and evening, so that the water around the hatchery is pale green until the fry will hatch. 

(7) For fish eggs hatched in flowing water, sprinkle the peacock green aqueous solution once every 6-8 hours to make the incubation water pale green until the straight fry will hatch.

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