
Heart Wide Body Fat "Etiquette"

author:Calm and quiet

The heart is wide and fat

Run the house, moisturize the body

Ten eyes see ten hands point

Western Han Dai Sheng, "Etiquette and University"


The so-called sincere people do not deceive themselves.

Like a foul smell, like lustful, this is called humility.

Therefore, a gentleman must be cautious and independent.

Villains live idly for the unkind, omnipotent. Seeing a gentleman and then disgusted, hiding his unkindness, but doing his good.

Man sees himself as self-conscious, and if he sees his lungs and livers, he will be of no benefit.

This is true in the middle, and the form is in the outside.

Therefore, a gentleman must be cautious and independent. Zeng Ziyi said: "Ten eyes see, ten hands point, its severity!" ”

Furun House, Derun body, heart wide body fat.

Therefore a gentleman will be sincere.


The so-called sincerity means to make one's own mind sincere, straight heart, righteous thoughts, and not self-deception and self-deception.

To be as honest as you hate bad taste (bad smell) and like beautiful colors (women with outstanding looks), unpretentious, not self-deceptive, you must be honest in your words, everything comes from the heart, from the heart.

This is called peace of mind, natural quietness of heart.

Therefore, gentlemen are required to be cautious about living in isolation and solitude, and be cautious when they are alone.

When villains live idly and alone when others can't see them, they often do bad things in private, and even do anything bad, doing everything. As soon as he meets a gentleman, he shows a posture of concealment and evasion, conceals the bad things he has done, covers up his bad virtues, and shows the hypocrisy of kindness and obedience.

Who knows that others have already seen through him, as if they had seen his lungs and liver clearly. What good is it to pretend to be his hypocritical performance?

That is to say, the true thoughts of the heart must be manifested in the appearance; what is in the heart will be revealed on the outside.

Therefore, when a gentleman of high moral character is alone in the group, he must be cautious and must be strict with himself.

Zeng Zi (Zeng Shan, Zi Zi You, Lu Guoren in the Spring and Autumn Period, a disciple of Confucius) said: "How severe is this supervision, as you always have ten eyes watching yourself and ten fingers pointing at yourself!" ”

Whoever has wealth, wealth can decorate the house more magnificently and beautifully; virtue can moisten his body, and a moral person can cultivate his body and mind more noblely.

The heart is broad and the body is comfortable, the heart is calm and open, and the body is naturally peaceful (the heart is wide and fat).

Therefore, a gentleman of high moral character must temper himself into a sincere person in his heart, so that his thoughts are sincere.


This article expounds the connotation of "sincerity", focusing on explaining "sincerity", the so-called "sincerity" is to make one's own thoughts sincere and pure in thought.

To achieve this, we should first make efforts to "be cautious and independent," restrain our words and deeds at all times and in every place, and neither do anything bad nor overblown our virtues. Truly consistent in appearance and sincerity.

Finally, he pointed out the importance of "sincerity" to life cultivation, and only "sincerity" can make oneself "broad and fat".

"Ten eyes see, ten hands point" Like ten eyes looking at themselves, ten fingers pointing at themselves, describing personal words and deeds, always under the supervision of everyone, a person's speech and action can not be separated from the supervision of everyone, it is not allowed to do bad things, and it is impossible to conceal what is done. Be sure to be sincere in your intentions, and not to be a little false.

"Rich House, Derun Body"

If the "Runya" family is rich, it can run its house, decorate the house, and make the house more gorgeous, with gold and jade and gorgeous ornaments.

"Moisturizing" enhances self-cultivation and makes the mind more noble.

The original meaning of "heart wide body fat pan" is that there is a cultivated human heart without shame, no guilt in the heart, a broad and frank mind, a broad and flat mind, and a comfortable and peaceful physique. when the mind is enlarged, the body is at ease.

Later, "heart wide body fat" is mostly used to indicate that people are comfortable in their hearts, comfortable and happy, have nothing to worry about, carefree carefree carefree, and are physically strong stout of body or obese grow fat.

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