
Explore the whole chain supervision mode before and after the event Ningyang solidly do a good job in the basic skills of daily supervision

author:Poster Taian

Recently, the fifth discipline inspection team dispatched by the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission supervision committee has repeatedly taken the form of no greeting to the county financial media center to strictly review its out-of-school study expenses and itinerary arrangements, and at the same time to follow up and supervise the work related to the construction of the ningyang county party committee to promote the construction of the financial media center through consulting documents, on-site discussions, on-site inspections, etc.

In recent years, the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission has focused on the implementation of decision-making arrangements and important work arrangements at all levels, adhered to the principle of "following up and sinking the first line", improved the whole chain supervision mode of prior communication and reporting, follow-up supervision during the event, and accountability after the fact, strengthened daily supervision and inspection, followed up and supervised the major matters of functional departments and units throughout the process, and solidly did a good job in the "basic skills" of daily supervision, and promoted the sinking of supervision.

"Exploring the whole process of follow-up supervision, different from the traditional model of heavy reporting, light supervision, and no effect in the past, is a kind of whole-chain, whole-process supervision, which is conducive to dynamically grasping the work of the supervised units, making the supervision focus more focused and the direction clearer, and avoiding important work only blossoming and not bearing results." Pan Hongyong, executive deputy secretary of the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy director of the County Supervision Commission, said.

The Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission has lowered supervision to the frontline of the grass-roots level, strengthened supervision over the "number one" and leading bodies at the township and section levels, and focused on building a supervision mechanism that "advances simultaneously according to rules and disciplines, reminds and supervises at the same time, parallels self-discipline and other disciplines, and attaches equal importance to prevention and rectification." Strengthen supervision over the operation of small and micro powers, formulate and introduce the "four lists" of village (community) power lists, performance of responsibilities, supervision lists, and negative lists, and use the "steel ruler" of the system to strengthen supervision and "hard constraints"; follow up on the prominent problems that the masses are generally concerned about and strongly reflect, and promote the solution of the masses' worries, worries, and worries; deepen the construction of work style, continue to reduce the burden on the grass-roots level, and accurately administer formalism and bureaucracy; focus on the implementation of policies and measures to benefit the people and enrich the people and promote common prosperity, and promote the "punishment of corruption and umbrellas" Normalization, deepen supervision; for consecutive years, the network political column has been broadcast, and the rectification of problems reflected in the situation has been included in the scope of daily supervision, and since this year, 182 enterprise-related problems and 386 people's livelihood problems have been solved.

Supervision means "grasping the small ones early and grasping the small ones." As soon as the change of county and township terms of office began, the principal responsible comrades of the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission began to talk one after another about the discipline of the change of office of the principal responsible comrades of the townships, towns, and units concerned. Since the beginning of this year, the main responsible comrades of the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission have taken the lead and other members of the leading body have led the team to conduct honest government talks with 32 town and street units and 48 responsible persons.

The Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission has taken the broadening of the channels for mass supervision as the first pass for strengthening supervision, perfected the mechanism for reflecting problems through multiple channels of letters, visits, networks, and telegrams, adopted methods such as issuing supervision cards and setting up reporting points, listened to the demands of the masses, effectively collected clues to problems, let the masses know about supervision, participate in supervision, and let cadres feel supervision and get used to being supervised.

When the Third Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission reviewed and reviewed the investigation of a case in a certain village in Heshan Town, in view of the problems found to be irregular in the management of funds in the village, it urged immediate rectification and reform, put an end to the hidden dangers of letters and visits, and guided Heshan Town to formulate and issue supervision proposals, follow up and supervise the rectification and reform situation, and ensure that all the problems were rectified and reformed in place.

In order to ensure the quality and effectiveness of supervision, the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission adheres to the linkage of "room and group", formulates the "Detailed Rules for the Evaluation of The Objectives of Supervision, Inspection, Inspection and Investigation Work", and builds a joint supervision work network of "committee organs + stationed institutions + discipline inspection and supervision offices + departments, town and village-level supervision organizations" to strengthen the supervision force.

"Supervision is strict in daily life, and it is done on a regular basis, preventing and reducing violations of discipline and law from the source." Zhang Jijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Ningyang County CPC Committee, secretary of the County Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the County Supervision Commission, said that in the next step, the Ningyang County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission should make efforts to standardize supervision and coordinate supervision, focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of supervision, and provide a strong discipline and work style guarantee for promoting high-quality economic and social development.

(Correspondent Zhang Rui)