
How to make children love to learn? (3) - Cotton cotton loves to go to school

author:Cotton mother please eat melon
How to make children love to learn? (3) - Cotton cotton loves to go to school


Before I went to school, I heard many parents say that their children did not love school, and I thought that I could let my family love school. How painful it would be if you didn't love school and had to go every day! So I first tried to find a way to arouse her yearning for school.

Cotton read the picture book "Martina" to understand what school and schooling is all about, but at that time she was only old enough to go to kindergarten. We didn't send her to kindergarten for various reasons. My reason for her is simple: Mom has no money, you didn't ask for it before, now start saving money, save enough to send you. It's okay to go to school, save money now, and then you'll have money to go to school. So at that time, Mian Mian would explain to people in a serious way: I didn't go to kindergarten because my mother didn't save enough money

The children around her were slowly going to school, and she felt that going to school was a matter of course, until it was a right she deserved. She was afraid that we wouldn't send her to school, because once she said to me very seriously, "I'm not going to learn and someone will catch you?" I don't want people to come and get you. ”


To go to school we need to agree to our conditions.

Cotton's daily homework at home takes about two hours to complete. Before going to school, I officially talked to her that if I wanted to go to school, then I had to complete all kinds of homework assigned by my aunt every day, if I didn't agree, I couldn't go to school, and if I agreed to it, the consequences would be the same. Cotton agreed.

Mian Mian did not go to kindergarten before going to school. Cotton's aunt teaches Cotton cotton preschool courses at home. After the age of 5, I went to the library every afternoon at school to study for more than 2 hours. Learn Chinese, arithmetic and English a little.


In order to make Mian Mian cherish the opportunity to go to school, we told her that if she didn't want to go to school or didn't want to go to school, we would let her suspend her at any time. Because it was she who wanted to go to school and not what we wanted her to go to.

Once the old aunt told her to get up and she said she was uncomfortable and didn't want to go, and I heard her reproach: Why don't you say it earlier, the old aunt still has to get up early? Then I asked my aunt to go to bed quickly, so that Mian Mian felt that it was really good for us that she was not going to school.

However, she was not free, and the old aunt said that since she was uncomfortable, she had to recuperate in bed. As a result, that day was almost like a year for Cotton, and it was not as good as going to school!

On two other occasions, because she did not do our homework well, she also announced that she would not have to go to school the next day. Then there is the cotton cotton crying and crying to make sure that the next day to study hard, and strive to be sent to school on the third day.

Remember a total of two or three times, cotton cotton has not tested our bottom line.


There are many gains from going to school

Cotton's social communication skills do not have to worry about us. Not long after going to school, I made a lot of friends. We would occasionally ask a few questions, and we would take care of what she gave back to the classmates who gave her gadgets.

Mian Mian wears beautiful clothes every day, and has rarely been re-sampled since the beginning of school. With this (because she was so good looking at the time), she was occasionally named a few princesses in her class—which was important to her.

She didn't study hard at all, and the school's incentives and incentives were attractive to her. It is said that she has won a lot of stars, but it is not the largest number of classes, and she needs to go to school every day if she wants more.

When others asked her about going to school, she could show herself to others, and children such as Qin Chen would also communicate about various things about going to school.


Can't bear the pain of not being able to go to school.

We pretended to be happy and began to discuss what we were going to do if she never went to school and so on. As a result, Mian Mian's heart broke at the thought of never going to school again, and her eyes secretly cried red, and she never said anything like she didn't want to go to school again.

Because later when she didn't go to school, she couldn't answer the questions of others. For her, it is still more normal to go to school and better explained to others.

Another time, when she was eating, we discussed that if you don't go to school, you don't have to wear so many beautiful clothes, you can sell them, and if you don't go to school anyway, you don't have to wear them - she strongly opposed it, saying that she was willing to go to school and never sell.


In the Three Character Classic, many ancients did not have the conditions to create conditions to read books, and the reason was because the right to read at that time needed to be fought for. The rights won must naturally be cherished, and no matter how difficult the conditions are, they must realize their dream of studying. So our family uses this method of appropriately setting up obstacles and not being very supportive on the surface to make the child feel that going to school is a right that she has won herself. You need to fight for yourself to go to school, there are all kinds of benefits after going to school, if you don't go to school, you will lose a lot, and my family cotton cotton of course loves to go to school.

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