
Tsinghua University research: the elderly who eat a lot of meat may live longer, what kind of meat is good to eat? I. Tsinghua research: Can the elderly eat meat prolong their lives? Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? Third, 2 kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, when eating, be cautious four, old age, these 2 kinds of meat can eat more

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

"Beef and mutton are listed as carcinogens, and when you get old, you have to eat less meat!"

"It's not good not to eat meat too thin, the old man is prone to illness!"


Meat is an important role in the table, with the improvement of living conditions, more and more people pay attention to health issues, eating meat has become a very tangled thing, especially for the elderly, should eat more meat or eat less meat?

Tsinghua University research: the elderly who eat a lot of meat may live longer, what kind of meat is good to eat? I. Tsinghua research: Can the elderly eat meat prolong their lives? Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? Third, 2 kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, when eating, be cautious four, old age, these 2 kinds of meat can eat more

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > Tsinghua research: can the elderly eat meat prolong life? </h1>

Can eating more meat help the elderly live longer? In order to verify this problem, Wang Zhao of the School of Pharmacy of Tsinghua University conducted relevant research. The study intervened in insulin signaling with a high-fat diet to improve SIRT6-deficient mice. The results of the study suggest that a high-fat diet can improve the body's lipid metabolism, reduce glucose metabolism, and then systematically intervene in the body's metabolic patterns, improve the cachexia state of the disease or the end of aging, improve the quality of life of the body and prolong life.

However, it should be emphasized that the high-fat diet here ≠ a high-calorie diet, but refers to reducing the proportion of carbohydrates and increasing the proportion of fat elements in the case of appropriately reducing food intake and controlling normal calorie intake.

The study ultimately pointed out that the diet of the elderly needs to be properly supplemented with meat, but at the same time, the intake of carbohydrates such as refined grains such as rice noodles should be controlled.

Tsinghua University research: the elderly who eat a lot of meat may live longer, what kind of meat is good to eat? I. Tsinghua research: Can the elderly eat meat prolong their lives? Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? Third, 2 kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, when eating, be cautious four, old age, these 2 kinds of meat can eat more

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? </h1>

Everyone has known in the past that high-fat diet is the culprit of many diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver and so on. You know, human beings from birth to death, like a cycle, infancy weakness to adulthood to adulthood to age weakness, even if the body does not have major diseases, in the state of advanced age, the body tissues and organs will also appear a variety of structural abnormalities or functional decline, such as osteoporosis, muscle mass reduction, heart and kidney weakness, etc., these diseases are related to the body's metabolism abnormalities.

At present, the clinical treatment of similar diseases mainly includes three aspects: exercise, nutrition and medicine. The elderly, especially those at the end of aging, must pay attention to supplementing fatty foods, improve the body's lipid metabolism and reduce glucose metabolism through a high-fat diet, so as to improve the body's metabolic mode, improve the cachexia state of the end of aging, and improve the quality of life of the body.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > three or two kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, and you should be cautious when eating</h1>

The way for humans to replenish fat is very simple, that is, high-fat foods, including pork, lamb, beef, butter, soybean oil, peanut oil and so on. Although appropriate fat supplementation in the elderly can help prolong life, there are two types of meat that may be carcinogenic, so try to avoid excessive intake.

1, processed meat: a class of carcinogens

WHO lists processed meat as a First Class carcinogen, i.e. there is sufficient evidence that the substance is carcinogenic to humans. Through an in-depth analysis of more than 800 relevant studies in 10 countries, there is enough evidence that eating processed meat can lead to colorectal cancer in humans.

Processed meats include: hot dog intestines, ham, sausages, bacon, beef jerky and other foods, but also involve canned meat, meat sauces or ingredients. as well as processed foods containing animal offal or blood.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, 50 grams per person per day, or 1 pair of processed meat products, can lead to an 18% increased risk of colorectal cancer.

2. Red meat

WHO lists red meat as a Class 2A carcinogen, i.e. its carcinogenic effect on humans remains to be confirmed.

Red meat includes: pork, beef, mutton, venison, rabbit and other mammalian meat, as well as bacon, sausage, ham, sausage and lunch meat

Red meat is rich in saturated fatty acids can inhibit insulin secretion, and will also stimulate the flow of bile acids into the duodenum, animal experiments have found that the entry of bile acids can induce the formation of rectal cancer. The hemoglobin contained in red meat can form ferrous hemoglobin during the cooking process, which is easily metabolized in the intestine to form cytotoxic factors.

Tsinghua University research: the elderly who eat a lot of meat may live longer, what kind of meat is good to eat? I. Tsinghua research: Can the elderly eat meat prolong their lives? Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? Third, 2 kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, when eating, be cautious four, old age, these 2 kinds of meat can eat more

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" >, elderly, these 2 kinds of meat can be eaten more</h1>

Red meat and processed meat for the elderly or eat less is better, so if you want to supplement fat nutrition, what meat is more suitable?

1. Poultry meat

Poultry, including chicken, duck, goose, etc., is also what we often call "white meat". White meat contains protein amino acid composition closer to the amino acids needed by the human body, so poultry meat food can be counted as a kind of high-quality protein. Dong Shuo, a physician in the Clinical Nutrition Department of the Fifth People's Hospital of Shenyang, said that for the elderly, chicken in poultry meat is rich in selenium and vitamin B, which enhances human energy and is conducive to enhancing the motor ability of the brain, so the elderly eat chicken appropriately is beneficial to health.

How can the elderly eat chicken the healthiest?

Chicken breast meat is preferred, which has the least fat and is rich in protein, followed by thigh meat, while chicken wings have the highest fat and should eat less. When eating meat, try to peel and eat meat, the fat content of chicken skin is too high, which is easy to cause weight gain. Choose a reasonable cooking method, stew more and stir-fry less, stew meat is tender and soft, more suitable for the elderly whose chewing ability is declining.

2. Fish and aquatic meat

The second kind of meat suitable for the elderly is fish meat and aquatic meat. Fish fat contains a large number of fatty acids, which are different from trans fatty acids, are beneficial substances that can promote the development of the brain, and eat more can protect the blood supply of the brain, which is a very good tonic food.

The elderly eat more meat, which also improves cardiovascular disease. Fish is rich in protein and omega-3, unsaturated fatty acids that reduce blood viscosity and effectively prevent cerebral infarction and stroke risk. A study analysis of the Guangzhou Biobank cohort also confirmed that eating 4 to 6 fish per week reduced all-cause mortality by 15% and the risk of cardiovascular disease death by 36%.

Tsinghua University research: the elderly who eat a lot of meat may live longer, what kind of meat is good to eat? I. Tsinghua research: Can the elderly eat meat prolong their lives? Second, why do the elderly eat more meat? Third, 2 kinds of meat are listed as carcinogens, when eating, be cautious four, old age, these 2 kinds of meat can eat more

Some people of the older generation questioned: in those years, there was a shortage of materials, and a can of meat was enough to feed for a year. Many elderly people around them often eat beef, mutton, etc., and they have not seen any diseases.

Although red meat is classified as a "Class II carcinogen", the carcinogenic level does not represent the intensity of carcinogenicity. This carcinogenic classification only represents the possibility of carcinogenicity, but the evidence is not clear. Therefore, in a strict sense, eating red meat only has a risk of carcinogenicity, but it cannot be cancerous simply by eating a certain food. Therefore, red meat is not completely uneaten, but try to control the intake.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, adults recommend that the intake of meat should be controlled at 40-75g per day. Eat red meat, it is recommended to eat "lean" and not "fat", so as not to consume excessive calories. When cooking, more steaming stew, instead of frying, less oil and less salt, to retain the authentic taste of meat, to avoid excessive loss of nutrients.

For the elderly, meat is not a poison, and even if you eat it regularly, no one will get sick. However, as you get older, you can't be exactly like when you were young, eating everything, and if you want to live a long time, controlling your intake is the key. #Health Star Program ##Rumor Zero Plan ##秋季健康不打烊 #


[1] "Eating more meat to prolong life? | Wang Zhao's research group of the School of Pharmacy of Tsinghua University reported that "High-fat diet improves metabolic damage and premature aging phenotype in SIRT6-deficient mice by intervening insulin signaling pathways". School of Pharmacy, Tsinghua University.2020-01-25

[2] Confirmation | WHO confirms that processed meat can cause cancer What are processed meat products? 》. CCTV News.2015-10-27

[3] International Older People's Day | How the elderly eat chicken to be healthy". Healthy Shenyang.2021-10-01

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