
The sparkling jellyfish is very cute, so be careful when you buy them as pets

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News (reporter Chen Yanlin Ma Zhuangzhuang) Recently, actor Chen Xuedong went to the sea to shoot, and his legs were stung by jellyfish into a "sieve" on the hot search. Many netizens also shared their experience of being stung. Most people have the impression that jellyfish is a poisonous sea creature, but its transparent and luminous appearance is very beautiful. What is it like to keep a jellyfish as a pet at home? The Modern Express reporter found that now, some merchants have started the "business economy" of jellyfish and begun to sell pet jellyfish on the Internet. So, is pet jellyfish toxic? What problems do I need to pay attention to when raising?

The sparkling jellyfish is very cute, so be careful when you buy them as pets

Hot topic: The male actor went to the sea to shoot, and was stung by jellyfish with legs

On June 10, actor Chen Xuedong posted a photo on Weibo and revealed that he needed to go to the sea to shoot because of his work, and his legs were stung by jellyfish as a "sieve", and his legs were full of bags, which he likened to "10,000 poisonous mosquitoes have bitten". On the photos posted by Chen Xuedong, red spots are all over the legs, densely packed. Some netizens immediately woke up after watching it, saying that they could feel the pain across the screen. Others shared their experience of being stung by jellyfish, saying that it was "a huge pain".

The Modern Express reporter learned that there are often related reports of the incident of being stung by jellyfish at the beach. At the end of July 2020, when Mr. Zhu, a citizen, was swimming in a sea in Zhangpu, Fujian Province, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his right arm, and not long after, the right arm began to appear swollen and painful, erythematous spots, papules, accompanied by headaches and dizziness. After arriving at the hospital, the medical staff diagnosed contact dermatitis caused by jellyfish stings. Mr. Dai, a 50-year-old citizen of Dalian who had the same experience, once hit a jellyfish the size of a washbasin when swimming on the beach, and it didn't take long for him to feel weak and short of breath. At the moment of danger, the citizens swimming nearby heard the call for help and immediately swam over and sent him ashore.

Phenomenon: Jellyfish become child pets, and the seller says that artificial hatching is non-toxic

Modern Express reporters searched on an online shopping platform, and there are many merchants selling jellyfish, and monthly sales are more than a few hundred. Most of the jellyfish varieties sold online are sea moon jellyfish and akatsuki jellyfish, and the price of a jellyfish generally ranges from a few yuan to thirty or forty yuan.

The sparkling jellyfish is very cute, so be careful when you buy them as pets

Click on a shop selling sea moon jellyfish, and on the product page, the merchant indicates the habits of jellyfish, and also explains the toxicity of jellyfish. "Not all jellyfish are poisonous, and sea jellyfish are non-toxic species. The jellyfish sold in our shop are artificially hatched and cultured, and the source can be traced. But when the reporter asked how to trace the source and whether there was a relevant license, the customer service only repeatedly explained that it was farmed by itself. In the product evaluation, some people said that the jellyfish bought back was raised for half a month or a week and died.

Subsequently, the Modern Express reporter consulted several sellers, for the sale of jellyfish is toxic, they all said that it is not toxic, and even touched with their hands, saying that the stores are selling artificial jellyfish.

On another online shopping platform, a "student child pet jellyfish" is quite popular, priced at 35.5 yuan. The jellyfish sold by the merchant are Akatsuki jellyfish sets, which are sold in a glowing cup with two Akatsuki jellyfish in one cup. In the precautions, the merchant noted how to change the water for the jellyfish, and how to hatch the shrimp eggs to feed the jellyfish, and did not remind parents or children to prevent stings when changing water and watching.

The sparkling jellyfish is very cute, so be careful when you buy them as pets

The merchant wrote: "This jellyfish set is suitable for the first contact with jellyfish, a short period of time to raise a play experience, to send children to increase their knowledge." In the review of the product, some parents said: "No need to go to the ocean aquarium to see jellyfish, children are too happy to see jellyfish." "The operation is relatively simple, and it is not difficult to imagine raising."

Experts: Ornamental jellyfish should also be treated with caution, and children with weak bodies should not touch them

Mr. Yang, an engineer at the Xiamen Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, told the Modern Express that after many generations of artificially bred jellyfish, the feeding method will change, and the toxicity may slowly decrease or even be lost. In coastal areas, there are now many enterprises that artificially breed jellyfish. "If you want to buy ornamental jellyfish to breed at home, you have to choose a regular enterprise, jellyfish of unknown origin, may still be toxic, and you should be cautious." Whether it is a jellyfish in the sea or an ornamental pet jellyfish, be careful. For children or people who are prone to allergies, it is not recommended to touch jellyfish with their hands or bodies. ”

Among the thousands of jellyfish species, only more than seventy kinds of jellyfish can really pose a threat to people, and not all jellyfish are harmful to people. Jellyfish's attack weapon is called the stinging cell, and once mechanically or chemically stimulated, it will quickly fire the stinging wire out and stab it into the body of the prey, releasing toxins. If stung, first use tools such as forceps to remove jellyfish tentacles that are still adhering to the skin, and use a card to scrape out the prickly cells in one direction; then rinse the wound with baking soda or seawater. However, these are only emergency treatment, the most correct way is to go to the hospital and other professional institutions as soon as possible to seek the assistance of professionals.

(Phone screenshot)

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