
Chinese city No.202--Fushun

author:Urban world

Fushun [fǔ shùn]

Prefecture-level city in Liaoning Province

Fushun City, a prefecture-level city in Liaoning Province, is an important industrial base in Liaoning Province and a sub-central city of Shenyang Economic Zone. It is located in the east of Liaoning Province, bordering Jilin Province to the east, Shenyang City to the west, the capital of Shenyang to the west, Tieling to the north, and Benxi to the south. The geographical coordinates are 123 ° 55 ' east longitude, 41 ° 52 ' north latitude, the average altitude of Fushun is 80 meters, located in the middle temperate zone, belonging to the continental monsoon climate, the urban area is located on the alluvial plain of the Hun River, surrounded by mountains on three sides; Fushun city has jurisdiction over four municipal districts and three counties, with a total area of 11271.5 square kilometers. According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 00:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Fushun City is 1861372 people.

There are 2 railways and 2 expressways in Fushun City. Fushun is the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty, the second hometown of Lei Feng and the birthplace of Lei Feng's spirit. Fushun is located in the remnants of Changbai Mountain, showing a high southeast and a low northwest trend, is an important water source protection area in Liaoning Province, is an important old industrial base in China, and is known as the "coal capital" in history. Fushun is the happiest city in China, an excellent tourist city in China, and a national forest city.

In 2019, Fushun's GDP was 84.71 billion yuan, down 3.6% year-on-year at comparable prices. In 2020, Fushun achieved a regional GDP of 82.78 billion yuan, down 3.0% from 2019.

Chinese name: Fushun City

Foreign name: Fushun City

Alias: Coal Capital

Administrative division code: 210400

Administrative district category: Prefecture-level city

Region: Liaoning Province

Location: Eastern Liaoning Province

Area: 11271.5 km2

Sub-districts: 4 municipal districts, 3 counties

Government office: No. 23, Linjiang East Road, Shuncheng District

Telephone area code: 024

Postal area code: 113000

Climatic conditions: Temperate continental monsoon climate

Famous attractions: Hetuala, Royal Polar Ocean World, Lei Feng Memorial Hall, Red River Valley Rafting, Hot Highland

Train station: Fushun North Railway Station

License plate code: Liao D

Gross Regional Product: RMB82.78 billion (2020)

Dialect: Northeast Mandarin

Population: 1861372 (zero permanent population as of 1 November 2020)

List of key cultural relics protection units: Qingyong Mausoleum, Hetuala Ancient City, Pingdingshan Massacre Site Memorial Hall, Fushun War Criminals Management Office Site

Origin of place names

In the seventeenth year of Ming Hongwu (1384), Fushun City was built at the southern foot of Fushun Gaoer Mountain, and named it Fushun, from which Fushun got its name.

History of the building

Warring States, Fushun lied to liaodong county of the Yan state.

Qin, Qin attacked the Yan system.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the western part of Fushun belonged to Liaodong County, and the northern region belonged to Gaoxian County, Liaodong County. In the third year of the Yuan Dynasty (108 BC), Xuanju Commandery was established. In the fifth year of the first century (82 BC), Xuanjue County was moved to the territory of Yongling in Xinbin County. In the sixth year of the Yongchu Dynasty (112), The county was changed to Xuancheng County, and Fushun still belonged to The county. In the first year of Chuping (190), Gongsun Du divided Liaodong, and the Fushun area still belonged to the Gongsun regime Xuanju County.

In the third year of Wei Jingchu (239), Fushun was subordinate to Xuanju Commandery.

At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, it was still a prefecture county, and Fushun was still part of Xuanju County (堠城县 has been abolished). In the first year of Yongkang (300), Fushun was transferred to the Goguryeo regime.

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty (668), the Andong Capital Protectorate was set up in Xincheng, which was subordinate to the Andong Metropolitan Protectorate and Fushun. In the first year of the Wuzhou Dynasty (698), Dazuorong established the Bohai State. Present-day Qingyuan and Xinbin counties are the western part of the Bohai State, and the present-day Fushun urban area and the central and western parts of Fushun County still belong to the Andong Governor's Mansion Xincheng Prefecture.

In the first year (926) of Emperor Taizong of Liao, He established Guidezhou under the administration of Tokyo Province, and administered the counties of Guide and Fengde. Jin, abolished Fengde County, added Fengji County, Guidezhou under tokyo road.

Yuan, abolished Guidezhou, placed Guidian Inspection Department, subordinate to Shenyang Road.

Ming, Fushun belonged to Liaodong Wei and commanded the envoy Si Yangyangwei. In the forty-fourth year of the Wanli Calendar (1616), Nurhaci was called Khan, the state name was Jin (historically known as Houjin), and Fushun City was the territory of zhenghuangqi.

In the fourteenth year of Qing Shunzhi (1657), FengtianFu was placed in FengtianFu, and Fushun was subordinate to Fengtianfu. In the third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1664), Chengde County was placed under the jurisdiction of present-day Shenyang and Fushun. In the first year of Guangxu (1875), Fushun was divided into two parts: the east and the west, the east belonged to the Xingjing Hall, and the west belonged to Chengde County. In the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), Xingren County (Fushun County) was established in the eastern part of Chengde County, and Fushun belonged to it. In the 34th year of Guangxu (1908), Xingren County was changed to Fushun County.

In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Fushun was subordinated to the eastern border road of Fengtian Province.

In the eighteenth year of the Republic of China (1929), Fengtian Province was changed to Liaoning Province. Fushun County was transferred to Liaoning Province.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), Japanese imperialism launched the "September 18" incident, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and Fushun was occupied the next day. The Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by Yang Jingyu fought in Liaodong.

In the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), in mid-October, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Fushun Municipal Government was established. In November, the Office of the Administrative Inspector of Fushun province (hereinafter referred to as the Fushun Special Office) was established, which was subordinate to the Liaoning Provincial Government.

In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), the Kuomintang army occupied Fushun and established Fushun City and Fushun County, both of which were subordinate to Liaoning Province.

In the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947), Fushun City was abolished and merged into Fushun County.

On October 31, 1948, Fushun was liberated. In November of the same year, Shenfu County was abolished and Fushun Municipal Government and Fushun County Government were established. Fushun City and County are divided and administered, and are all subordinate to the Andong Provincial Government.

In 1949, Fushun City was directly under the Central Government of the Northeast Administrative Committee.

In 1953, Fushun City was changed to a municipality directly under the central government.

In 1954, Liaodong Province and Liaoxi Province were abolished and merged into Liaoning Province. Fushun City was transferred to Liaoning Province and changed to a provincial municipality.

History of the district

In 1956, Xinbin and Qingyuan were transferred to the Tieling Commissioner's Office.

In 1958, Xinbin and Qingyuan were transferred to Fushun City.

In 1961, Fushun County was restored.

In 1964, Xinbin and Qingyuan were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Shenyang Commissioner's Office.

In 1965, Xinbin and Qingyuan were restored to Fushun City.

Zoning information

As of 2020, Fushun has jurisdiction over 4 districts and 3 counties: Xinfu District, Wanghua District, Dongzhou District, Shuncheng District, Fushun County, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, and Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County. Fushun Municipal People's Government is located at No. 23, Linjiang East Road, Shuncheng District.

Chinese city No.202--Fushun
Chinese city No.202--Fushun
Chinese city No.202--Fushun
Chinese city No.202--Fushun
Chinese city No.202--Fushun