
Interview with Xunfei Tao Xiaodong: It is difficult for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment to land at the grassroots level, and it is necessary to investigate the use of village doctors on the spot

Zhang Xuewu, vice president of Jieshou People's Hospital, said: "iFLYTEK initially did not understand what the grassroots needed most. Xu Xiaochan, a figure in "China's Good Doctor and China's Good Nurse" in September, also gave advice to iFLYTEK: "Engineers should go to the field to investigate the real use of village doctors, guided by their needs, rather than doing what the superior leaders say and completing the task according to the provincial documents." ”

(Article/Observer Network Yin Zhe Editor/Zhou Yuanfang) Since iFLYTEK announced the spin-off and listing of its medical business subsidiaries, the development of this business has attracted attention from all walks of life.

On October 26, Tao Xiaodong, vice president of iFLYTEK and general manager of iFLYTEK Medical, Zhang Xuewu, vice president of Jieshou People's Hospital, and Xu Xiaochan, doctor of "Hundred Doctors stationed in villages", were interviewed by Observer Network.

Through AI empowerment to sink high-quality medical resources, iFLYTEK's first major product in the medical business, the intelligent medical assistant, has now covered 105 districts and counties in Anhui Province, more than 17,000 medical rooms, and served more than 33,000 doctors.

However, Zhang Xuewu pointed out: "It is difficult for intellectual medical assistants to be promoted at the grassroots level. But after several years of polishing, this thing has helped grassroots doctors solve big problems. ”

"The intelligent medical assistant should not only have the function of assisting diagnosis and treatment, but also have the function of learning and chronic disease management." Xu Xiaochan pointed out: "Chronic disease management has really reduced the village mortality rate, and if it is promoted to the county and a larger area, it will bring benefits to more people." ”

In this regard, Tao Xiaodong stressed: "The main body of Xunfei medical services is definitely the doctor, through the doctor to finally reach the patient, and then provide higher quality services, including chronic disease management, post-diagnosis management, etc." ”

"iFLYTEK initially did not understand what the grassroots need most"

In 2017, iFLYTEK's "Intelligent Medical Assistant" robot passed the national clinical practitioner written test with a score of 456 points, exceeding the pass line of 360 points for clinical practitioners.

The company commented at the time that this score was equivalent to the intermediate and advanced level of 530,000 candidates in the country.

After the technological breakthrough, iFLYTEK launched the "Smart Medical Assistant" product for the grassroots and began to provide artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis and treatment for grassroots doctors.

By the end of June this year, the intelligent medical assistant had landed in more than 20 provinces across the country, and had been launched in more than 200 districts and counties and more than 30,000 grass-roots medical institutions across the country, serving more than 50,000 grass-roots doctors.

Last year, iFLYTEK's medical business achieved revenue of 313 million yuan; in the first half of this year, the business generated revenue of 99.892 million yuan, an increase of 34.21% year-on-year, accounting for 1.58% of the total revenue.

Interview with Xunfei Tao Xiaodong: It is difficult for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment to land at the grassroots level, and it is necessary to investigate the use of village doctors on the spot

Zhang Xuewu, vice president of Jieshou People's Hospital

However, when he first came into contact with the Zhi medical assistant in August 2018, Zhang Xuewu was not satisfied because he did not think that iFLYTEK understood what grassroots doctors actually needed.

After a candid exchange with iFLYTEK, he gained a team of 5 engineers.

Zhang Xuewu pointed out: "If there is a detailed medical history plus a detailed physical examination, more than 80% of the diseases can be correctly diagnosed, and there is no need to go to a large hospital for various examinations." ”

However, the process of rural grassroots doctors is too simple.

"A little feverish?" A little coughing? That's infected, give you some medicine. He imitated the diagnosis process of rural doctors in a vivid way: "How many degrees of fever is highest, what causes fever, what kind of cough, whether there is any law, what kind of phlegm, these grassroots doctors will not ask." ”

"But an accurate description of these symptoms is crucial for the diagnosis." He stressed.

Subsequently, he proposed development ideas to iFLYTEK, and established mind maps around the 28 symptom systems in textbooks.

By May 2019, the accuracy rate of the first diagnosis given by the intelligent medical assistant after diagnosis reached 55%; after continuous improvement, after 3 months, the accuracy rate of the first diagnosis has approached 80%.

"It is difficult to change the habits of rural doctors to see doctors, so it is difficult for intelligent medical assistants to promote them at the grassroots level." Zhang Xuewu pointed out.

Therefore, Jieshou City has taken some proactive measures to join the assessment and guide the use of grass-roots level: as long as the intelligent medical assistant is started, the case is written according to the requirements of the intelligent medical assistant, and each time it is seen, it is given an additional 1 yuan for diagnosis. Finally, the enthusiasm of rural doctors to use it has been improved.

Before sharing with iFLYTEK, he specially sorted out the data of Jieshou City: "As of October 24, the total number of visits by grass-roots medical assistants since the beginning of this year has reached 1.0196 million, the case writing standardization rate has reached 99.6%, and the diagnosis and treatment standardization has reached more than 95%. ”

"To be honest, at the beginning, Anhui Province took out such a large amount of money to promote this project, and many counties did not understand." Zhang Xuewu mentioned: "But now it is very good to feel that this thing really helped grassroots doctors solve big problems." ”

Of course, there are still shortcomings for intellectual medical assistants.

He mentioned that in voice interaction, in the automatic embedding of cases, there are still deficiencies in intelligent medical assistants.

In addition, the use of township health centers is not as good as in cities, on the one hand, the number of medical patients is small, and another reason is that there are many local famous doctors and patients, and they are not willing to use intelligent medical assistants.

"We hope that the intelligent medical assistant can grow up quickly, truly become an assistant to a county-level hospital or even a tertiary hospital, become an assistant to all clinicians, and provide a basis for our decision-making support, which is also an expectation of iFLYTEK." Zhang Xuewu concluded.

Under the premise of not increasing financial investment, Jieshou City has improved the enthusiasm of doctors at all levels for disease prevention and performance by placing some medical insurance funds in the medical community as disease prevention funds, thereby improving the compliance rate of chronic disease management and reducing the incidence of chronic disease complications.

It is estimated that the medical community of Jieshou People's Hospital spends 16 million yuan per year to prevent diseases, saving about 90 million yuan in medical insurance funds. Under the condition that medical insurance is paid per head, the medical insurance funds raised are allocated to the medical community at a rate of 85%, and the medical insurance for patients is also paid for by the medical community.

By the end of June, all 13 medical and health institutions in the medical community had applied the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment assistance platform, the number of referrals and remote assistance had gradually increased, and the upward trend of per capita outpatient and inpatient average costs had slowed down significantly.

Jieshou City is also known as "Medical Reform Xiaogang Village" by the industry.

"Smart medical assistants must listen to the needs of village doctors and cannot only complete tasks"

"From the big hospital to the grassroots, my first impression of the intelligent medical assistant is that it is not practical. Not only do you not want to use it, but it is even more difficult to use. Xu Xiaochan said mercilessly.

Interview with Xunfei Tao Xiaodong: It is difficult for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment to land at the grassroots level, and it is necessary to investigate the use of village doctors on the spot

Xu Xiaochan, a doctor of "Hundred Doctors Stationed in the Village"

In May 2019, Anhui Province conducted a village-by-village survey of 14,022 administrative villages in 70 poverty-related counties and districts in the province, and found that 168 villages had no qualified village doctors.

In order to realize the problem of the poor "having a place to see a doctor and a doctor to see a doctor", Anhui Province launched the special action of "100 doctors stationed in villages" to encourage and guide outstanding backbone doctors to go deep into the frontline of the grass-roots level and sink high-quality medical resources to the frontline of poverty alleviation.

On the "first train", Xu Xiaochan and his wife went to Xujia Village and Qingxi Village in Huangjian Township, Xiuning County, Huangshan City, respectively as village doctors.

She pointed out that village doctors are in short supply and that people can stay.

Referring to the reason, Xu Xiaochan said: "After entering the village, we fell into a state of not seeing a doctor. The local patient's condition was very complicated, and after a round of screening, I was helpless and fell into a serious lack of confidence. ”

By observing local village doctors and barefoot doctors, she noticed that these roles, which resemble "family doctors", are very familiar to local patients. However, after Xu Xiaochan was stationed in the village, there were not enough tests to understand the patient's past history.

Xu Xiaochan mentioned that Anhui Province has implemented a free targeted entrusted training program for village doctors, selecting targeted specialist training from high school students for three years, and signing an agreement to serve in rural areas for 5-6 years after graduation.

"An ordinary undergraduate medical student who independently becomes a doctor in the countryside after graduation cannot be completed, let alone a three-year specialist student." She confessed: "One of the biggest differences between a big hospital and a local government is that it is a team fight and a single fight. ”

After the improvement of the ability of the intelligent medical assistant, Xu Xiaochan noticed that young doctors frequently use the intelligent medical assistant, "according to the main complaint, they will habitually click on the small robot and see the diagnosis, guidelines, diagnosis and treatment suggestions, and treatment plans of possible diseases according to the mind map."

In her view, the most important thing for grassroots doctors is health management, so that the people are less sick, and large hospitals are treating diseases.

Therefore, Xu Xiaochan suggested to Anhui Province: "Do not let the newly graduated doctors directly in the village, you should first train in the township health center for two years." ”

She also gave advice to iFLYTEK: "Engineers should go to the field to investigate the real use of village doctors, guided by their needs, rather than doing what the superior leaders say and completing the task according to the provincial documents." ”

"The intelligent medical assistant should not only have the function of assisting diagnosis and treatment, but also have the function of learning and chronic disease management." Xu Xiaochan added: "Chronic disease management has really reduced village mortality, and if it is promoted to counties and larger areas, it will bring benefits to more people." ”

According to the introduction, during the period of staying in the village, Xu Xiaochan assisted the health center in consulting difficult patients, contacted remote consultation, and increased medical service projects such as traditional Chinese medicine technology in the health center. With the help of the "intelligent medical assistant" system, the couple assisted in diagnosis and treatment, follow-up, checked information, and wrote medical records, so that the local people had medical files and established a preventive medicine system.

In September 2021, Xu Xiaochan was listed as the "Good Doctor of China, Good Nurse of China" monthly figure jointly organized by the Central Civilization Office and the National Health Commission.

"The main body of iFLYTEK medical services is doctors"

"The main body of iFLYTEK medical services is definitely the doctor, through the doctor to finally reach the patient, and then provide higher quality services, including chronic disease management, post-diagnosis management, etc." Tao Xiaodong stressed.

Interview with Xunfei Tao Xiaodong: It is difficult for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment to land at the grassroots level, and it is necessary to investigate the use of village doctors on the spot

Tao Xiaodong, Vice President of iFLYTEK and General Manager of iFLYTEK Medical

According to him, the Smart Medical Assistant is a tool that iFLYTEK provides to doctors to better counsel patients.

"iFLYTEK will avoid bypassing the medical system and make a To C model on the periphery." Tao Xiaodong pointed out: "The most important foundation for the commercialization of iFLYTEK Medical is doctors and medical workers. ”

In the process of promoting smart medical assistants, the company has a deeper understanding of the work of grass-roots doctors, so it has also launched businesses such as telephone robots and intelligent medical care.

"Since SARS in 2003, the primary diagnosis and treatment station has become the most important work of the grass-roots doctors, occupying a lot of doctors' time, including interviews with key groups." Tao Xiaodong mentioned: "iFLYTEK has made a telephone robot system to help grassroots doctors more conveniently follow up, chronic disease management, health education, appointment notification, etc., saving doctors a lot of time to engage in medical work." ”

Observer Network noted in the semi-annual report of iFLYTEK that the intelligent medical assistant telephone robot assisted governments and medical institutions at all levels to carry out normalized epidemic prevention and control and basic public health follow-up services, and has served more than 400 million person-times, improving the work efficiency of grass-roots medical personnel.

Especially in the field of chronic disease management, not only medical knowledge is needed, but also follow-up.

Tao Xiaodong mentioned that on the basis of the Internet of Things, chronic disease management data can be uploaded in real time to form a complete health file of patients, and then use artificial intelligence analysis to achieve hierarchical and hierarchical management.

According to reports, not only for the grassroots, in the hospital, around voice technology, mobile Internet technology, iFLYTEK entered the mobile medical care system in 2017, providing mobile workstations for doctors and completing the work in the hospital, including inpatient and outpatient scenarios.

In patient smart terminal applications, the company extends the contact between doctors and patients outside the hospital, helping long-term patients get expert guidance and disease rehabilitation.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.


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