
Pea fields should be controlled as soon as possible for leafminer flies

author:Farmers Daily
Pea fields should be controlled as soon as possible for leafminer flies

Recently, when we went to some townships in Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, to investigate, we saw that in the fields where some farmers planted peas, the bean leaves had been eaten white by leaf-diving flies, and some of the harms had developed from point to piece, and farmers everywhere should pay great attention to it.

Leafminers are more infested with crops, and when leafminers invade field peas, they develop rapidly, often causing peas to be reduced in production and harvest. After entering january, the temperature is higher than usual, and leafminer flies take the opportunity to transfer the field. The insect can occur 4 to 5 generations a year, with the continuous rise of temperature after spring, the breeding density will increase, and the harm area will be wider. It has been observed that in recent years, some farmers have applied a relatively single variety of pesticides, and the resistance of leafminer flies has increased, and a variety of agents must be used for cross-application in order to achieve effective control.

In the control of pea leafminers, the leaves of the plant that have been damaged should first be removed, or the wilted residual plants should be removed to reduce the source base of the insects. Secondly, in the choice of pesticides, one can use insect growth regulator fly amine, both can be used 10% suspension 1500 times liquid, and can be sprayed with 75% wettable powder 10000 times liquid, the drug has a special activity on leafminer fly larvae, has an aspiring conduction effect, can make larvae and pupa teratogenic, adult insects are difficult to feather, can better control the spread of pests; two can choose 20% spot submersible microemulsion 1:1500 ~ 2000 times liquid spray; three can be sprayed with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1000 times liquid spray Four can be sprayed with 50% malathion emulsion 1000 times liquid. These pesticides can be selectively applied everywhere, sprayed every 10 days or so, and can be sprayed 2 to 3 times continuously. Yu Hongzhang

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