
The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

author:Lord of the Night Castle

Originally resdal (1602–1670) was named de Hauille, but he and his brother Isak changed their surname to Resdal—from the castle near their father's birthplace of Briricam, and like many of his contemporaries, Resdal traveled extensively in the Netherlands where he grew up, drawing many sketches on the journey and then completing his paintings accordingly.

The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

Although he was born near Amst, he spent most of his time working in Haarlem, a town that was experiencing economic and cultural booming – because the profits from the thriving local industries (such as flax, tulip bulbs, beer, etc.) supported a swelling population that spent money on luxuries such as art, and paintings were often commissioned, but the objects of artists' work were uncertain, and the paintings they painted would be sold by traders or sold privately.

The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

The landscape of The Boulevard Landscape features striking trees and slow-moving ferries, which Resdal has interpreted many times, and in the 1640s and 1650s he often used the pattern of trees as elements of ground composition, channeling and passing the eyes through the relative vertical and horizon lines to create dramatic effects, and he was interested in the effects of light, especially on the water.

The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

The river is soaked by the mysterious light cast by the clouds in the sky, and the cows on the boat are highlighted by the soft glow of the water shining behind them, and Resdal's riverscape paintings have influenced a range of Dutch landscape painters, including the early works of his nephew Jacob van Resdal; Resdal was born in Naarden, outside Amsterdam, but spent most of his life in the metropolis Haarlem, where he became the main landscape artist in Haarlem.

The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

Resdal's Landscape of the Boulevard River

Although his artistic situation is unclear, his work is particularly reflected in the influence of Ilias van de Feld, Peter Morigin, Jan van Gorting and others, perhaps his most famous is the depiction of inland waterways, his works are full of delicate and transparent light, and reproduce the sense of tranquility of the boundless idyllic scenery, the landscape of Deventer is not necessarily correct in terms of topographic structure, but it is still recognizable.

The painter's oil paintings are full of spring colors, and I have admired them again and again, and each time I admire them is unfinished

Resdal's "Deventer from the Northwest"

With fishermen and their sailboats on the river and the vast Dutch skies in the background, the unforgettable landscape of Deventer from the Northwest hints at the moment when these elegant sailing ships are going to sea, but in fact Deventer is inland, and it is far away on the other side of the IJssel, where St. Bavo's Church interrupts the low horizon, creating a vertical line in the continuous horizon and the diagonal of the picture.

In the early part of his career, Resdal focused on travelers and dune landscapes outside taverns, and in his later years he turned to still life painting, but the quiet waterway landscapes and simple compositions bathed in soft light in the middle of his career were his most influential paintings, and his work had a top position among Dutch landscapes in the 17th century.

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