
In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

author:Lonely and strong

Hello everyone, today I would like to spit on the third work of the DC Pale Knight Universe, its name is called:

《Batman- White Knight Presents - Harley Quinn》

(Batman - Pale Knight Presentation - Harley Quinn)

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

The story begins a few years after the war between Batman and the Angel of Death, in which most of gotham City's villains died at the hands of the Death Knight that year, and of course he can do all this without the Joker's plan and help, but Harley Quay chooses to shoot the Joker by saving his children from the Joker's hands and sparing them from the Joker.

This may be a tragedy that can never be changed in Gotham City, but with the death of the Joker and the revelation of the truth behind the Wayne family, readers know that Batman is the descendant of sinners, and the real Wayne family ancestors have died in the basement of Arkham Castle that year.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

Harley Quinn once tried to prevent Batman from turning himself in, but he chose to send himself to prison, perhaps to atone for his sins, perhaps to think, but everyone knew that the cage could not trap Batman at all, but he wanted to stay here and calm down.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

There were many people who thought that the Joker had ruined Harley Quinn, but it was clear that the question had a different answer in her mind, in fact, the truth was not that the Joker chose to fall, but that Harley took the initiative to embrace the darkness.

In other words, it was Actually Harley Quinn who ruined the Joker, or we could call him another name, because he wasn't a Joker years ago, but an ambitious young man—"Jack Napier." ”

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

In Harley's original memory, there was no Joker in this crazy love, she met Jack, fell in love with Jack, and before he was trapped in the Arkham Madhouse, before he became the "Joker", everything she did was to save Jack.

In the Pale Knight universe, the direct reason Jack Napier became a Joker was that he was imprisoned for ten years, when in fact he was just a scapegoat, when the top brass who controlled the Wayne Foundation chose a way to squeeze the surplus value of Gotham City in a way that was more lucrative than selling goods, and it was called the "Villain Economy!" ”

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

From this, we can see that Gotham City is really full of talent, because the places where Batman often appears will be considered very dangerous, and then the crazy decline in house prices in these places will be followed.

Ironically, however, the day Harley first met Jack Napier was also the day she first met Batman.

Harley is deeply guilty about Jack Napier's death, but this is the helpless reality that if he does not die, the Joker will continue to haunt their children.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

And now that Harley Quinn is finally able to raise her two children and visit Batman occasionally, the relationship between them is somewhat ambiguous, because Harley secretly writes a confession letter to Batman.

But the peaceful life didn't last forever, and the appearance of a man completely disrupted Harley's plans.

His name is Duke, he is a member of the GTO organization, and simply put, he is a vigilante guarding Gotham City.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

Duke came to Harley for only one reason, and that was that Gotham City was once again in turmoil, and the appearance of a mysterious killer caused some people to start stirring, and once the chaos began, everything they had tried for was in vain.

Of course, the mysterious cases that occurred in Gotham City also attracted the attention of the FBI, they sent a super agent who had grown up in Gotham, he was Dr. Quebee, and his idea was to know the truth behind these mysterious cases, and they needed the wisdom of Harley Quinn, a wise man who had calculated Batman and the Joker.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

Dr. Quemby's deduction was correct, but Harley Quinn rejected Duke's offer, not wanting to involve herself in such a dangerous affair again, after all she needed to take care of her two still young children. Duke fails to convince Harley Quinn to get back on the hill, but Bruce Wayne in prison succeeds in convincing Harley.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

"It's the style of the Golden Age, and someone is imitating the clown's madness!"

The conversation between Harley Quinn and Batman is detailed, and although Bruce has been trapping himself in a cell all these years, his intelligence network is still all over the city. And when he began to calm down and think, his mental state was much better, and his mentality was no longer so dark.

And Harley Quinn wasn't in a good shape, because her new job, coupled with the hard work of caring for her two children, made her a little exhausted, thinking that she was not a qualified mother.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

Although a new Joker-style case emerges, Batman is not panicked at all, because he believes that Harley Quinn can solve this matter perfectly, after all, she is the real Pale Knight.

And about these mysterious cases, I believe that everyone also has a lot of speculation, one of the most suspicious people is the "new clown" that appeared in the first part of the Pale Knight series, her name is Maria, and Harley Quinn fell in love with the clown, but she did not know that Harley fell in love with not the clown, but Jack.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

In the first episode, Maria plans to freeze the entire city of Gotham, and the Joker and Batman join forces to sabotage her plan.

When Harley Quinn arrived at the scene of the crime, she could see the problem at a glance.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

The deceased, named James Turner, had starred in the Oscar-winning film The Court of the Joker, and Harley Quinn offered a key piece of information that the Joker's favorite film was alive.

Harley Quinn then discovers more details at the scene of the crime, all the evidence pointing to a familiar character, the new Joker.

In Batman: The Pale Knight, Harley falls in love with Batman, and the Joker's imitators reappear

This time, it will be a fateful duel between two women.

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