
How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

author:Fan Song writes
How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

When the children reached the third grade, they made a qualitative leap in composition, from looking at pictures and writing words, and suddenly to writing real life. Since then, the child's happiness in composition has gradually disappeared, and the fear has gradually approached - the composition has become a child's nightmare.

If at this time, whether it is the school or the family, can not tutor the child in time, I am afraid that this fear will accompany the child for a lifetime.

The composition is nothing more than two big blocks, and it is also these two big pieces that plague the child -

What a child suffers the most is what to write, and then how to write.

Is there a way to solve these two big problems?

How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

Diary diary, every day to remember, a day not to remember, not called a diary.

In the process of keeping a diary, because I remember every day, I solved the problem of what to write (composition material) and how to write (composition method).

However, our understanding of diary is very narrow, and we feel that writing a diary is to record daily events. Actually, this is not the case. This is precisely the four major types of narratives: narratives based on writing people, narratives based on narratives, narratives based on painting scenes, and narratives based on objects.

How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

Narrative essays are also a type of composition that primary and secondary school students must learn and take. Why? Because the narrative itself is a record of the children's lives. Only when the child grows up, the argumentative essay in high school shows its unique status - because the people are old, they have the ability to think independently - the argumentative essay is the best form of composition to fully express their own thinking.

If you can make children into the habit of keeping a diary, it will be of great significance.

As a result, teachers in schools asked to write diaries, and parents also knew the significance of keeping diaries for their children's growth.

However, contrary to wishes, keeping a diary has become a pain for children, and parents can do nothing. Children either keep accounts or copy the content of selected essays; parents do not know what aspects to tutor their children to keep a diary.

However, if the child really has nothing to write about this day, it can also not be remembered. Don't push your child too hard. Everything has a gradual process, not to be rushed, let alone a third-grade child who has just learned to write.

Although there are few words, being able to depict the characteristics of things proves that the child observes and feels, as long as it is not a journal of flowing accounts, it is up to standard. Even if you write three sentences, as long as these three sentences are true and have gold content, you can think of it as up to standard. For example: "My mother bought me a chicken with yellow fluff, a small mouth, and a 'twittering' bark." I liked it so much that I went to the kitchen and found some millet to feed it. I was so happy to watch it peck at rice. "That's it. Because, inside, the state of the chick is vividly depicted.

Real people, things, scenes, things, real feelings. Even if there is no perception, as long as the personnel scene is real. As long as it is true, do not set more boxes for children - be sure to let children know that the diary is the real life, and all real life can be recorded in the diary. Even if you fart, even if you play a game, even if you have some ideas that are not too healthy, don't limit the scope of your child's writing.

How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

Reviews are the ability to use words, words, and sentences, not review content, restricting content. More importantly, encouragement. An encouragement is a trust, a strength, and children are more confident to persevere because of the support of their parents.

How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

What he likes, not what parents like, not expensive, must be what the child likes. If a child's favorite diary costs a hundred dollars, a hundred dollars is also worth buying. A diary records a child's childhood, records the child's innocent memory, records the people, things, scenes, and things seen and felt in childhood, how much money can be compared with this value?

How to tutor a third-grader in writing essays

A diary requires that the child must write good words and sentences, which is not enough. In particular, some parents force their children to use idioms, which is even less than enough. Third-graders are mainly observing life, so what can enter the diary may be a cloud, a leaf, a small ant, a small river, a heavy rain. Sometimes the diary is a record of a small fragment, sometimes it is such a simple few words, but it is the words condensed after the child carefully observes life. It is much more meaningful than the so-called good words and good sentences, the so-called good idioms.

After writing a diary, the child's composition begins.