
Announcement on the early closing of the offering of SPDB AXA Shengxi's one-year regular opening of bond-type initiated securities investment funds


SPDB AXA Shengxi regularly opens bond-type initiated securities investment funds for one year, SPDB AXAS Micro Wealth Management (AXASPDB-E).

Risk Warning: The Fund Manager undertakes to manage and use the Assets of the Fund in good faith, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the Fund will be profitable or guarantee a minimum return. Investors must carefully read legal documents such as the Fund Contract and the Prospectus before investing in the Fund. Investors are advised to pay attention to the risks and choose investment varieties that are suitable for their own risk tolerance.

This is hereby announced.

SPDB AXA Fund Management Limited

March 27, 2020

This article originated from China Securities News

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