
Party history study and education out of the "new tricks" red story "palm" listening

author:Ping An Yuzhong

A short video of three or five minutes

A little red story around me

Yuzhong District Party History Study and Education Produces "New Tricks"

Will be 10 parts

"I know the history of the party, red story I tell"

Red preaching stories "move on" the web

Let the red story be watched and walked around at any time

Party history study and education out of the "new tricks" red story "palm" listening

This is the main content of the "I know the history of the party, I tell the red story" network theme activity in Yuzhong District, and it is a powerful measure to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech "July 1st".

The activity was guided by the Yuzhong District Party History Study and Education Leading Group Office, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and the Cyberspace Office of the District Committee, hosted by the District Committee Old Cadres Bureau, the Party History Research Office of the District Committee, the District Rong Media Center, and co-organized by the District Health And Health Commission, the District Letter and Petition Office, the District Public Security Bureau and other relevant units. In the form of micro-videos, representatives of all trades and fields in the region served as the main speakers of party history stories, telling the great practice of the Communist Party of China uniting and leading the broad masses of the people to actively participate in revolution, construction and reform, sharing their own stories of struggle, and promoting the study and education of party history to go deep among the masses, the grassroots, and the hearts of the people.


Let's listen to the first issue of The Red Story

By Wu Yan, Party History Research Office of the Yuzhong District Committee

Bring "Greatness in the Ordinary"

Party history study and education out of the "new tricks" red story "palm" listening

On the red land of Bayu, the glorious deeds of countless revolutionary martyrs have been branded, and today I will lead you into the revolutionary story of a Communist Party member, Zhou Gongzhi.

In August 1920, a steamship slowly sailed out of the Taipingmen Wharf in Chongqing, and a young man in his 20s stood at the bow of the ship, this person was Zhou Gongzhi, who embarked on the road to Study in France with the ideal of serving the country. During his studies, he studied Marxism, joined the European branch of the Chinese Socialist Youth League, and subsequently became a member of the Communist Party.

Party history study and education out of the "new tricks" red story "palm" listening

Former site of the Sino-French School

In 1925, due to the needs of revolutionary development, Zhou Gongzhi returned to Chongqing from France, taught at the Sino-French School in Daxigou, and secretly prepared the Chongqing branch of the COMMUNIST Party of China with Wu Yuzhang, Yang Mingong, Ran Jun and others in the school, which was the first party organization of the CCP in the urban area of Chongqing.

In 1927, the Sichuan warlords brutally killed Communists, Kuomintang leftists, and revolutionary masses at Tongyuanmen, creating the March 31 Massacre that shocked the whole country. After Zhou Gongzhi escaped from danger in the tragic case, he disregarded his personal safety and went to Wuhan to report the situation to the Party Central Committee. Under the instructions of the Party Central Committee, Zhou Gongzhi and his comrades-in-arms returned to Sichuan in July of the same year, established the Provisional Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Sichuan, and actively carried out the revolutionary movement.

In February 1928, the first official Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was established in The Home of Zhou Gongzhi, with Fu Lie as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Zhou Gongzhi as the Head of Organization. Just when Fu Lie, Zhou Gongzhi, and others were actively carrying out revolutionary work, an accident occurred.

On March 9, 1928, the inaugural meeting of the Cpc BaXian County Committee was held at No. 8 Xinglong Lane in Chongqing (near the chopstick street in present-day Chongqing), but the meeting was discovered by the enemy before it could begin. As a result of the search for documents of the party organization in the room, Fu Lie, secretary of the provincial party committee, Zhou Gongzhi, director of the organization department and acting secretary of Ba County, and 9 other people were arrested, resulting in serious damage to the Sichuan provincial party committee of the CPC, which had just been established for only one month, and was known in history as the "Xinglong Lane Incident".

Party history study and education out of the "new tricks" red story "palm" listening

Zhou Gongzhi (Courtesy of Party History Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee)

After being imprisoned, the warlord first promised a high-ranking official Houlu in a vain attempt to bribe them, but after being severely rejected, he tortured them in an attempt to obtain information on the organization of the party. Zhou Gongzhi and others were not at all impressed, and often practiced revolutionary songs in prison. The enemy had nothing to do and decided to shoot the Communists for public display. In fact, when Zhou Gongzhi was imprisoned, his wife was pregnant with Liujia, and his father also paid to ensure his release from prison, he could have seized the opportunity to escape from prison, but he was already ready to live and die with the arrested comrades. He refused his father's kindness and told his wife that in the future we must let our children continue my unfinished business. He gave up the opportunity to live and was willing to sacrifice for the party. On April 3, Zhou Gongzhi and others were escorted to the Chaotianmen Shazui Execution Ground without fear, and when they arrived at the execution site, he and his comrades-in-arms and died heroically in the high slogan of "Long live the Communist Party", at the age of 29.

Although the martyr Zhou Gongzhi was born in a wealthy family, he chose a dangerous and difficult revolutionary road in order to save the country and the people. In the face of the enemy's threats and inducements, he always strictly guarded the party's secrets, was loyal to the party, and had firm ideals and convictions. There are many communist fighters like Zhou Gongzhi, such as You Xi, Ran Jun, and so on, who were only about twenty years old when they died. In the best years, these revolutionary martyrs did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to the revolution and the party in order to save the country from danger and the people from water and fire. It is precisely because of the countless ordinary and great Communist Party members like Zhou Gongzhi that we can have today's happy life. Their stories will always inspire generations of Communist Party members, always maintain the pure heart of the people, always remember the oath of joining the party, and selflessly dedicate themselves to the party and the people!

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Listen to the red stories of the people around you

Looking back at the red years of the people around you

Source: Wei Yuzhong

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