
Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

author:Bing said

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng</h1>

Author: Forget about the jianghu

Liu Yalou and Tan Zheng are both from Siye, why is Tan Zheng, who is "unknown" in many people's minds, a general, and the famous Liu Yalou a general?

Tan Zheng, formerly known as Tan Shiming, was born in 1906 in Nanzhu mountain, Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, and studied at the Tan private school in Qixingqiao, where Chen Geng, who was 3 years older than him, also read books. What is even more dramatic is that Tan Zheng worked as a small worker in Chen Geng's family and also married Chen Gung's fourth sister, Chen Okra. Tan Zheng's father-in-law, Chen Daoliang, chen geng's father, was very enlightened and had a good relationship with the young Mao commissar.

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

Founding General Tan Zheng

Tan Zheng worked as a teacher in elementary school for several years, and in March 1927, he abandoned his pen to join the Xiang Army.

The recruiter asked him on the spot: Can 10 bullets hit 10 enemies? Tan Zheng shook his head. Asked if 5 bullets can hit 5 enemies, Tan Zheng still shook his head, and finally when the recruiter heard Tan Zheng answer that 3 bullets could not hit 3 enemies, he laughed disdainfully: People like you are not suitable for soldiers. Unexpectedly, Tan Zheng asked him: Who said that the pen cannot kill the enemy?

As soon as the recruiter listened, he found that the young man in front of him was really not an ordinary person, so he let him be a clerk.

In September 1927, tan Zheng's unit followed Mao to launch the Autumn Harvest Uprising on the border of Xianggan and Gansu, but due to the failure of the attack on the town, when the 5,000 rebel army reached Sanwan, there were less than 1,000 people left. In the reorganization here, Commissar Mao made a groundbreaking initiative: the establishment of the branch in the company. This move was opposed by officers from the old army, such as division commander Yu Shandu and regimental commander Su Xianjun. But some young junior officers supported it, such as Luo Ronghuan, Tan Zheng, Song Renqian, Zhang Zongxun, and Chen Shiyu.

After the reorganization of Sanwan, Tan Zheng served as the secretary of the 1st Division and 1 Regiment of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army and joined the organization at Jinggangshan.

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

In 1929, Tan Zheng was in Gutian

In February 1928, Tan Zheng was transferred to the Committee of Former Enemies of the Red 4th Army, the first secretary of Mao. Tan Zheng has been with the chairman for less than a year, but he has also learned a lot.

In June 1929, the Red Fourth Army held a meeting in Longyan, and Member Mao unexpectedly lost the election of former party secretary, fell into a low point in his life, and went to Shanghang and Yongding to engage in local work. At that time, he was suffering from malaria, but the door was full of sparrows, and "the ghosts did not come to the door." There were two people who did not shy away from suspicion, Lin Biao, the leader of the 1st Column of the Red 4 army, came to visit and brought 200 pieces of ocean, and the other one was Tan Zheng.

At this time, Tan Zheng was the former secretary general of the Red 4 Army Committee, and he visited Mao and He Zizhen many times in Sujiapo. When Chen Yi went to Shanghai to find the organization and brought back the "September Letter", Tan Zheng was the first to bring the good news to Commissar Mao and sent a guard force to bring him and He Zizhen back.

Lin Biao, 22, and Tan Zheng, a 23-year-old true friends of the tribulation, left a very good impression on The mind of Committee Member Mao.

On December 28, 1929, the famous "Gutian Conference" was held in the Liao Ancestral Hall of Gutian in Shanghang, Fujian Province, with Tan Zheng as the minuter of the meeting. The resolutions adopted at the meeting became the programmatic documents of the Red Army, which Tan Zheng assisted Commissar Mao in drafting.

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

In 1930, Tan Zheng was appointed director of the Political Department of the Red 12th Army

On the Long March Road, Tan Zheng served as the director of the political department of the Red 1st Division, the division commander was Li Jukui, and the political commissar was Lai Chuanzhu. The Red 1st Division, together with Chen Guang and Liu Yalou's Red 2nd Division, were two sharp knives in the Red Army's Long March. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, Tan Zheng served as the director of the rear political department of the Red Army.

Liu Yalou was born in 1910, Xiao Tanzheng was 4 years old, and his seniority was almost the same during this period, and his position was slightly higher.

During the Red Army period, Liu Yalou started from the squad leader of the guerrilla group in western Fujian, the platoon leader of the guerrilla group, the company commander and battalion commander of the Red 12th Army, the political commissar of the 8 detachments of the 3rd Column of the Red 4th Army, the political commissar of the 35th Regiment of the Red 12th Division, the political commissar of the Red 11th Division, and the director and political commissar of the Political Department of the 2nd Division of the Red 1st Army.

During the Long March, Liu Yalou and the division commander Chen Guang led the Red 2nd Division to serve as the vanguard, breaking through the four blockade lines, forcibly crossing the Wujiang River, outwitting Zunyi, crossing the Chishui River four times, and flying to seize the Luding Bridge. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, he participated in the battle of Zhiluo Town and the Eastern Crusade. After graduating from Kang University, he stayed on as the director of the Training Department.

During the Red Army period, Tan Zheng's position has always been slightly lower than that of Liu Yalou, who is obviously higher in the position of political commissar than Tan Zheng, but just as Tan Zheng has positioned himself, he is a pure political work cadre. In June 1936, Tan Zheng wrote the Opinions on the Political Work of the Red Army Center, which is recognized as a major guiding document for the period of the role change of the Red Army.

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

In 1937, some of the members of the Autumn Harvest Uprising were in Yan'an (Tan Zheng, the fourth from the right in the back row)

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Neither Liu Yalou nor Tan Zheng was on the front line, one in the Soviet Union and one in Yan'an.

In 1939, Liu Yalou left Kang Da to go to the Frunze Military Academy in the Soviet Union. In 1942, he joined the Soviet Red Army and participated in the Great Patriotic War as a major, and Liu Yalou judged the situation on the Soviet-German battlefield a lot, which later proved to be very predictable.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tan Zheng served as deputy director of the General Political Department, and director Wang Jiaxiang presided over the work when he was not in good health. In 1942, Tan Zhengzhen and Mo Wenhua focused on the issue of the left-behind corps under the direction of the chairman. During the rectification, the documents he drafted were issued many times, known as the "Tan Zheng Report".

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in addition to one year of anti-japanese education experience, Liu Yalou spent more than six years "charging" in the Soviet Union. As the deputy director of the Political Department, Tan Zheng's contributions to the rectification of the left-behind corps and the development of the rectification movement are irreplaceable.

In January 1946, Tan Zheng was sent to the northeast by the chairman to serve as the director of the political department of the Northeast United Army, assisting Luo Ronghuan in his work.

In February, Liu Yalou, who was called out by Lin Zongqian, served as chief of staff and principal of the old northeast aviation school.

Chief of Staff and Director of the Political Department are two very professional positions. The chief of staff is a "senior staff officer hidden in the shadow of the commander", and his specialty is to fight wars. In addition to participating in the command of the three Lower Jiangnan, Sibao Linjiang and the summer, autumn and winter offensive operations of 1947. Proficient in Russian, he also translated the "Regulations on the Operation of Red Army Staff Officers" as a training material for staff officers.

Tan Zheng's political work is to ensure that the "fuel tank" of the army's big truck is always full of oil. Through investigation and investigation, Tan Zheng found that Liu Zhenhua, political commissar of the 20th Regiment of the 7th Division of the 3rd Column, was in full swing in the 3rd Battalion and 9th Company, and immediately promoted it with Luo Ronghuan in the whole army in Dongye. It was this kind of "grievance education" that allowed Higashino to quickly expand from less than 500,000 people to a million troops.

In September 1948, the Liaoshen Campaign was launched, and an interesting incident occurred between Liu Yalou and Tan Zheng.

The telegram from the Dongye Command to Yan'an was signed "Lin Luo Tan Liu", and Tan Zheng ranked ahead of Liu Yalou. Liu Yalou, who had a hot temper, was known as "Grandpa Lei", and was displeased after seeing the order of the telegram signature: "What Lin Luo Tan Liu, it should be Lin Luo Liu Tan!" "

So Dongye signed it as "Lin Luo Liu Tan", and later simply became "Lin Luo Liu". Commander Huang and Tan Zheng joked: "The director's putting behind the chief of staff makes sense, but it can't be without it!" Tan Zheng smiled: "You forgot the story of the harmony?" "

The personality of General Liu Yalou can be seen from this. In the subsequent Tianjin offensive battle, the general headquarters had a deadline of 3 days, Lin Zong gave 2 days, and Liu Yalou said that 30 hours was enough. As a result, as soon as a thousand cannons were fired, it took only 29 hours, the 130,000 defenders in Tianjin were wiped out, Chen Changjie also became a prisoner of the order, and Fu Zuoyi of Beiping took a breath of cool air and immediately revolted peacefully.

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

In the Battle of Pingjin in January 1949, Tan Zheng (second from left) and Nie Rongzhen, Luo Ronghuan, Lin Biao and so on

General Tan Zheng's modesty and introversion and consideration of the overall situation have also been vividly reflected in this small matter.

Liu Bocheng discussed with the chairman in Xibaipo that "immediately win the world and rule the world immediately", and Tan Zheng is the best practitioner. In December 1948, Higashino entered the customs and immediately issued the "Mobilization of Political Work for Current Operations" in the name of "Lin Luo Liu Tan". Before the Tianjin Campaign, the "Instructions on Political Agitation for the Pingjin Campaign" was issued. After the war, the "Instructions for Entering the City" and the "Eight Chapters of the Law" were formulated.

If Liu Yalou is the indestructible "spear" of the four wilds, Tan Zheng is the "shield" that does not leak. Tan Zheng has never been on the front line of the battlefield, but if a car wants to run fast, it not only needs wheels and engines, but also a "big fuel tank".

After Siye went south, because Luo Ronghuan stayed in Beiping due to illness, it was actually Tan Zheng who was presiding over political work.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Yalou served as the commander of the Air Force, and in a short period of time, he established 7 aviation schools and quickly formed an air force unit. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the Volunteer Air Force also performed well, playing a famous "MiG Corridor".

Tan Zheng served as the first deputy director of the General Political Department, and he knew him best was the chairman. Once in a chat, the chairman asked his name how many paintings, Tan Zheng blurted out 28 paintings. The chairman asked me how many paintings of my name were drawn? Tan Zheng counted carefully, and did not expect that it was actually 28 paintings.

The Chairman said happily: If the word "Communist" is taken apart, isn't it "twenty-eight"? We all have the same surname!

Why is Tan Zheng, director of the Political Department of Siye, higher in rank than Liu Yalou, chief of staff? This is not an isolated case of the Centennial General 44: Tan Zheng

Tan Zheng's family

The world is determined, and the reward of merit and deeds is also the ceremony of laying the foundation.

In 1955, the vast majority of titles were not controversial, but it was inevitable that those who gave up titles, competed for titles and treated them indifferently were also inevitable. Since Napoleon said that "a soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier", what if the rules allow for a fight? It should be known that the lieutenant generals and above are "senior generals", and the generals and marshals are "leaders". Therefore, the most controversial is still the general, and the evaluation plan also has a plan of 15 people and 22 people.

The so-called 15-general plan is that in addition to Su Yu, Xu Haidong, Huang Kecheng, Tan Zheng, Chen Geng, Xiao Jinguang, Zhang Yunyi, Luo Ruiqing, Wang Shusheng, and Xu Guangda, as well as Xiao Ke, Zhang Zongxun, Wang Zhen, Song Renqian, and Zhou Chunquan, the 22-person plan adds Xu Shiyou, Liu Yalou, Deng Hua, Chen Zaidao, Yang Dezhi, Peng Shaohui, and Wang Hongkun on the basis of 15 people.

In order to win over Liu Yalou for the general, Lin Zong wrote a letter to the chairman, euphemistically suggesting that when awarding the general, "think more about the comrades of Jinggangshan." But the chairman commented: Tan Zheng, talk about politics also. With the endorsement of the chairman, Tan Zheng became the founding general, alongside Chen Geng.

In fact, Tan Zheng's post as director of the political department represents a major advantage of our army after the reorganization of the Three Bays. Liu Yalou's military rank is lower than Tan Zheng's, which can be summed up in one sentence: strengthen discipline, and the revolution is invincible.

In addition to Shiye Tan zheng is a general, Liu Yalou is a general. The remaining three field armies, who are also the directors of the political department, have higher ranks than the chief of staff: Tang Liang Mino is a general, and Zhang Zhen is a lieutenant general. Ichino Gansiqi is a general, yan is a lieutenant general. Only Erno Zhang Jichun did not confer a title, while the chief of staff Li Da was a general. However, from the perspective of seniority and later positions, Zhang Jichun is also significantly higher than the old qualification Li Da.

【Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, welcome to submit, private messages will be restored】

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