
This kind of worm on the national locust is terrible! 1. Distribution and harm: 2. Occurrence law: 3. Hazard characteristics: comprehensive prevention and control technology:

author:Garden Langzhong

A few days ago, Xiaobian went to Fugou County, Zhoukou City, on a business trip, and a friend said that his national locust was in July and September every year, and the branches of the tree were white flowers, like a layer of frost. Xiaobian followed his friend to the nursery, and after careful inspection, he found that this was caused by the harm of the insect shell. There are many species of insects, and the one that harms the national locust is the mulberry shield borer. The white object we see on the branches is the shell left by the male of the mulberry shield borer after feathering.

This kind of worm on the national locust is terrible! 1. Distribution and harm: 2. Occurrence law: 3. Hazard characteristics: comprehensive prevention and control technology:

Usually, the mulberry shield borer is mainly harmful to peach trees and other stone fruit trees, but in recent years, it has also begun to occur in large areas on the national locust, a common tree species in landscaping. The following Xiaobian will explain in detail the occurrence of mulberry silkworm on the national locust and the prevention and control methods, hoping to bring you some help! .

<h1>1. Distribution and hazards:</h1>

This kind of worm on the national locust is terrible! 1. Distribution and harm: 2. Occurrence law: 3. Hazard characteristics: comprehensive prevention and control technology:

Mulberry shield borer, also known as mulberry white borer, peach shell worm, a species of insect in the genus Shield of the family Shieldaceae. It is found throughout the country. It is an important pest of southern peach and plum trees.


The northern fruit area is more serious, and the host is extremely extensive, but the core fruit and green tree species in the fruit trees are the most serious. In the peach orchard, the mulberry shield borer is one of the main causes of the destruction of the garden by dead trees. On the national locust, in addition to the small trees that have just been planted in the past two years, the infection rate of large trees can reach more than 40%.

<h1>2. Occurrence law:</h1>

In north China, the mulberry shield borer occurs in two generations per year, with the second generation of fertilized females overwintering on the branches. The overwintering female begins to suck after the buds germinate in early April of the following year, and the insect body rapidly expands. Egg laying begins in early May, and the first generation of nymphs hatch in mid-to-late May. The first adults are feathered in late June. The first generation of adults lays eggs in late July. A second generation of nymphs hatches in early August and feathers into adults at the end of August. After mating, the females continue to overwinter until late autumn. Hatched nymphs are mostly scattered in 2 to 7 years old branches, and the hazard is fixed after 1 day of activity. The number of newly infected tree females is larger, and the number of long-infected males is gradually increasing. Severe insects overlap densely, as if a layer of frost had formed on the branches. Relevant literature indicates. Mulberry shields have a high rate of natural death and parasitism by predators. Mulberry shield borers on the national locust occur 5 to 7 days later than the insects on peach trees under local cultivation conditions.

<h1>3. Hazard characteristics:</h1>

Female adults and nymphs are clustered to suck nutrients on the branches, and in severe cases, the gray-white mesembs overlap densely, forming uneven surfaces of the branches, weakening the tree, increasing dead branches, and even the whole plant dies. If there is no effective prevention and control, the whole park can be destroyed within 3 to 5 years.

The following picture is a small editor shooting on the spot:

Gently scrape off the insects with branches:

You can clearly see the eggs that have just been produced:

These are the branches that have died due to the damage of the mulberry shield borer:

This kind of worm on the national locust is terrible! 1. Distribution and harm: 2. Occurrence law: 3. Hazard characteristics: comprehensive prevention and control technology:

<h1>Integrated control techniques:</h1>

1. Spray 30~40 times before the germination of the national locust 20# diesel emulsion to kill the overwintering female insects, the effect is very good.

2. Do a good job of monitoring and reporting the transfer dispersion period of nymph incubation. this is to spray insecticides before it secretes wax powder. Due to the irregular occurrence of each insect, the drug should be sprayed twice during this period, 7 to 10 days apart. The main spraying site is 2 to 7 years old branches. Take care to make it fully medicated. Choose 40% Leguo or Oxidized Leguo 1500 times liquid, 25% methamidophos 1000 times liquid, 50% parathion 1500 times liquid, 25% quinophos 1500 times liquid, garden insecticide "bug Qing" plus osmotic agent silicone. Spray the above agent at the peak of male feathering. Good results and low cost.

That is, from the beginning of May to the end of June, the insecticide is sprayed 2 to 3 times, with an interval of 7 to 10 days each time.

From the end of July to the end of August, the insecticide is sprayed 2 to 3 times, each time at an interval of 7 to 10 days.

Small talk

This kind of worm on the national locust is terrible! 1. Distribution and harm: 2. Occurrence law: 3. Hazard characteristics: comprehensive prevention and control technology:

When we prevent and control the mulberry shield bug on the national locust, we must grasp the two periods well.

1. Before the national locust sprouts.

Second, the hatching nymphs crawl out of the dispersed wax before.