
In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

author:Strange food record

About the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes as our traditional culture, must be a family will have a delicacy, with the rapid development of life, a variety of mooncake patterns are also very different from before, like ice skin mooncakes, net red youth dough, star ice dumplings, etc. are very popular with everyone, but don't forget that the traditional Chinese desserts are not far behind, a scene is amazing Eyeball Oh, presumably in the Mid-Autumn Festival there are many friends will also do them.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is excellent to use as a staple pastry or as a souvenir from the shop, so come and see!

1 Imperial Almond Cake

Imperial Almond Cake, formerly known as Imperial Bean Yellow, is a traditional Chinese dessert, belongs to one of the Manchu Han all-seat dim sum series, it is carefully made of almond and pea yellow, for the Royal Dining Room special dessert, in many costume TV series, you can see its figure.

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

The dim sum has a golden appearance, a tender taste, and a delicate polishing process that makes its texture silky smooth ~ As for the taste? Does this still need to be asked? The taste of the pastries that can be selected for the full table of Han is of course excellent!

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

2 West Lake lotus puff pastry

Speaking of Hangzhou, Baked Xiaoxian can't help but think of the West Lake, speaking of the West Lake, Baked Xiaoxian can't help but think of the white lady who is as beautiful as Baked Xiaoxian

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

There is a famous dessert in Hangzhou, called lotus crisp, its crisp layer is clear, the food is crisp and sweet, it has a unique flavor, meaning red and fiery, and the shape resembles a lotus flower with buds, which is simply beautiful. I remember a few years ago, when a European friend first came to Hangzhou and saw the extremely realistic lotus crisp, he repeatedly shouted "My God!" "You can see the charm of this dessert.

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

3 yokan

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

One of the traditional Chinese desserts: yokan! But don't just understand the literal meaning, it is not made of lamb Oh ~ it is made of agar, red beans, peanuts, cream and other accessories, and different materials can be made into different flavors of yokan, the old ancestors' creative ability is really great ~

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling

Yokan soup has recently become popular in Japan and is misunderstood by many people as "Japanese sweets", in fact, many "Japanese sweets" are traced back to their roots, they are from China

4 osmanthus cakes

The fragrance of August laurel wafts all over the street, and osmanthus cakes are everywhere in the East Market. The real osmanthus cake is free of any spices and has a pleasant fragrance. Osmanthus cake can easily convince many people just by smelling the floral fragrance, and after tasting it, it is soft and refreshing, and the floral, milky and wheat aromas come and go for a long time.

After a long period of development, China's osmanthus cake has formed several different branches. The osmanthus cake with musk, cloves and agarwood is more elegant, and the rich cinnamon is accompanied by a different fragrance; the osmanthus cake with agar is soft and sweet, and the taste is different.

In addition to mooncakes, there are also these Chinese desserts that make foreigners exclaim delicious and drooling
