
Wang Xian: Xiantao patients taking the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine have obvious efficacy

author:Shanxi News Network
Wang Xian: Xiantao patients taking the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine have obvious efficacy
Wang Xian: Xiantao patients taking the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine have obvious efficacy

April 11 is a normal day, but this day is a lifelong day for Wang Xian, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Datong Coal Mine Group General Hospital, on this day, he ended the 14 days of centralized isolation recuperation in Datong, happily walked out of the isolation hotel, at the same time, he supported the "battlefield" in Hubei Province - Xiantao City, Hubei Province, the "clearance" of new coronavirus patients.

"It's an exciting and important day for me! The safe return of Hubei and the clearance of Xiantao's new crown pneumonia patients, there is no better news than this! One afternoon in early May, in a conference room of the Union of the Tongmei General Hospital, looking back at the days and nights of "fighting" the new crown pneumonia virus in Xiantao City, Wang Xian, 50 years old, burst into tears several times in an interview with the Shanxi Evening News reporter.

At the First People's Hospital of Xiantao City, Wang Xian, a member of the Datong City New Crown Pneumonia Prevention and Control Expert Group, led some members of the sixth batch of Shanxi medical teams to support Xiantao to take over the intensive care department of the hospital, and did their best to treat critically ill patients and "fight" with the new crown pneumonia virus face to face. "It's impossible not to be nervous! Coming into contact with critically ill patients, especially those diagnosed with COVID-19, I was just as nervous at first. But I am a Communist Party member, and the intensive care zone is actually the front line of the battle against the enemy (virus), and we have no way to retreat, and we must not retreat! Wang Xian said.

Implement the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine

Wang Xian has been working in the Intensive Care Medicine Department since he joined the work. He fought against SARS in 2003, blocked "influenza A" in 2009, including "dealing with" avian influenza later, and he was in the hospital frontline "fighting the epidemic", especially 26 years of ICU work experience, so that he has accumulated a lot of experience in the fight against the epidemic.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Wang Xian took the initiative to ask Miao to sign up to support Hubei. On February 11, he and the sixth batch of medical teams supporting Hubei from Shanxi gathered at Taiyuan Wusu Airport and rushed to Wuhan Tianhe Airport in the early morning of the 12th. Previously, Xiantao was just an ordinary place name for Wang Xian, and he knew nothing about Xiantao. In the big barrie, the atmosphere was very depressing, looking at the dark roads without a single car and the empty streets of Xiantao City, and everyone did not speak. "The psychological pressure at that time was very great!" Talking about the process of rushing to Xiantao, Wang Xian said.

After conducting professional hospitalization training, on February 14, the Shanxi medical team officially entered the First People's Hospital of Xiantao City, taking over the intensive care department of the whole system, and Wang Xian was appointed as the deputy director of the intensive care department on the second floor of the north, the leader of the medical team, and the deputy secretary of the third provisional party branch, specializing in the treatment of critically ill patients with new coronary pneumonia. The first time into the ward, Wang Xian was also very nervous, a team member of the same team could not overcome the nervous and afraid emotions, Wang Xian encouraged: "Our protection is the best, but also the safest, don't be afraid, I guarantee you will be fine!" It reassured the team member and built up his confidence in "fighting" the virus.

The medical team of our province that supported Xiantao City overcame difficulties and quickly entered the role, racing against the clock to start fighting the virus. After familiarizing himself with the patient's situation as soon as possible, Wang Xian did not consider whether he might be infected, and he immersed himself in the treatment of patients. Specifically, how does each patient's condition change? And why is this change happening? What causes it? What went wrong? This is what Wang Xian thinks about the most, and sometimes he lies in bed at night and thinks about this issue. To improve the medical plan, implement one person and one treatment, one person and one policy, one person and one party, and implement the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Wang Xian fully advocates and strives to promote. By examining each patient's tongue and taking pictures, the picture is transmitted to the rear area of Shanxi, and through the joint research of the rear experts, different proprietary Chinese medicine formulas are used for different patients to carry out treatment. Through comparison, under the same conditions, the adjuvant therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine is very obvious.

Patient Ou Mou is the first critically ill patient in the hospital to use the Shanxi version of traditional Chinese medicine, after taking the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine, the chest is not stuffy the next day, the quality of sleep is also improved, compared with the first day there is a significant improvement, to the third day, shortness of breath, chest tightness Symptoms have disappeared.

Patient Hu Mou, after taking the Shanxi version of traditional Chinese medicine, reflected that his chest seemed to have a "fire", hot, he worriedly said to Wang Xian: "Dr. Wang, I seem to have a fire in my chest, there will be no problem", right? Wang Xian encouraged him to continue taking it, and the effect would appear. Three days later, many of Hu's symptoms of new crown pneumonia were gone.

Through the performance of these two patients, Wang Xian strengthened his determination to use the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine to treat the new crown pneumonia. On February 25, Wang Xian was fully responsible for the Department of Critical Care Medicine on the north second floor of the Infection Department of the First People's Hospital of Xiantao City, he improved various medical documents, strictly implemented 18 core medical safety systems, established a severe rescue team, timely organized difficult and fatal case discussions, implemented multidisciplinary rounds, and optimized treatment plans. At the same time, he suggested to the forward command of the Shanxi Medical Team that the traditional Chinese medicine used in the early stage should be resolutely suspended, and the use of the Shanxi version of proprietary Chinese medicine to assist in the treatment of critically ill patients with new crown pneumonia was vigorously promoted in the entire new crown pneumonia ward of the First People's Hospital of Xiantao City.

"At that time, the pressure I pushed was also very large, there were wandering and uneasiness, but the doctor's mission told me that I could not retreat, and I would never back down, as long as I could treat patients effectively, I would bear all the responsibilities!" Talking about the experience of treatment during that time, Wang Xian burst into tears. "In fact, during this period, I was a pure and pure doctor, I didn't think about anything, my mind was how to treat patients well, and the new crown pneumonia also tempered me." Wang Xian told the Shanxi Evening News reporter.

Two sets of underwear brought a touch

Severely ill patients are weak and have low immunity, and sometimes going to the toilet can make the condition worse. Wang Xian repeatedly urged critically ill patients to reduce unnecessary activities during treatment.

The young patient Yang Mou's condition improved significantly after full treatment, but it worsened the next day. After inquiry, it was learned that the condition worsened after washing clothes. Two days later, another critically ill patient became ill after washing clothes. Wang Xian was very anxious, and he found that when the patients lived in, they only wore one dress, and the clothes were really dirty and wanted to be washed, so it was also comfortable to wear.

Wang Xian promptly reported this situation to the forward command of the Shanxi Provincial Medical Team, and the person in charge said: "Then we will solve it!" As a result, the frontline command funded the purchase of two underwear for each of all the new crown pneumonia patients in the ward. When the clean and tidy underwear was handed out to the patient, a local doctor was moved to cry on the spot, and when the patient put on the underwear, he said: "Your Shanxi medical team has traveled thousands of miles to support us Xiantao, and we also have to buy underwear for us, and we don't know how to thank you." ”

The mood of new crown pneumonia patients is anxious, worry, fear and other emotions affect appetite, and not eating well will affect immunity. When Wang Xianhe and the medical team rounded the room every day, they tried their best to treat each patient, and the indicators had to be carefully compared to find various reasons for the remission and aggravation of the disease. Sometimes rounds are made until 12 noon, or even more than 1 p.m. Seeing the almost unchanged box lunch, many patients can't eat it. He handed a young patient a small bag of squeezed vegetables. Unexpectedly, after eating, the patient chased after Wang Xian and said, "Director Wang, you can give me another bag of squeezed vegetables, with squeezed vegetables I can still eat two bowls of rice!" Under the thick protective clothing, Wang Xian burst into tears in an instant. How can I fulfill this little request for him?

At the meeting attended with the leaders of Xiantao City, Wang Xian raised this issue in person! Subsequently, the box lunch has six or seven kinds of meals, which are changing every day, and then special cases allow relatives to deliver meals, etc., and the patient's situation of not eating quickly changes.

Wang Xian was a man who didn't say much. But at his daily morning meeting, he instructed the medical staff for more than 40 minutes. For each patient, whether the condition is getting better, what problems are found, how to solve the problems, what problems the patients had last night, what is wrong with what needs to be improved, and so on. Wang Xian himself said that during that time, he was a "talker".

In order to improve the quality of medical care, Wang Xian asked the nursing team leader to participate in the early shift every day to improve the quality of medical treatment and nursing. At the same time, the director of the local hospital is invited to participate in the shift to solve the problem of doctor-patient communication.

When he left Xiantao City, he cried

Wang Xian also creatively set up a rescue room to reduce the fear of patients in the same room when rescuing. Set up a nurse to supervise a ward and serve as a temporary family member, communicate with the patient, and establish a deep relationship with the patient, which is conducive to the patient's treatment. The first to fill in the patient's condition profile at the door of the ward, convenient for medical staff and experts to view, the gate forward, the inspection of the general ward, the early transfer of severe patients to the north second floor, the transfer of patients to strengthen the inspection, the ICU concept to the general ward doctors, the treatment was continued, to prevent secondary patients from transferring to the ICU, by the national expert critical care medicine chairman Professor Qiu Haibo affirmed. Please consult with the new crown pneumonia psychiatrist in the ward to consult the new crown pneumonia psychiatric patients and guide the specialty treatment. Organize general practitioners to study the national, Shanghai and military COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plans, learn from experience in a timely manner, and use them for clinical treatment. Ask Director Liu Weijia of Xiantao Hospital to explain the application of blood perfusion in the new crown pneumonia and guide the treatment. Please come to our clinical pharmacists to carry out special new crown pneumonia drug training and on-site guidance on medication to solve everyone's confusing drug problems.

In the days of supporting Hubei, Wang Xian twisted the Shanxi medical team into a rope, which was praised by patients, families and the general public in Xiantao City.

In order to facilitate communication, Wang Xian brought two mobile phones with him when he set off, one of which was placed in the isolation area to facilitate contact and work reporting. One is placed in the resident hotel, due to the disinfection of the mobile phone, it is necessary to disinfect more than 10 times a day, causing the mobile phone in the hotel to crash and almost scrapped, and many of the data and pictures stored in the mobile phone are lost, for which Wang Xian feels very sorry.

When he supported Hubei, he only brought two sets of underwear and one set of outerwear, and the frequent disinfection of clothes left him with no clothes to change into, and he could only wear the military coat he brought when he returned to the garrison to keep out the cold. Fortunately, his wife sent him several sets of underwear and outerwear on February 14, which solved the urgent need. Wang Xian smiled and said, "This is the best Gift I have ever received for Valentine's Day"!

On March 23, when Wang Xian returned from the mission of most colleagues in the Shanxi medical team, he received orders from Hubei Province and the Forward Command, and because of his outstanding performance, he was named and left behind, and at the same time, a team of experts was formed to stay in Xiantao City to guide treatment and work with local medical nurses to complete the rescue of critically ill patients.

On March 28, Wang Xian returned to Datong after successfully completing the remaining mission.

When he left Xiantao City, Wang Xian cried. From the station to the highway 15 kilometers of roadside, there are full of Xiantao citizens who have come to see them off; a little girl of about 10 years old waving the national flag in her hand and has been chasing the bus; a waitress of the station hotel rides an electric bicycle to send out more than 10 kilometers; there are familiar medical personnel who have fought together on the side of the road, there are also family members of patients who are vaguely familiar, bus drivers who have been serving the medical team, and there are media reporters who send the first pot of the first pot of "hairy brine chicken" to the station in the early morning for the medical team members to taste...

Shanxi Evening News reporter Liu Junqing

Journalist's Note

When Interviewing Wang Xian, including Wuhan, Hubei, and even Shanxi and all of China, the covid-19 epidemic has rapidly subsided, and although masks are still worn, smiling faces have appeared in the streets and alleys of all Chinese cities, and cities and villages have begun to return to their former prosperity.

Spring has come into Xiantao City, Hubei Province, and all of China.

Listening to Wang Xian's memories face to face, the scene of facing the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Xiantao City flashed in front of reporters from time to time, as a loyal recorder of news events, I was also touched by them. As one of the members of the Shanxi Provincial Medical Team supporting Wuhan, Wang Xian's "fight against the virus" was silent, but also the most intense, even tragic, in this battlefield where there was no smoke of gunfire, they went forward without complaint or regret, showing the courageous feelings of a Communist Party member for the people.

It is precisely because of Wang Xian's group of "white-clad armored, fearless retrograde" charge in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic that the broad masses of the people can "stay at home" and wait for the wind to disperse and the sun is shining! Curb the spread of the virus, and finally wait for the warm fragrance of spring flowers!

He stressed to reporters that it was the joint efforts of the medical team members, the support of the Shanxi rear area, the strong promotion of the Wuhan frontline command, and the full support and cooperation of the local government and hospital medical staff that won the battle.

(Editor-in-charge: Liu Yang)

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