
Jiang Biao, a criminal investigation expert | the LawMaker: In order to break through Sun Xiaoguo's defense line, he studied his growth history

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Wang Wanchun intern Li Jianning

In mid-July 2018, Sun Xiaoguo was caught in a case of intentional injury, and as he did 20 years ago, he still felt that his mother could "get everything done." In the face of the case-handling personnel, Sun Xiaoguo showed a stubborn, dismissive, confrontational, and sophisticated demeanor.

But the person he met was Jiang Biao. The 53-year-old policeman, with a slightly fat body, white sideburns, and a pair of tiger teeth exposed by smile makes people feel simple and close.

"I don't need to argue with him (Sun Xiaoguo), our common purpose is to restore the facts of the case, and I encourage him to restore the facts of the case." Jiang Biao told the surging news ( that people who break the law prefer to be treated fairly and justly, and will interrogate and handle cases with heart to heart in order to get the answers they want, and the principle is to be worthy of their conscience and withstand the test of history, the people and the law.

Jiang Biao is a police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau. In the past 33 years of criminal investigation work, he has successively participated in the investigation of typical cases such as the Mekong River Massacre, the Kunming Railway Station Violent Terrorism Case, and the Sun Xiaoguo Case, and won the titles of "Second-class Heroic Model" and "Top 100 Criminal Policemen" of the national public security system, and has made many military achievements. To this end, the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department has set up his personal studio, the Yunnan Criminal Investigation Jiang Biao Expert Studio.

Jiang Biao, a criminal investigation expert | the LawMaker: In order to break through Sun Xiaoguo's defense line, he studied his growth history

The Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department set up a special studio for Jiang Biao. The Surging News reporter Wang Wanchun figure

The "seasoned" Sun Xiaoguo met the seasoned old policemen

One day in mid-July 2018, Sun Xiaoguo wanted to ask a flight attendant of an airline to a party, but the flight attendant had already attended a party at another entertainment venue, and the flight attendant was slapped by a man because of the dispute. After hearing the news, Sun Xiaoguo "hero saved the United States", took someone to a KTV in Kunming City, kicked the man's bladder, and was later identified as constituting a serious injury, sun Xiaoguo was suspected of intentional injury.

At that time, the investigating police found that the criminal suspect in the case was Sun Xiaoguo, a criminal who had been sentenced to death 20 years ago, and reported it to the Yunnan Provincial Political and Legal Committee step by step.

At that time, Jiang Biao was handling a case of cracking down on the crime of kidnapping Chinese citizens at the Sino-Burmese border in Dehong Prefecture due to the arrangements of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department. After Sun Xiaoguo's case, Jiang Biao was urgently summoned back to the special case team by the higher-level organs. "At that time, we were also very confused and surprised, and we had the impression that the death penalty had been executed, so why wasn't we dead?" Jiang Biao recalled that the Sun Xiaoguo case 20 years ago caused great waves in the police circles of Kunming City.

Will there be pressure to take over the case this time? In the face of such a problem, Jiang Biao said: "Don't go to wrongfully accuse people, otherwise the piece of conscience will not pass, we must uphold fairness and justice, if you have to talk about pressure, it is how to handle this case into an iron case." ”

Jiang Biao feels that many of the evidence clues in Sun Xiaoguo's case are 20 years ago, which is a bit like archaeology. However, to go back to the past clearly, and Sun Xiaoguo himself has a sense of prevention, it is very difficult to investigate.

Jiang Biao's impression is that Sun Xiaoguo, who occurred in 2018, has the same mentality as 20 years ago, "He thinks that his mother can handle everything, and he is still stubborn in the detention center, cynical, and does not put anyone in his eyes."

Jiang Biao remembers that when he first met Sun Xiaoguo in the detention center, the other party looked at him carefully and wanted to see clearly who he was, and after informing him of the relevant situation, Sun Xiaoguo carefully looked through his relevant identity documents, and then crossed over on the chair, looking disdainful, or silent or questioning, full of confrontational consciousness, "He originally knew some legal knowledge himself, and he had a lot of contact with the police, and he was very sophisticated in treating the police of our special case group."

"Sophisticated" Sun Xiaoguo met the experienced Jiang Biao, is it like the film and television drama in the film and television drama, from the momentum to overwhelm him to get the answer he wants? Jiang Biao said: "I don't need to argue with him, our common purpose is to restore the facts." ”

Jiang Biao, a criminal investigation expert | the LawMaker: In order to break through Sun Xiaoguo's defense line, he studied his growth history

At the door of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau's anti-gang crime office, the picture shows Jiang Biao and his colleagues. The Surging News reporter Wang Wanchun figure

Look for the shadow of crime from your upbringing

In order to restore the facts and make Sun Xiaoguo open his mouth, Jiang Biao did his homework. He checked the relevant information, combed the trajectory of Sun Xiaoguo's life, studied his personality and growth environment, "Because I want to deal with him, I am more concerned about his life growth history." ”

"His mother's doting ruined him and made him very selfish." This made Jiang Biao quite emotional.

Jiang Biao, who traced the history of Sun Xiaoguo's growth, found that Sun Xiaoguo's parents divorced in his early years and lacked family love, just like Sun Xiaoguo himself wrote in his diary: "Parents quarrel and fight, feel that their surroundings are full of violence, and the whole social life is full of violence." ”

Jiang Biao said that because of the family, Sun Xiaoguo grew up to be a small, leading people younger than him to wander in entertainment venues and video game rooms, he gained self-satisfaction and vanity in this group, Sun Xiaoguo was in the second year of junior high school when he was in the formation of social personality, the impact of domestic violence accompanied his life, and it was manifested in the criminal cases that followed.

For example, Jiang Biao's victim was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and Sun Xiaoguo wanted to do something wrong and was rejected by the little girl, so he arranged for his men to beat the little girl, and he stood aside and watched with self-satisfaction as his men beat the little girl until they could not recognize it.

After being released from prison that year, Sun Xiaoguo could still find this cruel shadow on his body. For example, Jiang Biao, later during the operation of the M2 bar, a middle level of the bar was more cowardly, and was often bullied by Sun Xiaoguo, Sun Xiaoguo bought an electric baton, he only wanted to test the power of the electric baton, he hit the middle layer, until the electricity was exhausted; then, he raised his own dog for people to train, in order to check the results of the training, let the dog bite the man.

"It's ridiculous to do these things as an adult, and this kind of character building in your youth affects your later life." Jiang Biao said that it is precisely because of Sun Xiaoguo's mother's unprincipled doting, doting to the point of extreme and paranoia, so that Sun Xiaoguo has formed a very selfish personality, and has always acted self-centered, "After his parents divorced, his brother followed his father, and later he did temper in the army, and the two people are indeed different."

At the same time, Jiang Biao found that Sun Xiaoguo was a person with a changeable personality and had no specific hobbies. For example, for a while, Sun Xiaoguo liked cars, bought a Ferrari, and almost wanted to use all the money on the car for grooming, but after a while, he didn't like it, he gave the car to his little brother to drive, the little brother drove the car when the car was destroyed, he didn't matter; there was a period of time when Xiaoguo wanted to engage in real estate, and found that the real estate industry was not simple to give up; he later wanted to get involved in mining, "anyway, there is no specific like, the hobbies are very extensive."

Jiang Biao participated in the investigation of the Mekong River massacre, and the main culprit, Naw Kham, and others were also executed in Kunming. One is a warlord drug lord, the other is a doting darling, and Jiang Biao feels that although the two people are not comparable, "the violence of the two people is similar."

Break through the last psychological line of defense

Jiang Biao said that no matter how evil people are, they all have weaknesses, and Sun Xiaoguo's pain point is his daughter.

Jiang Biao introduced that during the investigation, they found that Sun Xiaoguo usually lived with his wife and daughter, and he had been hiding from his family that he had a woman outside, "When he was in the detention center, he only had a sense of responsibility and guilt for his family." ”

He talked to Sun Xiaoguo many times, and found that Sun Xiaoguo was very spoiled for his daughter, and then flew outside, but when facing his daughter, Sun Xiaoguo always showed the weakest and most loving side, "The moon in the sky cannot be picked, otherwise his daughter will pick the moon."

Based on this, Jiang Biao asked Sun Xiaoguo: "Let's think differently, if someone did this to your daughter, how would you feel?" Later, in court, Sun Xiaoguo answered the question: "My police officer once asked me if someone did this to my daughter (what would happen), I knew I was wrong, I apologized to the victim." ”

The victims of Sun Xiaoguo's case did not fare well. When Jiang Biao found them, the victim himself and his family did not dare to face him, did not dare to talk to him, did not dare to believe that the police could still send Sun Xiaoguo back to prison, "I saw her (victim) trembling, did not dare to ask us for anything, after so many years, think of the injuries she suffered and the fear and worry she endured, I am sad." When he spoke, Jiang Biao's eyes were red.

Jiang Biao, who graduated from the Police Academy in 1985 and studied Chinese, admitted that he had not systematically studied psychology. But the psychological ups and downs of criminal suspects or victims, he will accurately grasp, "This is all accumulation, do more to know how to face all kinds of criminal suspects."

He simply referred to this relationship with the suspects as "I'm going to deal with them." ”

Jiang Biao felt that this process of "dealing" was actually a process of gaining mutual trust, "the so-called interrogation, to be precise, should not be called trial, but through conversation and chat to talk about his actions, at first I encouraged Sun Xiaoguo to restore the facts, he still has resentment."

Engaged in criminal investigation work for more than 30 years, Jiang Biao feels that it is not necessarily possible to crack small cases when they are broken, but small cases can accumulate experience for solving large cases, "In fact, my personal role is a bit excessive, major cases are special case teams, and the special case teams are elite backbones." In the face of the praise of colleagues, he shook his hands one after another and turned to reporters: "I am most afraid of being deified, you interview and report do not make me a god-like person, in fact, I am an ordinary policeman, these are my duties, did what I should do." ”

In recent years, the organized crime investigation brigade of the criminal investigation detachment of the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau, where Jiang Biao belongs, has successively investigated and handled typical cases such as the Kunming Railway Station Violent Terrorism Case and the Mekong River Case, in which Jiang Biao has participated.

A set of data from the Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau's Anti-Gang Crime Office shows that since the launch of the special struggle to "eliminate organized crime and eliminate evil forces", by the end of August 2020, the Kunming police had destroyed a total of 21 triad-related organizations, 108 evil-related groups (gangs), detained 2,337 people, arrested 1,971 people, cracked 1,671 criminal cases of various types, investigated, seized, and frozen the cash and assets involved in the case with an estimated 1.61 billion yuan, and all 25 criminal and evil targets in the territory were arrested and arrested.

Editor-in-Charge: Xu Di

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang

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