
Why was Jia Chong of the Three Kingdoms, who had a prosperous official fortune all his life, but was spurned by posterity? One two three four

author:Ancient and modern

Jia Chong was the son of Jia Kui, a famous Wei minister during the Three Kingdoms period, who died when Jia Chong was very young and was known for his filial piety during his filial piety for his father. Later, he inherited his father's title, worshiped the official Shangshulang, and then served the Sima family for many years.


After Sima Shi's death, Jia Chong served as Sima Zhao's chief historian, and Sima Zhao, who had just taken power, feared that the local generals would not obey him, so he sent Jia Chong to Zhuge Shi to discuss the rebellion against the State of Wu, in fact, he wanted to monitor Zhuge Shi.

Jia Chong and Zhuge Shi chatted for a while about current affairs, and then suddenly asked: "Everyone in the world wants the emperor to zen, what do you think?" "

Zhuge Shi said sternly, "Aren't you Jia Kui's son?" Your family has enjoyed the grace of the Wei Kingdom for generations, so how can you plan to give sheji to someone else? If there is something wrong over there in Luoyang, I will definitely repay the country with my death! "

Why was Jia Chong of the Three Kingdoms, who had a prosperous official fortune all his life, but was spurned by posterity? One two three four

【Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Jia Chong】

Jia Chong stopped talking, and when he returned, he said to Sima Zhao, "Zhuge Birthday is very prestigious in Yangzhou, and people are willing to fight for him. When I look at him, I am sure he is going to rebel. If he were called back now, he would soon rebel, but with little effect. If he is not summoned back, his rebellion will be postponed, but the impact will be great. "

Therefore, Sima Zhao appointed Zhuge Zhao as Sikong and summoned him back to the dynasty, and Zhuge Zhao indeed raised an army against Sima Zhao. But Zhuge Was born and defeated.


Later, Jia Chong was promoted to court lieutenant, he was proficient in the law, but he was quite famous in redressing unjust cases.

Sima Zhao's intention to usurp the throne was obvious, and Jia Chong, as Sima Zhao's most trusted person, had always advised him.

And what Jia Chong most spurned the world was his crime of killing the king.

Cao Xian could not bear Sima Zhao's monopoly, so he raised an army to attack him. Cao Xian dared to personally attack Sima Zhao, relying on morality, imperial power and imperial prestige. The loyal guards he led had no fighting power at all, and it was actually a fantasy to defeat Sima Da's army, but in fact, the power of morality and imperial power was really enormous.

When Cao Xi's bodyguards came to kill the general, the army led by Jia Chong fled in the wind, collapsing into an army and almost unable to resist. It was not how many skills Cao Fu had, but the power of morality and the power of the emperor.

Without Jia Chong's connivance, then the development of the situation at that time could not be expected. Jia Chong led his troops to engage him, but most of the soldiers did not dare to rebel against the emperor, and seeing that they were invincible to Cao Xian, Cheng Ji, who was beside Jia Chong, asked, "How is today's matter?" ”

At this time, Jia Chong was ready to fight for Sima Zhao's life, and he was unequivocal: "Gong Waiting for Yang Ru, he is planning today, what doubts!" The meaning is very clear: Sima Gong raised you, is not it for today, you still have something to hesitate!

So Cheng Ji, who lacked the heart, thought that he could get rich by virtue of this, and went up and stabbed Cao Xian to death.

Why was Jia Chong of the Three Kingdoms, who had a prosperous official fortune all his life, but was spurned by posterity? One two three four


Later, Sima Zhao, in order to appease the anger of the people, killed the brothers Cheng Li and Cheng Ji. However, Jia Chong himself rose from the top because of this merit, which helped Sima Zhao to take charge of the government alone.


Jia Chong had the talent of a sword and a pen, and was able to observe Sima Zhao's true thoughts.

Originally, Sima Zhao, because his brother Sima Shi had opened up a family business, wanted to pass the throne to Sima Shi's son Sima You (Sima Zhao's second son, Sima Yan, the half-brother of Emperor Wu of Jinwu, whose mother was Empress Dowager Wang Yuanji, and Sima Shi was childless and was passed on to him). Jia Chong knew that this was not Sima Zhao's true intention, so he praised Sima Zhao's son Sima Yan for his virtuousness.

Later, Sima Zhao became seriously ill and Sima Yan served, and Sima Zhao told him jia chong's good words, and said: "The person who knows you is Jia Chong." Therefore, Sima Yan was very kind to Jia Chong after succeeding to the throne, calling the empress Dowager Jia Chong the Duke of Lu County, and his mother Liu Shi was Lady Lu Guo.

Why was Jia Chong of the Three Kingdoms, who had a prosperous official fortune all his life, but was spurned by posterity? One two three four

【Sima Zhao】

Later, after Jia Chong presided over government affairs, he attached great importance to agriculture, was also very financially economical, and cut some official positions, and Emperor Wu of Jin admired him even more. When Yang Kui and others were guarding the border, he asked to go to the front line to make meritorious contributions, but Emperor Wu of Jin did not approve.

Jia Chong liked to recommend talents, and every time he recommended a person, he would inevitably take care of him from beginning to end, so most of the scholars at that time were devoted to him. When Jia Chong's daughter married Queen Qi, everyone was worried that Jia Chong's power was too great. Emperor Wu of Jin was also worried. Ren Kai suggested that Jia Chong go to Zhenshou Guanzhong, and Sima Yan agreed.

At that time, people were glad that Jia Chong had left the imperial court, hoping to update the environment from then on. However, Jia Chong asked others to recommend his daughter as a princess when he was leaving, so that his family's grace and power were still there.

Previously, Yang Hu had secretly left Jia Chong behind, and Emperor Wu of Jin told him about it. Jia Chong thanked Yang Hu and said, "I only now know that you are a kind person."

Later, the Wu general Sun Xiu surrendered and was made a general of the Hun Horse, and Emperor Wu of Jin put his position as a general of the Hun Riding Because Jia Chong was an old vassal, he put his position as a general of the Hu Rider in front of the General of the Hun Horse, but Jia Chong resolutely resigned.

Soon Jia Chong was promoted to Sikong, Zhongzhong, and Shang Shuling, and led the army as before, but his status was higher. Jia Chong's eldest daughter, Jia Nanfeng, was ugly and fierce, but in order to rely on Emperor Wu of Jin, Jia Chong did not hesitate to use despicable means to marry Jia Nanfeng to the idiot prince Sima Zheng. Jia Nanfeng later became the culprit in the chaos of the Jin Dynasty.


Emperor Wu of Jin became seriously ill, and people believed that Sima You should succeed to the throne, and Xiahou He of Henan said to Jia Chong: "Sima You and Sima Zheng are both your son-in-law, and the relationship between relatives and alienation is the same, so Lijun should be virtuous." Jia Chong did not answer.

When Emperor Wu of Jin heard about this incident after he recovered from his illness, he was very unhappy, so he seized Jia Chong's military power, but did not reduce his official position and treatment. Because Jia Chong accepted the name of the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, he was both a hero and a confidant in Sima Yan's eyes.

In order to better understand Jia Chong as a person, it is necessary for me to understand Jia Chong's marriage and family. Jia Chong had two marriages. His ex-wife was Li Shi, the daughter of Li Feng, the chancellor of Cao Wei. Because Li Feng was killed by Sima Zhao, Li shi was exiled, and Jia Chong remarried, this time to Guo Huai.

Why was Jia Chong of the Three Kingdoms, who had a prosperous official fortune all his life, but was spurned by posterity? One two three four

This Lady Guo is a powerful woman, where can she tolerate Jia Chong to have two women, she not only does not let Jia Chong accept this ex-wife, but also can not treat the two daughters born to the ex-wife equally.

Although Jia Chong's official behavior is flourishing, his self-cultivation is a joke, not only is he irresponsible to his ex-wife, but he is also not responsible for his own daughter.

When Jia Chong's son was only 3 years old, his mother held him and played, and Jia Chong came over to caress his son. When the wife saw it, she said that Jia Chong had an affair with the nurse, and she was so angry that she beat the nurse to death, and the child also died of illness because she missed the nurse. Later, he gave birth to a son, and was held by the new nurse, Jia Chong was seen by his wife when he caressed the child again, and the unlucky nurse was killed again, and the child died. So Jia Chong had no heirs.

After Emperor Wu of Jin ascended the throne, his ex-wife returned because of amnesty, and Emperor Wu of Jin specifically ordered Jia Chong to place his left and right wives, and Jia Chong's mother, Liu Shi, also ordered his son to welcome his ex-wife back.

The latter wife was furious and scolded Jia Chong, who had to write to him that he did not dare to bear the grand gifts of the two wives and did not welcome his ex-wife back. At that time, people were very sympathetic to his ex-wife, so they arranged for her to live elsewhere and let her and Jia Chong secretly communicate. Jia Chong, who is morally upright, believes that as the prime minister, he should become a model of morality, so he resolutely does not associate with his ex-wife.

Once, when the harem wanted to see his ex-wife, Jia Chong said, "She is very talented, you better not go." Later, after jia Nanfeng, the daughter of her step-wife, became a princess, she felt that her identity was different, so she went to see her ex-wife with a big swing. As soon as she entered the door and saw someone, her legs went soft and she involuntarily bowed to her ex-wife.

Since then, every time Jia Chong goes out, his wife will send someone to find him, just because he is afraid that he will be with his ex-wife.

Jia Chong's mother knows a lot of truths and is a very righteous old lady, but she doesn't know that it was Jia Chong who instigated Cheng Ji to kill Cao Xi, and she really thinks that Cheng Ji is unfaithful and often scolds him, and the people around her feel funny after hearing it.

When she died, Jia Chong asked her if she had any last words, and she said, "I asked you to take your daughter-in-law back, you won't do it, where can I have anything else?" "

Although Jia Chong had a prosperous life of official fortune and enjoyed all the glory and wealth, but the family was a failure, and his lack of words and deeds, her eldest daughter Jia Nanfeng became a generation of demon queens, stirring up trouble, directly led to the occurrence of the "Rebellion of the Eight Kings", and also became the culprit who buried the Western Jin Dynasty.

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