
Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

author:Hanno calligraphy

The development of science and technology has indeed provided convenience for the prosperity of calligraphy, since the network live broadcast and small videos have entered the public eye, all kinds of masters and various cattle, ghosts and snake gods in the calligraphy circle have appeared, without any bustle.

Today, I will not talk about "cow ghosts and snake gods", but today I want to talk about two calligraphy teachers who are "quite deep" in Their Taoism.

Here "quite deep", I added quotation marks, not that their Taoism is not deep, but because they all feel that their Taoism is quite deep, and Xiaobian also feels that their Daoxing is indeed quite deep.

However, they "pinched a shelf" on the Internet.

They were Qi Jin and Liu Yuxi.

Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

Actor one: Mr. Ziggyn

The picture above shows one of the male protagonists, Mr. Qi Jin, a calligraphy teacher.

The story begins because Mr. Qi expresses his views on the calligraphy video of another male protagonist, Mr. Liu Yuxi, and of course these views are their differences in the perception of calligraphy.

The difference is: calligraphy is not the art of line!

Another male protagonist, Mr. Liu Yuxi, had a video before saying that calligraphy is not line art, and the line theory is a Western point of view, which is used by modern people in calligraphy, which is not appropriate, probably this is the meaning, of course, there are some more disgusting expressions behind him, not to mention for the time being.

Mr. Qi dismissed this view, saying that cursive is not a line. And said that this Mr. Liu did not understand calligraphy, and his calligraphic remarks were smelly and long, and he spoke like a stinky woman's foot-wrapper.

This provoked the male protagonist, Mr. Liu Yuxi, so there was a "wonderful" "Liu's counterattack".

Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

The male protagonist is Liu Yuxi

Mr. Liu Yuxi does have a certain achievement in calligraphy and painting, which can be seen from his works.

But his eloquence seems to be more splendid than his paintings and calligraphy.

The reason why he said "Liu Clan counterattacked" is because he spits out lotus flowers in his mouth, scolds people without dirty words, and has reached a very high realm of literati scolding the street, which can fool many people at once.

But Xiaobian listened to it and felt very awkward.

That's because Mr. Liu's wording not only has endless logical errors, but also has a strong subjectivist color, but also highlights his personal bit of open-mindedness, to be honest, Xiaobian is a little disappointed.

So, what did Mr. Liu say? I turned his voice into text to sort it out, it is indeed quite long, or pick some points, Xiaobian will not understand the places to list.

Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

Part of Mr. Liu Yuxi's works

1. Mr. Liu said that calligraphy is not a line, even if cursive is a line, but how to count lines in calligraphy? For example, "skimming", the ancients cloud skimmed like a land broken rhinoceros elephant, that is to say, like a knife-like skimming, can not be counted as a line.

Mr. Liu's view is narrow, and the editor feels that the root cause of the "Liu Qi" dispute may be here, that is, how to understand the line?

According to Mr. Liu's understanding, the apostrophes in the letter are not lines, and Xiaobian feels that all the strokes in Chinese characters can be called lines, even pointillists can also be regarded as a kind of line, for the following reasons:

Everything has its own properties, the lines in Chinese characters are no exception, what are the properties of the lines? The basic attributes can be summarized into four, namely: thickness, length, direction, position, and of course, there are also properties of advanced points, such as texture, rhythm, etc.

The strokes with different shapes in Chinese characters are the forms formed by the arrangement and combination of different attributes of the lines.

Don't think that the apostrophe in the book, one thick and one thin, is not a line, it is like sharpening a wooden stick, it is still a wooden stick!

I made this clearer in one of my columns, and I won't say more about it here.

Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

A chapter in the editor's column

2. Mr. Liu said that the "dotted lines" in the calligraphy expressed by contemporary people are learned from the Western point of view, and westerners have given Chinese calligraphy such a concept, Chinese have accepted it frankly; if calligraphy is a line, then what is dot painting in calligraphy?

I also have reservations about this view.

First of all, in the creation and exhibition of modern calligraphy, it is undoubted that points, lines and surfaces are paid attention to, and this kind of emphasis is mostly consciously created. The dots and lines here are completely learned from the aesthetics of Western composition, or are the present people summed up from the ancients? Is this consciousness not visible in the works and treatises of the ancients?

Is calligraphy an art of line? Some Questions about Liu Yuxi and Qi Jin's "Fight" (Episode 1)

Yan Zhenqing sacrifices nephew manuscript

Secondly, if calligraphy is a line, then what is dot painting? For this question, please refer to the first question to see several properties of the line.

(Unfinished, to be continued, do not like to write long articles, there is more Mongolian logic behind)

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