
Zhanglu Hui Nationality Town, Xinxian County: The work of "cleaning up the three capitals" has developed in depth

author:Qilu one point

In order to successfully complete the work of "cleaning up the three capitals" in the village, Zhanglu Hui Nationality Town in Xinxian County has developed the work of "three capital cleanup" in the village in depth in strict accordance with the principles of following laws and regulations, seeking truth from facts, the main body of the masses, and openness and transparency, through four steps: publicity and launch, public announcement and correction of errors, comprehensive clean-up, and inspection and acceptance.

Zhanglu Hui Nationality Town, Xinxian County: The work of "cleaning up the three capitals" has developed in depth

Since the convening of the mobilization meeting for the concentrated action of the special clean-up of the rural collective "three capitals" in Zhanglu Hui Town, combined with the actual conditions of work, the "Implementation Plan of Zhanglu Hui Town on Carrying Out the Special Liquidation of the Rural Collective "Three Capitals" has been formulated, clarifying the purpose, significance, methods, steps, and task objectives of the clean-up. It has also set up a leading group for the work of clearing up the "three capitals" in rural areas headed by the secretary of the town party committee and the mayor of the town, which is specifically responsible for the guidance, implementation and promotion of the work. Through the holding of mobilization meetings, household visits, propaganda vehicles, hanging banners, village loudspeakers played in a loop every day, etc., the party members and the masses were widely publicized, creating a strong atmosphere of "three capitals" cleaning up.

On the basis of consulting the financial accounts of previous years, land contracting contracts, etc., we should comprehensively sort out and investigate the management and operation of the collective "three capitals" in all villages, collect clues provided by the masses in a timely manner, grasp in detail the outstanding problems that exist, find out the bottom number, broaden the bottom line, pull out the list, and make multi-level and all-round publicity, verification, and correction of the contents of the "three capitals" cleanup in each village through the form of village affairs open columns, loudspeakers, and household checks. Establish a rural "three-capital" clean-up working group with the participation of cadres of the two village committees, experienced veteran cadres, party members and mass representatives, members of the village affairs supervision committee, and financial and accounting personnel, to supervise the content of publicity and correction.

Zhanglu Hui Nationality Town combined the "three capitals" cleanup in rural areas with party building, regarded the "three capitals" cleanup as an important platform for testing and tempering rural cadres, especially village party organization secretaries, compacted the responsibilities of village party organization secretaries, and dealt strictly with village party organization secretaries who did not dare to be clear, unwilling to be clear, and not really clear; persisted in following the four steps of individual declaration, town and village verification, public announcement, and result confirmation, and comprehensively checked and approved the situation of collective funds, assets, and resources. Problems discovered in the course of clean-up shall be rectified in accordance with laws, regulations, and relevant policies. Where there is no registration and recorded in the accounts, it shall be promptly recorded in the accounts; if the contracting contract is unreasonable and imperfect, it shall be amended and perfected in accordance with law; where the contract is occupied without authorization, contracted at a low price, used without compensation for the collective "three capitals" or long-term arrears in contract fees, the compensation shall be cleared and refunded in accordance with regulations. Where clues related to criminal syndicates and evil forces are discovered, they are to be handed over to the public security organs for strict investigation and handling. (Zhang Yunyi)

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Zhanglu Hui Nationality Town, Xinxian County: The work of "cleaning up the three capitals" has developed in depth

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