
Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

author:Shi Jiu took advantage of the years

In August 2017, the city of Harbin issued a notice dealing with a case of destroying immovable cultural relics in Harbin's Shuangcheng District in 2016, including several officials who were then the mayor of the Shuangcheng District, who were subjected to administrative penalties to varying degrees. What cultural relics were destroyed, and even the administrative leader of the district was implicated?

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

The former residence of Liu Yalou, which was forcibly demolished

It turned out that the former residence of the founding general Liu Yalou was forcibly demolished, and as soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar. In 1955, when the title was awarded, a total of 55 founding generals were awarded, although the status was different from that of the ten marshals and the ten generals, but Liu Yalou was a very special existence among the generals.

In terms of status, he was the first commander of the air force of New China and single-handedly founded the People's Air Force;

On the impact, after Liu Yalou's death, the funeral was held in zhongshan hall in Zhongshan Park, which is the place where the state leader held the funeral, his funeral, basically all the leaders who can arrive have arrived, the sign-in book is the most complete one signed by the party and state leaders, and the entire funeral specifications are held in strict accordance with the rank of the general;

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

In terms of contributions, Liu Yalou is very interesting, he is one of the very few generals who did not participate in the eight-year all-round war of resistance, but was able to hold a high position, in my impression there are probably only two people who have experienced this, one is Lin Biao, who was missed most of the war because he was mistakenly injured by friendly forces, and the other is General Xu Haidong, who was absent from the war of resistance because of physical reasons. However, these two people made outstanding contributions to our party and our army during the Red Army period, and Lin Biao was even more meritorious during the Liberation War, so why did Liu Yalou win such a special honor?

In my opinion, there is a very important reason is that he is resourceful, is a natural top staff talent, in our army, there are really not many people who can compare with his ability to make plans and suggestions.

A native of Wuping, Fujian Province, Liu Yalou was born in 1910 and began underground activities at the age of 17 and joined the Communist Party of China at the age of 19.

He was admitted to secondary school, and although he was forced to give up his studies for a period of time to make a living, he was a proper intellectual in the Red Army at that time and was highly valued. In 1930, liu Yalou himself was angry, and in 1930, he graduated from the red fourth army's military school and was promoted to company commander with excellent results.

During the "anti-encirclement and suppression" period in the Central Soviet Region, Liu Yalou shined brightly. In the first counter-encirclement and suppression campaign, he lured the enemy deeper and lured Zhang Huizhan's troops to the foot of the Jiucai Ridge in Longgang, where he annihilated the enemy with a horse gun; in the third counter-encirclement and suppression, he was even more a pioneer, seriously injured, and almost buried by his comrades-in-arms.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

Liu Yalou during the Red Army period

In this way, in October 1932, the 23-year-old Liu Yalou served as the political commissar of the Red Second Division, and it took only more than two years to go from company commander to division-level cadre.

It is worth mentioning the red army's siege of Nanfeng in February 1933, when Lin Biao accepted the orders of the central authorities, risked a lot of casualties, and attacked hard. Liu Yalou felt deeply wrong, and he could not persuade Lin Biao, so he directly found Zhou Enlai, who was commanding the battle at that time.

Zhou Enlai listened to Liu Yalou's suggestion and took it for granted, changed his strategy and fought the Huangpi ambush battle, and achieved the glorious results of completely annihilating the enemy's 52nd Division and capturing the division commander alive. Liu Yalou also began to emerge, attracting the attention of the chairman and others.

Xu was too clever for Liu Yalou to spend most of his time studying at the Red Army University and became the head of education at kang da in 1938. This made him unhappy, who was concerned about the battlefield, and specifically found the chairman to ask to fight on the front line.

Here I have to admire the chairman's insight, he has long seen Liu Yalou's wit, know that this rare talent needs more precipitation and tempering, and will definitely shine in the future. So instead of letting him go to the front, the chairman sent him to the Frunze Military Academy in the Soviet Union for further study in the same year.

Liu Yalou's mood at that time was very depressed, but he soon understood the chairman's good intentions. The cadets of our army who participated in the training of the Frunze Military Academy are all carefully selected rising stars and talents that our party and our army attach great importance to, and among Liu Yalou's classmates are Marshal Liu Bocheng and Zuo Quan, who are first-class talents.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

During the study period in the USSR

Liu Yalou secretly resolved to study well and then make contributions after returning to China in the future, but he did not expect that he would soon encounter trouble.

Liu Yalou is a native of Fujian, has a heavy accent and struggles to learn Russian. This is also reflected in Marshal Liu Bocheng, whose Sichuan accent has also caused a serious obstacle to his learning of foreign languages, but Liu Shuai does not wait and does not rely on it, from morning to night, he holds a grammar book in his hand, and he is stunned that he has spent more than half a year to overcome the language barrier.

Liu Yalou did not attach great importance to this matter, but not long after arriving in the Soviet Union, he was hospitalized for acute appendicitis. The nurse asked him if he needed anesthesia for the operation, and Liu Yalou couldn't understand it, so he could only shake his head wildly. As a result, on the operating table, the pain was unbearable, and in order to Chinese face, his teeth were about to be bitten out of the blood.

After the operation, the nurse held out his thumb to him, but Liu Yalou secretly scolded in his heart: "Mother, I quickly learned this Russian." But it wasn't over, and a few days later he was lying in his hospital bed recuperating, and because he felt that the pillow was uncomfortable, he wanted to call the nurse to add a pillow. Suffering from not being able to express it, Liu Yalou had to point to the nurse, patted the pillow again, and finally in order to show friendship, he also made a "ya" gesture.

This is broken, the little nurse thought that Liu Yalou wanted her to sleep with her, crying and crying, and left, looking for the dean to complain. In the end, the dean, who was still slightly fluent in Chinese, figured out liu Yalou's meaning, and things were clear, and Liu Yalou was also made a big red face. I am even more eager to be discharged from the hospital and pay close attention to learning the language.

This attribute of intelligence is generally born with itself, and it is difficult for others to learn Russian to Liu Yalou here, which is not a thing at all, and soon he conquered the language barrier and began to seriously study military theory. It didn't take long for his military talent to stand out.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

Liu Yalou and wife of Russian descent

In 1941, Germany invaded the western part of the Soviet Union and wanted to invade Moscow. At that time, Stalin thought that the German army would follow Napoleon's old path and attack Moscow from Ukraine.

At that time, the soviet high-ranking generals all agreed with this view, the Frunze Military Academy engaged in cadet discussion, Liu Yalou after careful analysis, believed that Hitler was a mechanized unit, unlike Napoleon's cavalry, more likely to go to Belarus. Unfortunately, his views did not attract enough attention, and it was later proved that Liu Yalou's analysis was completely correct, and he also attracted Stalin's attention.

After this incident, the Soviets invited him to participate in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, and wanted to leave Liu Yalou behind, but they did not let him return to China for a long time, and suggested that he change his nationality, but Liu Yalou resolutely refused. In 1945, under the pseudonym Wang Song, he returned to China with the Soviet army that had sent troops to the northeast, but had already missed the entire War of Resistance Against Japan.

However, there was no time for him to be upset, because the liberation war was already in full swing, and Liu Yalou was given the important task of serving as chief of staff to his old superior Lin Biao, responsible for the liberation of the northeast.

Lin Biao attached great importance to Liu Yalou; other field armies reported to their superiors, and their signatures were always commanders and political commissars, such as Liu Deng of Erye, Chen Su of Sanye, and only Siye; the telegrams of the headquarters were always signed by three people: "Lin Luo Liu.", Lin Biao even said: "Liu Yalou alone can top three chiefs of staff." It can be seen that Liu Yalou's ability and Lin Biao's weight on him.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

And Liu Yalou really lived up to expectations. The most typical one was the attack on Jinzhou in the Liaoshen Campaign in September 1948.

At that time, the decision of the central government was to ask Siye to attack Jinzhou in the south, and the chairman repeatedly sent telegrams urging him to seize action. However, Lin Biao hesitated, he was worried that the attack on Jinzhou would be attacked by the enemy in Shenyang and other places, and thinking about it, he even called the Central Military Commission in the name of Lin Luoliu without authorization, proposing to abandon the attack on Jinzhou and instead go north to attack Changchun.

As chief of staff, he clearly understood the current situation, and attacking Jinzhou was not only necessary, but also more secure, and could also make the defenders of Changchun desperate.

To this end, he pulled Luo Ronghuan and went out of his way to persuade Lin Biao, and finally changed Lin Biao's thoughts.

In order to ensure the victory of the Battle of Jinzhou, Liu Yalou swung a large array of ecstasy, and he let several divisions march to Changchun with great fanfare, and then secretly returned by train at night, and continued to concoct the next day, creating the illusion that our army would attack Changchun on a large scale.

Liu Yalou's performance was so real that the Jinzhou defender Fan Hanjie was completely defenseless, and when the army besieged the city, he had just brought his wife to Jinzhou for a reunion.

With the concerted efforts of Lin Luoliu, Jinzhou took only 31 hours to announce the change of hands, and then the desperate Changchun defenders also chose to revolt, and the liaoshen campaign was decided by this point, and the liberation of Liu Yalou in the northeast was indispensable.

Liu Yalou's wit did not stop there, and after the Liaoshen Campaign, he took the initiative to ask Miao to command the Tianjin Campaign. At that time, the Central Military Commission envisioned attacking Tanggu first, but after Liu Yalou conducted on-the-spot investigation, he found that Tanggu was salty on three sides of the canal, which was very unfavorable to forming an encirclement against the enemy, so he suggested attacking Tianjin first.

On the one hand, it can buy time, and on the other hand, it can also cut off the escape route of the enemy in Peiping, killing two birds with one stone. The chairman received the telegram, and after learning that it was Liu Yalou's idea, he quickly agreed.

Tianjin is an important town in the north, and Beiping is dependent on each other, Chen Changjie painstakingly operated, leading 130,000 troops to garrison, which can be described as water leaking. He boasted about Haikou: "Tianjin's defense, holding on to it for half a year, has absolutely no problem." ”

Although the Central Military Commission did not believe Chen Changjie's boasting, it did not think that it would be able to take Tianjin quickly, and the time limit given was 3 days. But Liu Yalou was full of confidence and said bluntly: "It won't be that long, and within 30 hours I can guarantee that Chen Changjie's Tianjin Fortress will be beaten to pieces." ”

Under the pretext of receiving enemy representatives in the north of the city for peace talks, he created the illusion that the focus of our army's command was in the north of the city, and asked Chen Changjie to transfer the main defensive troops to the north of the city.

At the same time, Liu Yalou launched a general attack, and ten minutes later, the east, west, and south were in full bloom, and 29 hours later, 130,000 defenders in Tianjin were completely annihilated, and after being captured, Chen Changjie woke up like a dream and shouted that he was deceived.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

The Tianjin War created the cleanest and cleanest urban offensive in the history of our army, and since then, no one has dared to despise Liu Yalou in the slightest because he did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In 1950, when the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out in full swing, Liu Yalou, with his foresight and foresight, was the first to realize the importance of the Air Force, pointing out that it was necessary to quickly form a volunteer air force, and analyzed that because of the huge disparity in strength with the US Air Force, it was necessary to train to a certain scale before participating in the war.

He proposed to set up an air force in the northeast, after all, there is a Soviet air force protection here, which can be trained in actual combat and progress the fastest.

This plan was sent to the Central Committee, and the chairman immediately gave instructions: "Everything can be carried out in accordance with Comrade Liu Yalou's plan." ”

Facts quickly proved Liu Yalou's foresight; due to the precautionary measures and the early layout, the Volunteer Army's own air force was soon able to participate in the war, which greatly reversed the inferiority of our army in the air and shot down a number of enemy planes.

After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the chairman saw all of Liu Yalou's efforts in his eyes, and he decided to entrust him with the heavy burden of forming the Chinese Air Force. In this way, Liu Yalou became China's first air force commander.

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

Liu Yalou and female pilots

Liu Yalou was exhausted about the last job entrusted to him by the party, and he continued to work despite the detection of advanced liver cancer, and personally led the compilation of air force regulations textbooks.

On May 7, 1965, at the moment before his death, Liu Yalou, lying on the bed, struggled to squeeze a few words out of his throat: "Ordinance ... To make it up, remember to send one... Eight Treasure Mountain. ”

Liu Yalou, who was awarded the title in 1955 and did not participate in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was awarded the title of general?

Wang ShiBei fixed zhongyuan day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Naiwong.

At that time, the new Chinese air force was very weak and small, and it was always facing the threat of US and Chiang Kai-shek aircraft, which became the most worrying thing for General Liu, and he dreamed that this people's air force could grow up quickly and guard China's blue sky.

Today, our J-20 has gone to heaven, and no country in this world dares to flaunt its might in our territorial airspace, and General Liu Yalou's wish has finally come true.

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