
How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

author:Journal of Family Physicians

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

First, let's tell you a cold joke:

After a couple with a difference in height came out of the orthopedic department, the wife smiled and looked up and said, "After being with you, my neck is better"! The husband bowed his head and replied, "Really?" But the doctor said I had cervical spondylosis."

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

Forehead, for cervical spondylosis, is it really like the joke said, looking up can cure cervical spondylosis? Often bow your head and get cervical spondylosis? Bullshit!

Jokes to see, if the girl suffers from cervical spondylosis, it is not to find a boyfriend with the most cute height difference can be cured - of course, if the boy has a small girlfriend, he will not necessarily get cervical spondylosis, because cervical spondylosis, although it is very common, but it is not something you want to suffer from, you can cure it.

The so-called cervical spondylosis refers to the degenerative degeneration of cervical discs and its secondary degeneration of intervertebral joints that stimulate adjacent tissues, which then causes a series of vascular and neurological symptoms, such as neck and shoulder pain, hand numbness, foot numbness, limb weakness, abdominal band feeling, or headache, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, etc.

According to relevant statistics, there are currently more than 50 million people with cervical spondylosis in China, showing an upward trend. However, there are many people who have a lot of misunderstandings about cervical spondylosis, and the following is an answer for everyone:

Turning your neck and rattling is getting cervical spondylosis?

Some young people, such as bowing their heads and working for a long time, will habitually move their necks, and sometimes they will make a popping sound.

If you are in your 40s and have calcifications of the cervical ligaments, you may have a pathological popping sound. So, what is the reason for the sound of the young man twisting his neck?

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

This may be the sound made when soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules around the vertebral body are sliding through various parts of the vertebral body when twisting the neck.

Therefore, young people with this phenomenon should go to regular hospitals to ask a specialist for examination, and if no other signs and symptoms are found, they should not carry the burden of cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis with bone spurs is cervical spondylosis?

Having bone spurs in the cervical spine does not equal cervical spondylosis. The long bone spurs of the cervical spine are just a normal physiological degeneration.

If you take cervical spine X-rays of people over the age of 40, you will find that many people have different degrees of bone hyperplasia.

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

This is because with age, the intervertebral discs between the cervical vertebrae will have different degrees of degeneration, the fiber rings become loose and the cervical vertebrae become unstable, resulting in the ring fibers long-term pulling the periosteum at the edge of the vertebral body, causing micro-bleeding subperiosteal, and gradually leading to hematoma calcification, which is what we usually call bone spurs.

Many people have severe bone spurs without any symptoms, so it cannot be judged that cervical spondylosis is based on the fact that there are bone spurs on X-rays.

Because cervical spondylosis is a relatively complex clinical syndrome caused by cervical spine lesions, to diagnose cervical spondylosis, it is necessary to look at abnormal changes on X-rays, but also according to the pathological changes in the cervical spine caused by the nervous system and vertebral arteries, etc., the corresponding clinical symptoms of stimulation or compression, and the conclusion can be concluded after comprehensive analysis.

It is also worth noting that bone spurs cannot be removed, and do not listen to street advertisements and traveling doctors.

Tingling or tingling in the arms and hands is cervical spondylosis?

Some people work long hours and will have symptoms such as tingling or pinprick-like tingling in their arms and fingers, although these symptoms are also common manifestations of cervical spondylosis, but they still cannot be jumped to conclusions that it is cervical spondylosis.

Other conditions such as frozen shoulder, neck rib syndrome, bicepsitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc., can also present with these symptoms.

Will it be better by massaging cervical spondylosis?

Many people know that massage has a certain effect on the treatment of cervical spondylosis, but in fact, not all cervical spondylosis can be treated by massage, and not everyone will perform massage treatment.

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

The neck of the human body is relatively fragile, and the spinal cord, vertebral arteries are passed through here, if the massage is too strong, the movement is uncoordinated, or the patient does not cooperate well, especially when doing the rotation of the neck and the tilt wrench, it is easy to cause the patient's neck fracture or dislocation, which can seriously damage the spinal cord, so that the patient is paraplegic, and can only spend his life in a wheelchair.

In addition, there are some cervical spondylosis that cannot be massaged, such as MRI examination showing that the disc is prominent, severely compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots, or the bone spur is large, seriously compressing the nerve roots or vertebral arteries, if these cases are treated manually, it will aggravate the damage to the spinal cord, nerve roots or vertebral arteries, resulting in serious consequences.

Therefore, for the massage treatment of cervical spondylosis, it is necessary to find a massage specialist, and the doctor then considers whether the patient can use massage techniques to treat and what kind of massage techniques to treat according to the patient's condition.

Will cervical spondylosis eventually become paralyzed?

Cervical spondylosis is a relatively complex cervical spine syndrome, there are multiple subtypes, of which only myelopathy cervical spondylosis is not treated in time, when the condition is severe, it will paralyze people, other types will not cause paralysis.

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

(Chinese Family Doctor WeChat public account ID: jtys1983)

The above said so many misunderstandings about cervical spondylosis, I believe that many people have not seen before thinking that they have cervical spondylosis, then, for us who actually do not have cervical spondylosis, how to prevent it?

Sit in a sitting position

Keep your spine straight when reading, keep your spine straight, and don't tilt your head. When working and studying, you should move your neck every 10 minutes, and feel free to look up or rotate left and right. Every 1 to 2 hours between them, you should freely stretch your limbs for 3 to 5 minutes.

Adjust the sleeping position

The best sleeping position is mainly supine, supplemented by side lying, and prone is the worst.

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

Choose a pillow

In addition to exercise, experts also recommend that for people with a tendency to develop cervical spondylosis, choosing a suitable pillow can also be prevented.

How many of these cervical spondylosis myths do you know? The first one will be the hit!

At present, there are some health pillows on the market, which can protect the neck and relieve muscle spasms, so that the neck can be relaxed in a sleep state.

Choose a pillow with the right height, the general principle is: people who are accustomed to lying flat, choose a pillow about one fist high; people who are accustomed to lying on their sides should choose a pillow about two fists high.

And the focus of the pillow is not the pillow "head", but the pillow "neck", and the cervical spine and the pillow should fit seamlessly.

Do exercise

To prevent cervical spondylosis, you can take your favorite sports, such as walking, playing ball, swimming, etc.

After sitting for a long time, you need to stand up and exercise, twist your neck to do exercises, and tilt your head twice to the left - two to the right - bow your head - look up - rotate clockwise - rotate counterclockwise, so repeat many times to achieve the purpose of prevention.

The most important thing is to form good living habits and working styles.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to a cervical spine exercise protection that can be done anytime and anywhere

Tips For HeadHand Confrontation Training

The ten fingers of the hands are crossed behind the neck, the head is extended backwards with force, the hand is blocked by force, the force is resisted, although the head does not move, but through the competition of two directional forces, the corresponding neck muscles are contracted; similarly, we can use our hands against the left side of the head, the head is biased to the left, the hand and the head are resisted, and the right side is the same.

As the saying goes, "Go to work to cure the disease." "When cervical spondylosis hasn't bothered you yet, start getting away from it."

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Is there anything else you would like to ask about cervical spondylosis?

Xiaobian did not write before he also suspected that he had a serious cervical spondylosis. (>_<)

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This article is written by Tan Jingwen

Official WeChat: Family Doctor (ID: jtys1983)

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