
Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett

author:Citrus fairy

<h1>Fruit fly hazards</h1>

Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett

<h1>Preventive agent - Gorrett</h1>

Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett

Dispensing: 1 bag of medicine mixed with water 2-3 times, mixed into a liquid medicine about 1 kg (500 grams), with 1 acre of land, the liquid is viscous, to be fully shaken.

Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett

Find a point: there are many shade ventilation leaves, select 1 point every 5-8 meters, and distribute 10-15 points per acre evenly in the orchard.

Spraying: Spray evenly to the front and back sides of the leaf, the size of a straw hat, so as not to flow.

Timing of medication: Select the target crop real flies to start the drug during the harmful period, choose rainless weather, and use the drug once every 6-8 days or so.

Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett
Let the fruit fly have nowhere to escape the fruit fly hazard control agent - Gorrett