
Banai's past

author:Zou Xiaoying

At the 2021 Golden Melody Awards, when Wan Fang came on stage to receive the award, she cried while saying that she thought that this award was Banai's. She said that Banai's song, in which she was in trouble, was giving her a lot of encouragement. When Wan Fang was saying these words, she did not see Banai sitting in the audience. Then the camera went all the way to Banai, and I saw Banai for the first time, as strong as Banai, and couldn't help but cry.

Banai's past

Later, Wan Fang also said on the social network that she originally thought that Banai was a particularly strong person, and we all received a lot of encouragement from Banai, and it turned out that she also had such a side.

Banai's past

So I also remembered a past story about Banai.

That was the beginning of 2007. I had just graduated from college, and then I lost my job, had nothing to do, and wandered around the Internet. One day, on QQ (it is really QQ), a brother named Tang Wei added me, he introduced himself, he is from a record company called Star Alien, just launched a few new records, he read the music review I wrote on the tom music forum, very interesting, so he asked a friend for my contact information, wanted to ask me to listen to this record.

At that time, I had actually debuted as a new music critic for a while. In addition to my music reviews on Sina, NetEase, Sohu, and Tencent, you can also see my columns in the Southern Metropolis Daily, but the relationship with the "record circle" is not much. I quickly left my contact information, and Tang Immediately sent me two records. One is Chen Jiannian's "Ocean", and the other is Banai's "Mud Doll".

Banai's past

So, in the days when I "graduated equal to unemployment", Banai was the voice that accompanied me the most.

Wan Fang said that during that time, she would often loop Banai's "Don't Please" in the car, which was a song that "made me suddenly collapse in front of the red light while driving and cry out on the steering wheel." I feel the same way as Wan Fang. Banai has a chorus in this song that breaks through everything, when she sings:

I don't want to be so cheesy

I don't want to follow the rules that others say

I don't want to turn into a machine that makes money and spends money

I don't want to become incapable of love

As a sensitive and fragile Pisces who often has no confidence in himself, for a person who was full of ambition but felt countless abilities at that time, I was resistant to the whole society, I kept shouting "don't don't don't don't", but I knew I was running away.

Then the next critical hit is Pauai Wanderer:

So I said goodbye to yamashita's home

I really don't want to let the tears flow easily

I thought I wasn't bad and I wasn't afraid

That's how I grew up taking care of myself

I don't want to put my head down because of reality

I thought I wasn't bad at learning to be false

How to see through the lies in the mask

Don't let my heart scatter like sand

If one day I get more complicated

Can you still sing the painting in the song?

At the age of 22, when I was disappointed in the world, Banai held my hand tightly in her voice and told me that you can be vulnerable and you don't need to be strong. Thank you Banai.

Later, also because of the recommendation of the netizens of the Tom music website, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to work at NetEase. I was like a wandering child on the street, and suddenly I was picked up.

In the middle of that year, Tang Yu came to me again, and he asked me how I felt about working at NetEase. We should have been eating in Wuyang New Town that day, and as he spoke, he suddenly took out a sack of CDs from behind. Tang Said, This is our home, The New Record of The Star Alien; I see the music reviews you wrote about Banai and Chen Jiannian. It was great. I think you'll love our new record.

I opened it and looked at it, and there were: many CDs by Lin Yifeng; Soda Green's self-titled album (MP3 I've heard badly); nature volumes; AM Orchestra's AM to Dawn; And Three Orchestra (does anyone know about this group now?). And – there's also a joint scene of Banai and Chen Jiannian's "Warrior and Rice Spike"!! Oh my God, I've been listening to this MP3 for a long time! I love Banai's "You're Happy So I'm Happy" too!!

Tang Said, this set of records, we called "Extraterrestrial Independent Music Feast", we played a slogan, called "Opinionary Listening". Then Tang Wei introduced me to Zhou Xiaochuan, the boss of The Extraterrestrial, so I found a day to go to the Extraterrestrial Company and chatted with Mr. Zhou for a while. I very much agree with his attitude towards indie music. He said that he could make very profitable records, but he felt that this kind of niche music, maybe 90 out of 100 copies, are losing money, but they have a meaning of existence; as long as 10 can be sold, we will not lose.

Who knows, I'll join Alien five years from now and continue to do the distribution of independent records and the promotion of independent musicians.

Later I watched the Alien ERP system, Banai, which was actually the 10% independent record that made money.

In fact, when The Alien was considering Banai and Chen Jiannian at that time, everyone initially thought that Chen Jiannian could sell more. After all, this is "the king of golden songs who defeated Jay Chou", and it is even more gimmicky. But that's the thing about music, and the power in Banai's singing can't be hidden. If it wasn't for Wan Fang's face-to-face expression this time, I actually didn't know that our feelings were the same.

Banai's past

Many of the people and things in Barnet's records slowly intersected with me more and more. The distributor of its records, the producer of the fangjiaotou records, the head of Zhang Forty-three will come to Guangzhou from time to time, although after that he and The Star Alien did not engage in any cooperation, but also often came to the company to blow water, to tell us about his history of Weishui in that year, such as how he got acquainted with Mayday these things; Banai's live "Warrior and Rice Spike", at the beginning of the time, Banai plucked a few guitars, and then said, "The person who just called me is called Ding Pu, he is very hard" Yunyun, the so-called Ding Pu, is actually Ding Dulan, At that time, I worked in The Corner Head Records, and then engaged in the Ocean Music Festival, joined Bing Creation, once became the director and second in command of the Mayday concert, that year the Mayday Bird's Nest Concert, I dipped the light of Ma Shifang, Chen Lerong and other teachers, sat in the box, and at the beginning there was a big brother dangling in front of us, checking the status of the sound on the spot, and then I looked, isn't this just a puke? I first knew him, not because of Mayday, but because the very busy man that Banai said was really busy (just knew that The sound of the pu was no longer in the country, I wish him all the best).

Since then, I have always been a fan of Banai. Although I don't like "Stop at That Blue" or the new "Love, No", I like what she does on Kaidao, I like her singing "Dawushan Beautiful Mother" and "The Wind of the Pacific", and I prefer Banai to use a guitar and sing her heart out like a straight fist.

Because of the Golden Melody Award, because of Wan Fang, I remembered these nonsense. above.